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Flopped Set 350BB's deep. What now?
So reads are, player 1 is a TAG fish, reg who is capable of, on occasion, making semi-light call downs and some pretty cool bluffs. He 5b shoved 86cc into my KK once (wasn't spewy, was a good shove imo) but haven't seen him get aggressively out of line since. He probably views me as either a spewy fish or a LAGgy reg. Have a bunch of notes but none really relevant to this spot. I've seen him not 3b JJ and TT vs my button/CO opens before, to give an idea of how nitty his general play is.
Player 2 is a very good, thinking, aggressive reg. I have limited history with him but I think he views me similiarly to Player 1. He as been playing kind of TAGgy this session but I know he is capable of good LAGgy plays, and is probably aware of his image. I think he knows who I am and think he knows that I know who he is. Not sure what impact this has but worth mentioning probably.
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So, at least he has a stack that won't wipe you out, and if you beat by an over set, well it sucks but happens from time to time. So think when i 4bet and he shoves I make a crying call expecting to see 55, but I can't really fold I don't think.
whatever action you take here is going to look really strong especially with a player still to act behind you.
i think call />raise
call, they both can be quite wide in this spot so.... meh