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Hello all
I just wondered ppls thoughts on multi table play,how can u get a good read on an opponents style if you're playing 4plus tables?i heard its just basic abc poker,nothing fancy but I tried it today and my game suffered so badly!Do u think cash games or dym are best for this style?how ppl make living doing it is beyond me :-/if abc poker if good for mt then why is it not a successfull 1 table strategy?I see guys playing 24 tables at once!!its amazing and I don't understand it at all,it's fascinating and I would love to know some of the secrets of it?
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I personally find playing the ammount I usually play (around 6-8) makes me concentrate more on the games. If i'm playing less than this ammount of tables I tend to start browsing around the net more, or watching tv between hands.
Multi-tabling can seem a bit much at first, but if you've been playing 1 table for a while, you should soon find yourself waiting for something to do inbetween lots of folding preflop. As Acidman says, just increase the tables 1 at a time.
It does depend alot of what type of games you play though, like Heads Up SnGs are alot harder to multi-table than say DYMs. This is because DYMs are alot more robotic and have a very formulaic strategy to stick to, whereas HU is very opponent dependent so you have to be paying alot more attention
It's amazing though how quickly you get used to it, to the point now that I would much rather play three MTT's simultaneously than just the one for the same reason Acidman gives, it actually helps me concentrate more and spend less time watching TV / surfing the web between hands.
If you want to improve your multi-tabling, try playing the forum DTD on a Monday night. This is three tournaments played side by side and costs a total of £5.50 to play.
If you are a proven, consistent, long term winning player, then multitabling would be beneficial to you. However as the others have said, take it one step at a time. In depth information on your opponent's, is almost always critical in having enough of an edge to be profitable, in a game that is tough, and getting tougher. It is very difficult to make ABC, readless poker work these days. Because the optimal way to play different hands will vary, against different types of players. It may be very difficult for you get enough information on opponents, if you are multitabling too many tables. Especially if you are only multitabling on Sky alone, where HUDs cannot be used.
Therefore I would recommend, very few tables to begin with. If your game is'nt suffering, by playing an extra table or tables(after a reasonable sample size) ,then add one more.
I think it was Ed Giddins that explained it on 865 once in this way... if you've been playing 10NL (as an example) long enough and know you make 10BBs per hour (£1) when 1tabling, if you start playing 2 tables and that win-rate goes down slightly to 8BBs per hour (per table), then you're still making 16BBs per hour. If you play 3 tables and your win rate drops to 7BBs per hour (per table), then you're making 21BBs per hour. You just need to find that sweet spot where you're overall win-rate is more than it would be with less tables. The more you practice, the more you will get used to multi-tabling.
One thing to note is that it does take a very long time to be able to konw your true win-rate but you should be able to get a feel for if playing more tables is making you play worse/lose more after you've done it for a while.
It is definitely something I'd do in DYMs too, because if you play them correctly they require SO much folding, and becomes very boring if you play 1 at a time.
7:15pm Deepstack - £2.20 buyin
7:45pm Deepstack - £1.10 buyin
8:30pm Take on Tikay - £2.20 buyin
They usually get about 160ish people in each tourney, paid out same as any tourney, so usually about top 20/30 places. First prize in the £2.20 ones is usually £100, and in the £1.10 one is about £50.
A couple of people on the forum set up a league where they take your best 2 results from that night and the lowest score wins (1st place getting 1 point, 2nd place getting 2 etc.). Sky have put up prizes so if you win, you'll get free entry into a decent tourney.