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Just been playing in my Nuts Poker League, finished seconds, all in with 10 5 on a flop or 10 5 6, he had pocket Aces! turn 7, river a 6!!!

Anyway won £100 so happy days

Anyway wanna talk about a hand.....
6 players left, blinds 5/10 thousand, guy goes all in 40 thousand, guy next to him re raises all in 97 thousand, ive got AK off in the bb, im chip leader with 230 thousand chips......i fold? JQ clubs vs AQ off

they both dont hit and a King come on the river......cue the abuse of the worst fold ever!
My reason on folding 1. thought maybe AA or KK? 2. do i really wanna risk half my stack on AK off 3 ways? If id of been short stacked id of called all day but being in a healthy lead i thought i'll pass this time and wait for a better situation. Does anyone see my point or is it a call all day? Nobody could see my point on folding and i got pretty ripped
Thoughts please.....
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Ok so a 4BB shove, and then a 9BB re-shove, yeah I think you should probably call. With the stacks that shallow, it massively widens their range and as DONK said, you got 2 pots up for grabs.
How can you possibly be considering AA/KK, I mean yeah it's possible but when both people have less than 10BB, they could equally have 22+, AT+ KQ, QJ, or worse depending on how good/bad the players are.
Still grats on second place
23bb stack ourselves
Only need to beat the 10bb stack to come out a winner. Opportunity to knock out 2 players and increase our chip lead....
I'd need a very strong reason not to call.
Real point for me is this: We are likely playing a shove fest now (reshoving) with 23 bbs any way. If we call and lose, we still have a 13bb bullet. Our PF options remain pretty much the same, reshove or shove. So losing doesnt hugely impact our ability to play. In this kind of format their are actually a few benefits to being shorter (i.e. decisions are easier etc)
I dont like calling it off in these spots either tbh, but think the pro's outweigh the cons far too heavily not to.
The fold is not that bad, not great either.....6 players left you have AK with that action you should be happy to flip for half your stack - u lose u still have 13bb - win = yipeeeeeeeeeeeee TID
I find the fold to be a very passive play )
Just grab your balls and stick em in