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The best way to make profit??
Hello everyone,
Iv been thinking about different games and sng and other options and i cant work out how u are meant to make money. sng's r poor, as for example you play 2 5.50 dym at the same time and dont win both you still make a loss. Cash games are supposidly where the best players are so you dont really want to have to work that hard for your money and tournaments are okay but your constantly have to finish in the top 1-10 in order to make a decent profit. So whats best and why ??
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hi robbie,
i,ve no idea.
think u have 2 work out which format suits you & your game best.
as u say cash is tough,but thats the way it is,all the best players play it,as u say.
as 4 dym,s.yes win 1 lose 1 is no good,
u need to win 55% or higher at lower levels just 2 break even.
tournies?very hit & miss.could go days /weeks with no real good cash.
whatever you choose,just enjoy it m8.
what could help you decide is the ammounts of cash 4 points return that you get
for each discipline,as that will guarantee you a return each month.
ie;i,ve been playing dym,s all week and although i am only level from playing them
i have already built up 855 c4p,so if i keep it up all month,
i will earn at least £24/£36+ from them alone.
best of luck m8
Personally I revel in the battle of an MTT whereas I find cash games tedious. Unsurprisingly all my best results have come from MTTs, I'm barely break-even in cash.
Good luck to you.
MTTs are certainly not the easiest and many would say that MTTs are probably the hardest way to grind out a living, that's why almost all pros ffund MTTs through cash games and other formats.
imo cash is where the steadier profits can be made,
whatever you play, to make a profit you have to put the hours in, be it playing or learning from other sources
i play sit n goes, dym, cash and mtts and mix it up if im doing well in one ill stick with that. Mtts are great if you are any good and although its harder to win one when you do it gives you a lot of buy ins for the others formats to make a proftit and grind up a bigger profit, then you can play a few more mtts aswell. Stick to a strickt br and play with what you are comfortable in losing. If your any good you will win some. If your lucky you will win some, if your ul well thats poker and if your bad at poker give it up and try something else. Nothing is certain all you can do is try your best, learn and try and improve.
I would always recommend people looking to make a profit from poker, focus almost all their energies on mastering cash. Two reasons for this are as follows.
1 You can table select in cash games. Impossible to do this in MTTs, and more difficult in SNG's. Although you said that the best players will be found playing cash, and that is by and large true, you can avoid these players. If you see a lot of multitablers playing on a table, just look for another table.
2 The blinds never go up in cash games. Any time the blinds increase in poker the skill level diminishes(and therefore any edge) and the luck factor and the variance increases.
What you are looking to do in poker is find players you are significantly better then, and play against them in a format that will maximise your edge. This will give yoiu the best chance of overcoming rake and being profitable. Cash is the best vehicle to facilitate this.
I would suggest spending a lot of time watching cash training videos, thinking about how to play hands better, then begin playing the lowest stakes cash games. If you are profitable at this cash game stakes, after two or three months of playing, say 20 hours a week, then move up to the next stakes, as long as you have built up a bankroll of at least 50 buyins for those stakes
An added benefit of playing cash is that variance will be far far less than MTT's. A winning cash player will have more winning sessions then losing sessions. A winning MTT player will have a ratio of 4 losing MTTs to 1 profitable MTT, at best.If you feel that you are better then 90% of the field in an MTT and will only get a profitable return on your investment 1 in 5 times, at best. This can be frustrating, demoralising, confidence shattering, and tilt provoking. Also it is very hard to get an accurate gauge as to whether you will be a long term profitable player in MTT's.