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Llamas' Little Locomotion
Hello all!
I enjoy MTTs and I'm very much a recreational low stakes poker player. As a mum of 2 young monsters/children I don't always find the time to fit MTTs into my day with maximum concentration.
So I thought I'd post a little thread about my Sit & Go challenge I've set myself.
My goal is to play 100 £1.05 HU hypers and 100 £1.15 DYMs and stay in profit. Although SNGs aren't my forte, I am here to improve on them and eventually move up a level.
The lesser of the two "evils" in my opinion is heads up hypers, and I have already given myself a head start in my challenge by having already played 100. It was quite a shock to the system with the high level of variance, but I very much enjoyed how many games I could get through during a short space of time.
My win rate was 54%, and I'm very happy with that considering I had probably only played about 10 HU games before, although none of them being a hyper.
So I'll be starting my first DYM session tonight, not sure how big of a session I can fit in each night as I've got to make room for Lambert to do his cash and we've only got one laptop.
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Am sure you will do well!!
PS 2 laptops ftw
Couldn't get a long session in tonight but I started
Played 6, won 4.
I think the last time I played DYMs was last year, and goodness me - they've changed! About 4 of my 6 games reached level 10, and that rarely ever happened back then. Is this now the norm?
Plan to get a good slog in tomorrow.
DYM Profit/Loss - £1.10
I found the same thing when I experimented with a few DYMs recently; the days when you could fold your way into the money at most tables while the rest went to war and knocked each other out are long gone. It seems to me that most of the maniacs have switched to low buy-in Bounty Hunters leaving a higher proportion of competent regulars in the DYM player pool.
reading ur OP im suprised you where shocked at the variance HU, in my experiance this is the highest variance form of poker, but i may be proven wrong. although it is probably the easiest to rally up a quick profit.
may i ask how are you monitoring your profit/games?
I have a spreadsheet that keeps me updated with how many games i've played with my current win rate and profit/loss etc.
Spreadsheets don't look so pleasant when they've got a 5 streak of red, and it did take me quite a while to get out the mindset "now i've got to win this one" and then I went and played like a fool.
Oh and doing the DYM challenge, currently on my "home" level 3 now, the £1 ones.
So, played 6 again tonight. Bit of a stinker really, got some nasties. Won 3.
Today's Profit/Loss - -£0.90
Overall DYM Profit/Loss - £0.20
It'll pick up, honest.
It's been a swingy nasty 10. Ran my AA into quad 2s, felt like a bit of a tool lol - I still see my notepad looking at me from the other side of the room. QQ into AA pre, KK into AA pre, AK into AA pre. It's been a hoot.
So I won 5 of them. Looking forward to a sweet 10 on the horizon
Today's Profit/Loss - -£1.50
Overall DYM Profit/Loss - -£1.30
Where am I upto? 53 games.
Now the Llama/Lambert household owns 2 laptops, it's depressing watching Paul storm through the HU hypers while I fall asleep on the other couch DYMing. I can't wait to finish these, I have the attention span of a baby meerkat.
DYM Profit/Loss - £9.05
* Joke stolen from Chegwin
I'm not sure. Reluctant to go back to the heads up, but my attention span is pants.
I'll see if I can work on it while I finish this DYM challenge.
Had a nice boost to my BR last night so I might just move up a level.