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60 runners with 45 mins to go... amazing thanks all!18AND5TIME5000 3barrels5000 67Bhoys5000 AcidMan275000 bearlyther5000 bobanweave5000 Boxster5000 bungle725000 chew075000 DELTA5000 DOHHHHHHH5000 donkeyplop5000 Donut645000 DTWBANDIT5000 EDNI75000 engy5000 FLASHJONNY5000 FlyingDagg5000 GELDY5000 Giant8115000 GIBBO20095000 GliterBabe5000 Goosen5000 GREGHOGG5000 HITMAN_RV5000 ionny5000 jimHFX5000 jjjach5000 JockBMW5000 labrat645000 Largearce5000 littlewo035000 logdon5000 MADMOO5000 MAXALLY5000 mewillows5000 myrrdhin5000 penguin75000 petethepla5000 POKERTREV5000 rancid5000 rosjim15000 samantha255000 scotty775000 scouse_red5000 SoLack5000 SolarCarro5000 splashies5000 steelrod5000 stien5000 stokefc5000 Summerjade5000 The_Don905000 TommyD5000 Wacko905000 waller025000 Wilhelm5000 Woogie86885000 yidette95000 Yorkie745000
84 with a few mins left to reg...hopefully we can make the ton!
Amazing turnout!128 runners mid-week Thanks everyone and goodluck18AND5TIME5000 3barrels5000 67Bhoys5000 AcidMan275000 AFCTelford5000 ann7355000 bandini5000 bearlyther5000 BenSherman5000 bobanweave5000 Boxster5000 brice035000 budgirl5000 bungle725000 carlybun125000 chew075000 chris19635000 collibobs495000 cyraxis5000 dannieslad5000 Dazler5000 DELTA5000 djblacke045000 dog8dog5000 DOHHHHHHH5000 Dollie5000 donkeyplop5000 Donut645000 dryiceja275000 DTWBANDIT5000 Dudeskin85000 ecklam235000 EDNI75000 elo185645000 elsadog5000 engy5000 essexboy845000 FLASHJONNY5000 FlyingDagg5000 galvo685000 gbo19815000 GELDY5000 Giant8115000 GIBBO20095000 GliterBabe5000 goldenb2385000 Goosen5000 graeme19575000 GREGHOGG5000 HITMAN_RV5000 hunston035000 huuuuume5000 hynetj5000 ionny5000 jefferie055000 jimHFX5000 jimjen105000 jjjach5000 JockBMW5000 julie095000 keast035000 labrat645000 LadyFingrs5000 Largearce5000 lee1005000 lee15000 littlewo035000 logdon5000 lol_i_call5000 lundie5000 mabsue5000 MADMOO5000 mandp5000 MAXALLY5000 MELLOR855000 Menkuro5000 mewillows5000 mickjenn15000 mkgunner5000 myrrdhin5000 MyZo5000 nick5015000 OnlyOneCT5000 pagey1005000 PEGGYSU5945000 penfold5065000 penguin75000 petethepla5000 PokerKinga5000 POKERTREV5000 rainman0015000 rancid5000 riktheslik5000 rosiebob5000 rosjim15000 safc205000 samantha255000 scotty775000 scouse_red5000 simonnatur5000 slaine7135000 SoLack5000 SolarCarro5000 Spad3s5000 spice5000 splashies5000 spornybol5000 sqeakydog5000 steelrod5000 stien5000 stokefc5000 Summerjade5000 Talent135000 The_Don905000 tomgoodun5000 TommyD5000 TREMAYNE5000 UP4ITRUTWO5000 Wacko905000 waller025000 WHEELS71615000 WHOAMI1965000 Wilhelm5000 Woogie86885000 wynne19385000 yidette95000 Yorkie745000 Zog5000
Here is the Prize Pool!
Oh doh, the nut lost his JAM!! 111 Donut64 0 112 petethepla 0 113 rosjim1 0 114 Dollie 0 115 littlewo03 0 116 lol_i_call 0 117 mandp 0 118 Wacko90 0 119 pagey100 0 xxPosted by TRIP5
60 runners with 45 mins to go... amazing thanks all!
18AND5TIME5000 3barrels5000 67Bhoys5000 AcidMan275000 bearlyther5000 bobanweave5000 Boxster5000 bungle725000 chew075000 DELTA5000 DOHHHHHHH5000 donkeyplop5000 Donut645000 DTWBANDIT5000 EDNI75000 engy5000 FLASHJONNY5000 FlyingDagg5000 GELDY5000 Giant8115000 GIBBO20095000 GliterBabe5000 Goosen5000 GREGHOGG5000 HITMAN_RV5000 ionny5000 jimHFX5000 jjjach5000 JockBMW5000 labrat645000 Largearce5000 littlewo035000 logdon5000 MADMOO5000 MAXALLY5000 mewillows5000 myrrdhin5000 penguin75000 petethepla5000 POKERTREV5000 rancid5000 rosjim15000 samantha255000 scotty775000 scouse_red5000 SoLack5000 SolarCarro5000 splashies5000 steelrod5000 stien5000 stokefc5000 Summerjade5000 The_Don905000 TommyD5000 Wacko905000 waller025000 Wilhelm5000 Woogie86885000 yidette95000 Yorkie745000
84 with a few mins left to reg...hopefully we can make the ton!
Amazing turnout!
128 runners mid-week
Thanks everyone and goodluck
18AND5TIME5000 3barrels5000 67Bhoys5000 AcidMan275000 AFCTelford5000 ann7355000 bandini5000 bearlyther5000 BenSherman5000 bobanweave5000 Boxster5000 brice035000 budgirl5000 bungle725000 carlybun125000 chew075000 chris19635000 collibobs495000 cyraxis5000 dannieslad5000 Dazler5000 DELTA5000 djblacke045000 dog8dog5000 DOHHHHHHH5000 Dollie5000 donkeyplop5000 Donut645000 dryiceja275000 DTWBANDIT5000 Dudeskin85000 ecklam235000 EDNI75000 elo185645000 elsadog5000 engy5000 essexboy845000 FLASHJONNY5000 FlyingDagg5000 galvo685000 gbo19815000 GELDY5000 Giant8115000 GIBBO20095000 GliterBabe5000 goldenb2385000 Goosen5000 graeme19575000 GREGHOGG5000 HITMAN_RV5000 hunston035000 huuuuume5000 hynetj5000 ionny5000 jefferie055000 jimHFX5000 jimjen105000 jjjach5000 JockBMW5000 julie095000 keast035000 labrat645000 LadyFingrs5000 Largearce5000 lee1005000 lee15000 littlewo035000 logdon5000 lol_i_call5000 lundie5000 mabsue5000 MADMOO5000 mandp5000 MAXALLY5000 MELLOR855000 Menkuro5000 mewillows5000 mickjenn15000 mkgunner5000 myrrdhin5000 MyZo5000 nick5015000 OnlyOneCT5000 pagey1005000 PEGGYSU5945000 penfold5065000 penguin75000 petethepla5000 PokerKinga5000 POKERTREV5000 rainman0015000 rancid5000 riktheslik5000 rosiebob5000 rosjim15000 safc205000 samantha255000 scotty775000 scouse_red5000 simonnatur5000 slaine7135000 SoLack5000 SolarCarro5000 Spad3s5000 spice5000 splashies5000 spornybol5000 sqeakydog5000 steelrod5000 stien5000 stokefc5000 Summerjade5000 Talent135000 The_Don905000 tomgoodun5000 TommyD5000 TREMAYNE5000 UP4ITRUTWO5000 Wacko905000 waller025000 WHEELS71615000 WHOAMI1965000 Wilhelm5000 Woogie86885000 wynne19385000 yidette95000 Yorkie745000 Zog5000
Here is the Prize Pool!
I'll drop in again in the morning.
I don't think shopmobility have paypal anymore, but any cheques can be sent to:
Shopmobility Sheffield
Westhill Lane Car Park
Eldon Street
S1 4GX
If you can put a small cover note that it is for donation due to Barry it would help us tally how much was raised.
Thank you all