Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
dont think i can take anymore river beats am starting 2 crack up its so sick
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesubhas1962Small blind 10.0010.001800.00steelrodBig blind 20.0030.001170.00 Your hole cards47 subhas1962Call 10.0040.001790.00steelrodCheck Flop 762 steelrodBet 20.0060.001150.00subhas1962Raise 160.00220.001630.00steelrodCall 140.00360.001010.00Turn 4 steelrodCheck subhas1962All-in 1630.001990.000.00steelrodAll-in 1010.003000.000.00subhas1962Unmatched bet 620.002380.00620.00subhas1962Show710 steelrodShow47 River 6 subhas1962WinTwo Pairs, 7s and 6s2380.00 3000.00
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