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Spornybol could be invited back to the forum?
Sporny rarely missed a Monday night DTD
Always gave honest help and advice to questions raised on the forum
His profile list of friends reads like a Sky Poker hall of fame
We all know he wouldn't hurt a fly
and he won a light hearted award for his moaning announced on your show
Is there no way a compromise can be reached?
I for one, miss his witty comments and am upset that it appears he's been forum banned for life!
Silly Question but is there not an appeal process were common sense can be used?
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Others have tried to get banned players back (mick jenn) for example, and failed.
Sky are tough to budge.
I wasnt here at the time to giv my own opinions, but Sporny will be missed from the forums, i do believe a lifetime ban is harsh from what i understand of the situation, but rules are there and we have to accept them.
I seriously think any appeal to get sporny einstated will fail, and because this is public knowledge we have even less chance. All appeals that have worked previously have always been done privitely. Although i do believe we need a proper appeals route.
You only need 100000 signatures and it weill get talked about in the house of commons!
But yeah would be nice to see him back on the forums, but as others have said, rules are rules and if they are seen to let one person off with it, then how can they stand there and issue the same punishment to someone else in the future.
As pod says there is no coming back. I have spoken to sporny a lot since his ban and although he says he did not realise he was breaking forum rules at the time, trolling is against forum rules. Sadly ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. Sky will not rescind a ban just because everyone has said let him come back. But it does make you wonder where our priorities lie when a few wreckless posts get you banned for life.
Sorry we can't discuss individial cases publically.
Sky Poker