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can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi guys just a quick question see what everyone views are can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?

basically a couple years ago I use to do well in mtts and then blew it all on a cash table after doin this a few times I realised I needed to improve in my cash game and over the last year or so I have defo improved and been making steady profits on cash which is great.

But now I`m the total opposite from a couple years ago I win money on the cash tables and then blow some of the profits on mtts looking for another big bink which is not happening lol.

so do you think i should just give up on mtts and stick to cash?
is is just variance kicking in just play more mtts?
or play the odd tourney as a treat on a sunday night for example?



  • edited May 2012
    Yes, although it is more commong to be good at MTTs and to be bad at cash....
  • edited May 2012
    rather play sky bingo than play cash on this site
  • edited May 2012
    I suck at both. Hope this helps.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
    rather play sky bingo than play cash on this site
    Posted by JSTFLIPPIN
    in a bad mood m8
  • edited May 2012

      I seem to have the same affliction, as shown in my diary thread. I can consistently win at 20nl and then blow it in the lure of the main event and the hope just one big win will make a massive difference.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
      I seem to have the same affliction, as shown in my diary thread. I can consistently win at 20nl and then blow it in the lure of the main event and the hope just one big win will make a massive difference.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    yeah thats what a do m8 but its just weird how my game is changed so much in the last year that I`m better at cash than mtts now or maybe i was really lucky over the last few years in mtts lol

    Must run better
  • edited May 2012

    Same here. Always done ok at cash but MTT record is shocking, although I don't play that many. I think my problem with though is I'm usually multiing cash tables at the same time and only concentrate on the MTT if I get a decent stack/nearing the FT, which by that time I'm usually out lol.

  • edited May 2012
    MTTS is just all about luck, you run good or you dont its that simple. Before anyone calls me a fool think why the top players on this site don't win all the tourny's then you know my statement is true.
  • edited May 2012

     What a ludicrous thing to say. How can Isldur win 2 of the first 3 scoops with those huge fields if it is purely luck.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
     What a ludicrous thing to say. How can Isldur win 2 of the first 3 scoops with those huge fields if it is purely luck.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    How many tournaments has he played in total? You think that because he got lucky and won 2 of the same tournaments he hasn't crashed out of countless others?
  • edited May 2012
    The best players cannot win every MTT, that much is obvious but they will show a profitable return over a long period, sure anyone with luck may win one tournament, but only the better players will ride out positive and negative variance and continually show a profit over time, a bad player will not.
    You only have to check Sharkscope to see some players have a graph like a ski slope, some may be recreational players happy to do this, some are poor players,  whereas the better players results will have its troughs and barren spells but will consistently rise.
  • edited May 2012

     Think that smith is on the wind up.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
     Think that smith is on the wind up.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    As I said on my first post, before anyone calls me a fool. I knew what was coming you can't have an opinion on this forum you get shot down straight away.

    Thanks to oppsnorth tho for having a constructive reply.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
     What a ludicrous thing to say. How can Isldur win 2 of the first 3 scoops with those huge fields if it is purely luck.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    It must be rigged by pokerstars ;)

  • edited May 2012
    Of course you'll get people arguing back, you can have an opinion, but when it's such a foolish one, you will get shot down. It's like saying my opinion is that AA will lose against AK more often than not, the fact people say it's an opinion doesn't mean you can think what you like without people disagreeing.

    Put it like this, if someone bought you into 1000 MTTs and bought in Phil Ivey to the exact same tournaments, who dya think would come away with the most money? I know who my money would be on... but then Phil Ivey is just always lucky so who knows...
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
    Of course you'll get people arguing back, you can have an opinion, but when it's such a foolish one, you will get shot down. It's like saying my opinion is that AA will lose against AK more often than not, the fact people say it's an opinion doesn't mean you can think what you like without people disagreeing. Put it like this, if someone bought you into 1000 MTTs and bought in Phil Ivey to the exact same tournaments, who dya think would come away with the most money? I know who my money would be on... but then Phil Ivey is just always lucky so who knows...
    Posted by Lambert180
    I'm not saying that over many tournaments a better player will not have a better profit generally. But no matter how skilled a player, you will not win a tournament if your card dead. If your not running well you dont win simple as. For example i'm playing in the mini bounty at the minute Ive been all in twice and found my self behind both times but hit the turn or river and come out on top both times. That's not my opponents playing bad thats me getting lucky. So please explain how me thinking that luck counts for alot in MTT's is wrong?
  • edited May 2012
    yes in one single tournament you are going to have to get very luck to win.

    just because there is a high level of luck/variance doesnt mean there isnt also a very high skill factor in MTT's
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: can you be good at cash and suck at mtts?:
    MTTS is just all about luck, you run good or you dont its that simple. Before anyone calls me a fool think why the top players on this site don't win all the tourny's then you know my statement is true.
    Posted by smith08619
    the top players do win tornys check out the mtt leaderboard and you will see the reg mtt players that cash constantly every month, they might not take down the big one every night but rest asured skilled mtt players dont just really on luck but it helps to have it run in tandem with skill so your way of thinking is flawed. If you think its just luck and no more than that your not very good at poker. And the reason your opinion is being shot down is because its nonsence.
  • edited May 2012
    And as for the argument that you need cards to win, I doubt that too, I recall seeing/hearing of a pro player who taped over where her hole cards were yet still won a game, though that may well have been a STT rather than MTT. And although I have just won a late deepstack MTT (yes a brag too) ;),  I would also wager that put me in a game with the best SKY players where they play me, position and the table, tape over their cards and let me see mine........ Id lose time after time, why ? Because I am not in their league.
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