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Live Poker In Oxford Region

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
Does anyone know where you can play live poker in Oxford (or surrounding areas)?

Ideally would wanna be playing in a casino, but will play pub games if I know they're trusthworthy/not terribly organised with terrible structures.

I've heard of a uni poker league, I assume this means me not being a student would mean I couldn't play? How strict are they on this?

Ideas please...


  • edited May 2012
    Think the nearest 'proper' poker to Oxford is in Reading I'm afraid.  Sure you could find some private games or pub games if you digged around

    Genting do some tournies but I've never been there...also cash too.

    Grosvenor just cash...been there a couple of times..seems ok but cash only runs on Friday/Saturday nights...only 2 tables on the pit floor no actual room.

    oh and check ur PM
  • edited May 2012
    Cheers Ryan. Yeah I was thinking Reading might be the closest but was hoping there might be somewhere I didn't know about.

    Apparently there's some poker and a poker league going in Rileys in Oxford. Prefer not to play pub games and stuff though cos of the reputations they seem to get.
  • edited May 2012
    I'm in Swindon so I have the same problem.

    If you're looking for a casino, the nearest ones I know of are the G Casinos in Bristol and Reading. Not been to either unfortunately.

    Got this in my favourites, which is a list of UK Casinos, with phone numbers, addresses, etc.

  • edited May 2012
    While they do have some bad reputations, I have played in a tonne of private games and never had trouble....all of which have contained various characters who have lifestyles which is best not to go into in here....private games are def the best value of any game that you can find anywhere tho.  Although as I am not new to that environment I suppose the risk to me is lower.

    But yeah if its in a Rileys I would think it would be ok....there is some poker played in the local Pool Hall where I participate in the Pool league and while I ahve never played the poker there everyone says its fun...the tournies there are only like fiver/tenners...the cash there is like 10p/20p or 25p/50 maybe 50p/1£ and I think its generally a fairly fun environment...I would think Rileys would havea  similar kind of set up.

    No harm in going down there with a mate just to check it out.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region:
    I'm in Swindon so I have the same problem. If you're looking for a casino, the nearest ones I know of are the G Casinos in Bristol and Reading. Not been to either unfortunately. Got this in my favourites, which is a list of UK Casinos, with phone numbers, addresses, etc.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    theres lots of private action going on in Swindown sir! 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region:
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region : theres lots of private action going on in Swindown sir! 
    Posted by scotty77
    Found a couple of places that I'm sure weren't on the first page of Google last time I looked :o Lol
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region:
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region : theres lots of private action going on in Swindown sir! 
    Posted by scotty77
    isnt there a private poker club, im sure donkeyplop kept mentioning to me that he wanted to visit it.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Live Poker In Oxford Region:
    I'm in Swindon so I have the same problem. If you're looking for a casino, the nearest ones I know of are the G Casinos in Bristol and Reading. Not been to either unfortunately. Got this in my favourites, which is a list of UK Casinos, with phone numbers, addresses, etc.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Look online for the KC Club in Swindon, great bunch of lads, really friendly and a LOT of banter. Quite a few play on Sky from there as well, so introduce yourself if you go. Make sure if you find the site that the address is the Supermarine diving centre (or something like that) as its recently moved from Stratton.

    FWIW The casino in Bristol is a gala not a G casino.
  • edited May 2012
    I have played in Riley's but not for a while now. The way in which the tourney's were run/played varied quite a bit from club to club, but generally were reasonably well run - but obv not to same std as a casino.

    They used to run a weekly league, from which qualifiers would go onto a live final played in a casino with a decent prize pool, not sure if this still runs - but might be worth checking out. also unofficial cash games/sngs would sometimes run.

    Not sure if it's too much of a hike for you, but i've been playing live quite a bit in Birmingham at Broadway Casino where lowest hold em game is £1/2 with a very reasonable £5/hr session charge and at G casino in Broad street with a supersoft 50p/£1 raked game. Both are easy to get to from New St station in city centre

  • edited May 2012
    dont know if you meant cash or tourney btw,  both gala and Broadway in Brum hold daily tourneys which are well attended - with modest buyins
  • edited May 2012
    One thing I did mention a while ago but didn't get much of a response... I'd be up for hosting a home game at my house for people who live close to me, but obviously would only invite people I know properly, that I've met at SPTs or whatever.
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