playing 12k BH satellite shoved all in with top pair screen froze then my stack is reduced to 140 from 3000 odd when I check hand history it says I mucked and does not show opponents cards
518611171 was the hand number if anyone from Sky reads this. I had top pair but thought my opponent must have had a flush to call my all in No sour Grapes just would like to know what beat me
Had one hour playing last night where I was sat out when holding trip Queens, folded when raising big blind and had numerous hands sat out while pressing every button to call. So why have I not complained to CC
I cashed in every game so ............. CC would ask why are you complaining. Eeeer! not happy.?
Had one hour playing last night where I was sat out when holding trip Queens, folded when raising big blind and had numerous hands sat out while pressing every button to call. So why have I not complained to CC I cashed in every game so ............. CC would ask why are you complaining. Eeeer! not happy.? Posted by logdon
As I said to you previously. you own the 30p sng's! lol
In Response to Re: anyone had this happen : As I said to you previously. you own the 30p sng's! lol Posted by DUNMIDOSH
Not technically right dunyoudosh ...... I play other DYMs but when on tilt I let leash in the 30 peeeeee ers !
Great therapy and better than free rolls recommend it to Sporny's and other bad beat Area 51 rs Also Omaha to sort your head out regard flushes straights full houses quads. ect A hug helps.?
Had one hour playing last night where I was sat out when holding trip Queens, folded when raising big blind and had numerous hands sat out while pressing every button to call. So why have I not complained to CC I cashed in every game so ............. CC would ask why are you complaining. Eeeer! not happy.? Posted by logdon
simple answer to that qquestion imo, yes i cashed but to cash i have to get lucky in these situations, when i have the hand i have the right call/raise or fold. Due to software problems i was unable to do so. I feel that this issue needed to be brought to your attention so that it can be solved and does not effect either myself or other players in future.
shoved all in with top pair
screen froze then my stack is reduced to 140 from 3000 odd
when I check hand history it says I mucked and does not show opponents cards
518611171 was the hand number if anyone from Sky reads this.
I had top pair but thought my opponent must have had a flush to call my all in
No sour Grapes just would like to know what beat me
I cashed in every game so ............. CC would ask why are you complaining. Eeeer! not happy.?
Great therapy and better than free rolls recommend it to Sporny's and other bad beat Area 51 rs Also Omaha to sort your head out regard flushes straights full houses quads. ect A hug helps.?