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Approach to a specific Live table:
just play tight )
players that think they can outplay that table are kidding themselfs
mixing it with them doesn't see like a great idea
just play big and nut drawing hands + sets )
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Rotating game of maybe 20 people. There are maybe 3 that know what they are doing.
Standard is really bad, is pretty much like watching lobotomised monkeys through faeces at one another. No understanding of bet size position or any real awareness.
But the ratio of players usually falls at 2 solid to 7 beyond crazy players. Imagine Mercier and Cunningham sat with 4 Jamie golds and 3 Farha's.
Cant Isolate a player IP (or out - whether with strength or bluff) , as your 3/4 bet will still be stationed from later seats or even raised by worse (or lvling cap says).
Bluffing is def -EV as you will get stationed and called ridic light from multiple seats.
On paper it sounds great obv, but I think if anyone has played at these kind of tables the reality can be a bit different.
Am not losing in the game, have just adapted a very tag line, playing significant edges and some favourable spots for moves. When ahead your obv just pounding for value, but is very hard to manouvres self into those spots. I guess it plays a lot like NL4 in that respect.
But as bad as the standard is I have to feel there has to be a gear/advantage I'm overlooking. Bu then again kind of feel like to play any other way would be just kamikaze given table?? Sigh lvl'd self ftw.
Just gets very frustrating watching the chips fly, seeing the gawd awful showdown hands and thinking... sigh I could of got them to put that down. But in reality you wouldnt have.
When you run well or even run avg its a profitable game, just frustrating to have to sit on the sidelines so much.
a normal(internet size raise)will be called by the whole table, how do they react (how many callers)to 10bb raise pre,20bb raise pre ect???
these players will make big mistakes so make theyre mistakes even bigger
tight abc poker value betting near NO BLUFFING,forget all about"making him lay hand down" ,u say u cant isolate then make your bets bigger pre (VALUE ONLY) if they still call make em bigger again ,if this still gets all called round table then just push pre for value with big hands ,near enough forget common internet plays /lines of isolate continuation bet ect
hand i played recentally at 1/2 live ,utg has straddle on so its 4quid to go , the whole table limps in for the 4quid straddle im in small blind with AA ,i notice fish (regular lol) on button seemed to pause and think about raising pre before puting his 4 quid in, so i jam for 300 quid it folds round to button who quicklly calls the all in for his last 188 quid and confidentally flips over 55
it can be this easy if they are this bad , this hand wasnt an exception more standard really
villain in this hand plays every night i think it costs him about 40k a year and hes not the worst !
obv wouldnt play hand this way online
u should be able to crush the game long term expect a lot of frustration but when the cards run any way decent for you u will get paid off big time ,cause u need to win at showdown ,forget non showdown winnings in games like these
good luck
Seems very familier i.e 200bb blind shoves etc. Yeah pretty much the line have been taking (above n rancid's comment). Lol just gets uber frustrating seeing kamikazes 4bet oop blind and not being able to couter or get involved due to equally blind kamikaze seats left to act.
I make it pretty big already but I guess bigger wouldnt hurt.
Fun hand from last session there where utg opens 6x, i pop it to 20x with K's. SB flats as does 6xer. 982r flop SB checks, bb fires half pot, we are all around 250 bbs deep I raise pretty big for value. SB crai, BB tank calls. I re ship, BB calls. 800ish bb pot 3 way all in on flop, SB has cold called a 3 bet with 7's oop to crai two players in 3bet pot pre with 2 overs on flop, BB has KQ off. Kamikaze overplaying 77 as the nuts binks river set... sigh.
nl100 played as nl4
Always a case of play the style that fits your table. So if its loose and wild you just have to play the nitty boring game to counter it and hope they play silly rubbish when you pick up the big hand. Hell, you know it yourself, and yes it boring, and more so when its live and only one table, but its about the only method without resorting to joining in with the monkeys and hoping to out luck them.
Often depends as well. A loose but passive table can be awesome as you can get in cheap yourself with stuff aiming for the big hands.. sets, straights and flushes with suited connetors.. hell even none suited on occasion from late.
Am very confident in all aspects of my game/approach, perhaps slightly less so than normal 250bb+ deep cash wise. Am a winner at the table overall, just frustrated and confirming that approach was best
Theres so much constant ridic action it makes you wonder if you could perhaps cast your net abit wider. If not for the equally laggy seats left to act I'd have an entirely different approach to the table, but as it is have to feel uber tight is uber right.
Very profitable table as long as we go ABC optimum. but a bit disastrous if lean towards to tiltage.
Reason for post was kind of lost my temper (just a little bit) with spewdog on heater
A good tip aswell is if to flash a lot of cash out of your pocket even if you dont intend to use it, that way when they see it they are more cautious about bullying you off hands and plus the fact you have a tight image you can bluff them big when the time is right. I pulled out about a thousand pounds cos i was gonna buy a car and bought in for £50 but the look on there faces was priceless and made them nervous. After that i overheard some players talking about me and said yea hes a big stakes cash player be carefull.
Ty for feedback all.