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Heads Up Rudeness

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
Does anyone else find the aggression (verbally, not in poker terms) in heads up cash games a bit much?

You obviously get the usual 'despite stacking me 8 times over the period of 4 hours you don't know what you're doing DONK FISH' - but i'm also experiencing proper nasty verbal abuse. Today someone sat in my HU game and before they'd even posted a blind i received 'U ****' in the chat box.

Some people!


  • edited May 2012

    We obviously don't condone ay abuse at the tables, so if you see or are the victim of abuse, please contact our customer care department and inform them of the table number and the alias of the person that is being abusive and they will receive a chat ban.

  • edited May 2012
    Oh i didn't know you could do this! Many thanks.
  • edited May 2012
    well i know it wasnt me, i thanked you after you took a bi off me :-)  (like your style by the way)

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Heads Up Rudeness:
    Does anyone else find the aggression (verbally, not in poker terms) in heads up cash games a bit much? You obviously get the usual 'despite stacking me 8 times over the period of 4 hours you don't know what you're doing DONK FISH' - but i'm also experiencing proper nasty verbal abuse. Today someone sat in my HU game and before they'd even posted a blind i received 'U ****' in the chat box. Some people!
    Posted by Pipunch
    can help but LOL at that (it could have been Charlie bronson if it was the C word lol), you should be licking you'r lips when you get these type sitting at you'r h/u table.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    Hi, We obviously don't condone ay abuse at the tables, so if you see or are the victim of abuse, please contact our customer care department and inform them of the table number and the alias of the person that is being abusive and they will receive a chat ban. Regards Lee
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    BAN Spade3, he is really annoying lol
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Heads Up Rudeness:
    Does anyone else find the aggression (verbally, not in poker terms) in heads up cash games a bit much? You obviously get the usual 'despite stacking me 8 times over the period of 4 hours you don't know what you're doing DONK FISH' - but i'm also experiencing proper nasty verbal abuse. Today someone sat in my HU game and before they'd even posted a blind i received 'U ****' in the chat box. Some people!
    Posted by Pipunch
    Rise above it. Maintain dignity. Never let it tilt you or put you off your game.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    Hi, We obviously don't condone ay abuse at the tables, so if you see or are the victim of abuse, please contact our customer care department and inform them of the table number and the alias of the person that is being abusive and they will receive a chat ban. Regards Lee
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    Good stuff Lee. I've been advocating to everyone reporting such-like behaviour. It's great because you know hey're going to tilt in the game AND when they get the ban....I've reported a few to you and if i see it i'll report it. Cheers. All the best.
    PS the time and dateof the abuse is helpful too as sky like to see it.

    PPS Maybe a sticky note at the top of general chat for a week would be an idea...
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    well i know it wasnt me, i thanked you after you took a bi off me :-)  (like your style by the way)
    Posted by pod1
    Haha thanks, i don't like yours, you're too hard to play against. I probably just got lucky.

    The problem is when i'm playing heads up i will pay to see flops depending on the opponent and people don't like this. I got called a donkey for calling a 3x raise pre-flop with 85o. Now i know it's a trash hand but i'm starting to get pretty good at reading the betting patterns and board texture so i manage to stay relatively out of danger.

    It's just pathetic that we're supposed to be on a site where only adults are allowed to play and still have to see this. If i'm playing badly i might swear at myself out loud but i won't abuse someone in the chat box for getting the better of me.
  • edited May 2012
    i found you 3 bet to see flop, just saying lol
  • edited May 2012
    there just really sad people and your better than them, if they spent more time focusing on the game at hand rather than bad mouthing you they might be better at poker but these types usualy are rubblish at the game.
  • edited May 2012
    If it were to effect you to the extent you're not enjoying the game simply turn the chat off. We shouldn't have to do this obviously, however it's just the click of a button.  Keep winning the chips and let them moan.  They only moan when they're losing.  Have fun.
  • edited May 2012
    Type lol in the chat box everytime they insult you
  • edited May 2012
    I usually just put

    ' :) ' and maybe a big 'LOOOL' if i stack them.
  • edited May 2012

    I use two apporoaches

    1. I ignore
    2. Im extra nice to them and start asking questions (this really annoys them) lol

    But ye, if the abuse doesnt stop after i ask them to, i do report them. The customer care route really does work, and i speak from experience... :(

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    I use two apporoaches 1. I ignore 2. Im extra nice to them and start asking questions (this really annoys them) lol But ye, if the abuse doesnt stop after i ask them to, i do report them. The customer care route really does work, and i speak from experience... :(
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    OI! Apologise for stealing my un-copywrited numerical bullet point jape...

    Oddy, I have heed of a repentful such thead as you may require...


    I thank you in advance.. or is that retro-vocally-advanced?


  • edited May 2012
    too many big words for hoggers there skip. i will help you greg "bow and grovel to da capt"
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    I use two apporoaches 1. I ignore 2. Im extra nice to them and start asking questions (this really annoys them) lol But ye, if the abuse doesnt stop after i ask them to, i do report them. The customer care route really does work, and i speak from experience... :(
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    yeah lol when you get the usual "read a poker book,donk ect" i often do the same,say stuff like "yeah i know,its been an honour and a privalidge playing with you,ive learnt so much,you are truelly fantastic,can you give me any tips?" and then proceed to target them for financial distruction!!hahah :-D
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Heads Up Rudeness:
    I use two apporoaches 1. I ignore 2. Im extra nice to them and start asking questions (this really annoys them) lol But ye, if the abuse doesnt stop after i ask them to, i do report them. The customer care route really does work, and i speak from experience... :(
    Posted by GREGHOGG

    Good advice.
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