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Raising Pre with fish

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
Hello Everyone,
Lately i have been playing free rolls to try and build more of a bankroll and iv struggled to understand the point in my raising up.  say for instant i have aj and a fish raises 8x pre, the flop comes 3 8 2, and his going aggresive still, and he does this with most hands because his a fish whats the point in me raising and how am i meant to have a clue on his range?? because once somone raise 300 on 10/20 blinds and had a3 off, so if his doing it with that how can i have any clue of what he has? also with fish when i raise with good hands and miss there gonna still keep betting so i will lose my raise money, would maybe another option be to limp and then hit them once iv hit, to avoid watsing money with raises.......whats ur views?


  • edited May 2012

     Welcome to the mysterious world of the freeroll.
  • edited May 2012
    Expect very unorthodox play in freerolls
  • edited May 2012
    I tend to treat them a bit like 4NL. Wait for big hands, if you hit or have AA/KK just go to valuetown, then moan when their 38off outdraws you.
  • edited May 2012
    let them do the betting and when you hit big let um hang themselves. There super aggresive cos it dosnt cost anything so play passive aggresive and they do the hard work for you :)
  • edited May 2012
    i have 2 buttons in freerolls

    all in or fold

    works for me
  • edited May 2012
    freerolls ppl play with nothing to lose as they dont you got to understand that. in these tournys you have to wait for big hands and when u hit get as much in the middle as poss if you miss fold obv villian aint always going to have a hand but neither do you and why take the risk with an any 2 carder player.
  • edited May 2012

    hmm maybe the all in is best but do i really wanna risk all my stack and let a fish hit his card and think he has done well? i dont care about the freeroll i mainly play them to try new things, and if i have bannkroll i hardly play them but this just made me think.  Its not even like i can play a hand without them involved because they go in for everything.  Maybe the best way is just going overly aggresive when youve hit, thanks for the advice everyone

  • edited May 2012
    i wouldnt agree and say go all in unless you have the nuts. Play good poker and cautious poker, play tight bet big when your ahead if you think they have fished a hand and hit fold. I came 28th outta 500 in freeroll yesterday and thats cos i knew when to get um in against players i didnt just shove and hope like most do on them. These are the ones that double you up constantly so sit back wait for something decent and make your moves, they generaly shove with anything so if your strong make the calls with top pair as long as no drawing hands are there. Dont bet on draws wait till you have hit a st8 or flush then on the river they normaly shove bluffing they have it and boom they havnt you have.
  • edited May 2012
    lol gooooooooooooo freerollsssssssssssssss go donkssss all in all the way
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    i wouldnt agree and say go all in unless you have the nuts. Play good poker and cautious poker, play tight bet big when your ahead if you think they have fished a hand and hit fold. I came 28th outta 500 in freeroll yesterday and thats cos i knew when to get um in against players i didnt just shove and hope like most do on them. These are the ones that double you up constantly so sit back wait for something decent and make your moves, they generaly shove with anything so if your strong make the calls with top pair as long as no drawing hands are there. Dont bet on draws wait till you have hit a st8 or flush then on the river they normaly shove bluffing they have it and boom they havnt you have.
    Posted by Dazler
    they just make hands uncomfrtable though and not how you want it, i end up folding most decent hands because there a good hand but not one i want a showdown with and it just annoyed me today, i stopped raising because i was just wasting money in the end.  Yeah i think i see you i come 11th in that one, well done though its hard
  • edited May 2012
    if you can win a freeroll and get through the donkfest your a not too shabby a player :) its actualy a good test playing them as i find it sharpens you up on ways to play the bad fish on real money. And your hand selections are crucial. Saying that i do play a bit like a donk on them too lol, but thats because you have no fear, and if you can take that mindset of not being afraid in real money it will help. If you have a big br and not risking much of it you are more fearless. If you have a small br and playing over it you tend to play to tight and get scared off by loose aggresive players and they can smell that.
  • edited May 2012
    Harry671 Small blind  20.00 20.00 3085.00
    robbie1992 Big blind  40.00 60.00 3565.00
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • J
    exorcism Fold     
    paledart Fold     
    mediumrare Call  40.00 100.00 2720.00
    sproule03 Call  40.00 140.00 2245.00
    Harry671 Fold     
    robbie1992 Raise  120.00 260.00 3445.00
    mediumrare Call  120.00 380.00 2600.00
    sproule03 Fold     
    • 2
    • 8
    • 8
    robbie1992 Check     
    mediumrare Bet  40.00 420.00 2560.00
    robbie1992 Call  40.00 460.00 3405.00
    • J
    robbie1992 Check     
    mediumrare Bet  120.00 580.00 2440.00
    robbie1992 Call  120.00 700.00 3285.00
    • 8
    robbie1992 Check     
    mediumrare Bet  600.00 1300.00 1840.00
    robbie1992 Call  600.00 1900.00 2685.00
    mediumrare Show
    • 3
    • 8
    robbie1992 Muck
    • A
    • J
    mediumrare Win Four 8s 1900.00  3740.00

    When i look back i should of raised flop or turn to see how guniene he was, but the point im making is why should i of raised pre? 3x raise and he calls with 83 if he dont fold that he wont fold anything, plus the other player who folded.....tell me he had a worse hand.  how can i predict he has an 8 unless its a pair
  • edited May 2012
    because pre flop your ahead and getting value so raising is good. If you bet bigger on a flop like that you ask him a question and if he flat calls you or shoves you can either put him on the 8 or somthing else but you are getting information and can then get away from it if needs be. By the time the turn comes you dont know if your J is good or not you can just asume that it is. At least you didnt lose all your chips so you did well. You can get a read on these types of players early on and chose how to play them and what hands they could have.
  • edited May 2012
    Only mistake in this hand is not shipping river.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    Only mistake in this hand is not shipping river.
    Posted by AMYBR
    yea 9 times outta 10 you wouldnt put him on an 8 so should be all in if you wanna win tornys.
  • edited May 2012
    I'm not sure we are in a position to call anyone a fish if we ourselves are playing free roll's.  It show's a lack of understanding and class, which leads to phrases like 'the idiot called.'  Its wastefully territory.  Most people that spend time condemning others play or name call miss the point of the game.  As for thinking that limping is the best solution, well wouldn't that be the so called fish logic?  Irony.  Hope you reassess and good luck out there.
    ps the word you might be looking for is opponent or villain.  
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    I'm not sure we are in a position to call anyone a fish if we ourselves are playing free roll's.  It show's a lack of understanding and class, which leads to phrases like 'the idiot called.'  Its wastefully territory.  Most people that spend time condemning others play or name call miss the point of the game.  As for thinking that limping is the best solution, well wouldn't that be the so called fish logic?  Irony.  Hope you reassess and good luck out there. ps the word you might be looking for is opponent or villain.     GL
    Posted by Archangel
    overdramatic by anychance!

    'Fish' a poker term for a player that calls raises on each street to hit a drawing hand. Hardly offensive is it!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish : overdramatic by anychance! 'Fish' a poker term for a player that calls raises on each street to hit a drawing hand. Hardly offensive is it!
    Posted by Dazler

    Just my point of view as we are all entitled to.  I'm at a loss where I stated fish is offensive though.  Another usefully troll replier spending too much time with exclamation marks and no spell checker.  I think you missed the point of the post entirely. Thank the lord for the ignore button, regardless enjoy your poker.  

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish : overdramatic by anychance! 'Fish' a poker term for a player that calls raises on each street to hit a drawing hand. Hardly offensive is it!
    Posted by Dazler
    LOOL i got told offf :(
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish : Just my point of view as we are all entitled to.  I'm at a loss where I stated fish is offensive though.  Another usefully troll replier spending too much time with exclamation marks and no spell checker.  I think you missed the point of the post entirely. Thank the lord for the ignore button, regardless enjoy your poker.    
    Posted by Archangel
    who is the Troll here? hmmm let me think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish : who is the Troll here? hmmm let me fink!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by Dazler
    fixed your post!!!!
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish:
    In Response to Re: Raising Pre with fish : fixed your post!!!!
    Posted by oynutter
    Ty m8 i did leaf a cap T in the wong pace but did farget to put the spill unchecker on. charrs
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