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you be the pit boss

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
in my local casino fri night (bpool) something strange happened. myself and another ply had been at it all night, eye balling,slow rolling,comming over the top of each other etc. basically we were having our own mini war. i decided not to play any pots with him for a while so that i could cool down a bit and maybe someone else would deal with him, so i went for a loo break and a smoke. on my return i heard he was steaming because he suffered with cooler on the last hand and lost 2 thirds of his chips. within 10 mins of sitting back down i looked down J Q  suited, i was in the highjack seat, i had just above average chips with 24 plys left in  the tourny. 3 plys fold and the villan flats, i raise 2x the other 2 plys and the blinds fold. flop comes( irrelevant) villan checks. i decide to raise. at this time i wasnt sure how much so as i announced raise (no number mentioned yet ! ) i hadnt even got to the end of the word raise he immidietly SHOUTED all in. i looked at the dealer, he looked confused, shouted for the pit boss, she came along "iv not even announced how much "??. along came another boss. any idea what the outcome was???.


  • edited May 2012
    you can then min raise if you wanna fold, if your calling then np

    the advantage is with you and not the oppo for this possible angle shoot

  • edited May 2012
    youve declared raise and hes then acted, you still get to pick your raise size in my knowledge and his all in stands as hes technically not acted out of turn. If i where you as i dont know the board i min bet fold or just put him in if the board is good.

    very weird situation being honest and although ive been a TD its not a situation ive ever came across.

    Would love to know the outcome.
  • edited May 2012
    In this instance you can min bet and then fold.  

    The only thing that may stand out is you said "Raise" instead of "Bet".  A raise would have to be 2X the BB, assuming a min Bet had already been put in the post (Which it hadn't) but you could be asked to put in 2XBB's 

    But I still think a min bet then fold 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: you be the pit boss:
    you can then min raise if you wanna fold, if your calling then np the advantage is with you and not the oppo for this possible angle shoot
    Posted by rancid
     This is def to your advantage, if you are week you can lose the minimum and if you are very strong his all in must stand.
  • edited May 2012
    Ok, so if I've read this correctly the following would be how the Tourney Director or Floor would rule in general:

    There has been no flop action up to you, therefore this is a 'bet' rather than a 'raise.'  It may appear that I am being pedantic but this is actually crucial.  You have said 'raise' which I would take as an intention to bet.  You are committed to a bet but as you are yet to announce an amount or any chips have been moved forward you are not committed to an amount.  The villain has announced all in, they are committed to be all in no matter how much you bet.  Therefore you must put in an amount of your choosing between one Big Blind to your entire stack, and then you have your action again, if you put in anything other than your whole stack, to call or fold.

    Short answer, if you want out you lose one Blind.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: you be the pit boss:
    Ok, so if I've read this correctly the following would be how the Tourney Director or Floor would rule in general: There has been no flop action up to you, therefore this is a 'bet' rather than a 'raise.'  It may appear that I am being pedantic but this is actually crucial.  You have said 'raise' which I would take as an intention to bet.  You are committed to a bet but as you are yet to announce an amount or any chips have been moved forward you are not committed to an amount.  The villain has announced all in, they are committed to be all in no matter how much you bet.  Therefore you must put in an amount of your choosing between one Big Blind to your entire stack, and then you have your action again, if you put in anything other than your whole stack, to call or fold. Short answer, if you want out you lose one Blind.
    Posted by TommyD
    dead on!!!. no point in me digressing any further. really did my head in this one, but you learn sumat everyday dont you . as it happens i was 2x raising for info ( flop 10c 10 d 8d) so i got away with 1 bb and folded. unreal situ though init?. thanks.
  • edited May 2012
    I think it's a dream situation really. If you have a monster, you get his stack, if you have junk, you can lose the absolute minimum rather than c-betting bigger and having to fold to his shove.
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