Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceFOLEYBOY1Small blind 10.0010.00750.00XBig blind 20.0030.001920.00 Your hole cardsAA cenachavRaise 60.0090.001880.00Manc99Fold ROBBIEROTTFold FOLEYBOY1Call 50.00140.00700.00XCall 40.00180.001880.00Flop J75 FOLEYBOY1Check XBet 60.00240.001820.00cenachavRaise 210.00450.001670.00FOLEYBOY1Fold XCall 150.00600.001670.00Turn 4 XBet 40.00640.001630.00cenachavRaise 380.001020.001290.00XCall 340.001360.001290.00River Q XCheck cenachavAll-in 1290.002650.000.00XAll-in 1290.003940.000.00XShow72 cenachavShowAA XWinFlush to the Queen3940.00 3940.00
Bad call pre, called 2 re raises, hits runner runner for the flush. I woke my kids up with a few very loud choice swear words when the cards were turned over!
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Ul, run better.