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Should i have known better? Early BH...say no more...
Early £500 bh, no info on players. Would a bigger raise pre have put him off(maybe 120)? Lots,play SC's early so two spades mademe think he poss had oair plus flush draw. His donk on turn was mabe pot control so i ReR 3X. His all-in is a surprise to me but i've seen players fish early so the 44 was a shock to me. Still got outs (7 so 14%).
I shrug my shoulders and sigh but should i have NOT called all-in? Cheers...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancehootSit out donkey303Big blind 20.0020.002190.00 Your hole cardsJA anyoldironFold 71merlin02Call 20.0040.002130.00profman15Raise 80.00120.001900.00iwojima03Fold donkey303Call 60.00180.002130.0071merlin02Call 60.00240.002070.00Flop 410A donkey303Check 71merlin02Check profman15Bet 120.00360.001780.00donkey303Call 120.00480.002010.0071merlin02Fold Turn A donkey303Bet 240.00720.001770.00profman15Raise 720.001440.001060.00donkey303All-in 1770.003210.000.00profman15All-in 1060.004270.000.00donkey303Unmatched bet 230.004040.00230.00donkey303Show44 profman15ShowJA River 8 donkey303WinFull House, 4s and Aces4040.00 4270.00
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My view on these moves ofen is he puts out what looks like a blocker bet and then shoves over your reraise, which means it was totally the opposite and he was strong and lookng for exactly what he got giving him the chance to shove. And for me I'd expect a large percentage of the time to be facing the case ace or a fullhouse with maybe 3 out of 10 being a flush draw.
Not saying fold is right at all, just saying that if I had a read on the person I might consider it if I got enough chips to still play effectively.Beats the rail, but it take an exceptional read on the guy to fold trips etc as others have said.