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Campaign Agaisnt Abusive Players
The reason for this is I am fed up with how many abusive players are now on this site.
This goes from the mild end of people telling other players how bad they are or they only win as the site is rigged etc to swearing to the extream end of the scale where players have told me they will beat me up at the next SPT
Now what got me thinking is sure I have been playing long enough to brush it off but what about new players or people of different character who these people must be driving away from the site? I even got to the stage if at least one person isnt nasty or telling me how bad I am I worry about my game lol
I know you can ignore them, report them but what I am concerened about is the culture changing for the worse on sky. I personally stay with sky because there is such a strong community and this is important for the sites development because other sites do offer better bonuses and high tornys but we have something far stronger with this community which we all can take advatage to learn from each other.
So my thoughts are to make sure these bullys and rude people know this is not the site to behave like that on. It would be great for example if the regulars agreed if they did see any abuse to another player maybe strengh in numbers of backing the person up so the bullys know that every time they do this they are not just attacking a player but the whole community?
Maybe we should get together a group of poker Angels to stamp this out lol
I dont know how other players feel about this but I hope a open discussion will move this forward because I for one do not a trend to continue of abusive people.
Love to hear peoples thoughts on this.
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You have to remember that ALL of the players who hurl abuse in the chatbox are just cowards and cyber warriors.
They would not say anything to your face if you played live,
I just turn chat off, it tilts them more when they DONT get a reaction.
80 percent + of these players who get abusive, are bad players, they moan about beats because they don't understand vairance, they moan about loose calls because they don't understand pot odds, or set mining etc.. etc..
Why would i want to get these players chat banned, which would probably lead to them leaving the site ?
Personally i think by getting rid of these players, we are just losing the chance of very easy money.
If you can't take abuse from a random keyboard warrior, who knows nothing about you then i believe this says alot about your character.
As an aside I enjoyed our HU battle in Survivor last night and well played.
If people do have a problem and choose to report it, then thats fine and i have no problem with that at all.
And thanks, thought I'd blew it after my awful call with QJs , but luckily (for me) i just completely coolered you. gg
sounds like the beginnings of some vigilante hate mob. the way suggested in this thread with dealing with chat abuse is ridiculous. if its that important and you're sensitive to it then report it
i have been on sky for years and seen no end of chat abuse. i have the black female avatar and you would be amazed at the amount of racist abuse its taken. at the end of the day i didnt sign up with sky for the chat functon and if i was interested in chatting to random people on the internet i would join a chatroom. im here to play poker and a few words in the chat box really does make a blind bit of difference.
I am not worried about these people it does not effect me it is a discussion about changing the culture, look back at football when it was aceptable to be racist etc and then the culture changed there.
I dont need to go crying to anyone I just wanted to raise the topic and see what people think as a site dont we need to always progress?
if you want to talk to other players use the forum
I agree with the abuse etc on site. Usually itmeans they're tilting and consequently giving you the advantage. I will ask the person being abused to 'take the high road' in order to try to stop it escalating AND to let the abuser know thathe's out of order and there is at least one other at the table who does not agree with his behaviour.
I would suggest that SKY take more obvious action by:
1. Acknowledging the excessive behaviour in a notice in general chat for a week and the consequences of anyone's actions.
2. To ask, no INSIST, THAT members report rude behaviour, stating EXACTLY what is required for members to report. eg table number, time of swearing etc, people involved and a general desciption of what happened so this can be verified. I am surprised that there have been lots of posts from people who didn't realise that they can report it. Please SKY, make people aware and let them know that their name will not be used in any contact with the abuser etc.
3. Have people scanning for rude/abusive/racist behaviour. Mind, if you don't like surely there's enough of us to report it and let SKY ban their chat for an appropriate period.
There is absolutely no need for it and the site will be better for the absence of it....
Ladies is p!mps too, go and brush your shoulders off
Sikas is crazy baby, don't forget that boy told you
Get, that, dirt off your shoulder"
I am def not moaning but poker is in relative terms a very new popular game which is and has evolved at a very fast pace. I am disappointed that people think I can not see the very basic that off course we want to have these players for easy profit but why not look at it the other way if abusive players did stop newbies joining are we not losing even easier profit?
There is things that can be done but it also requires a change of culture, I am sure these are the same people who used to go into A nd E and be abusive to the staff but now that is quite rightly not aceptable.
I dont care people have made a lot of nosies about my post because even the ones who think this is just a winge and have missed the point at least they are talking about it and thats all I wanted as that is always the first step to change attitudes
Abusive is when someone is racist, tells you die or calls you something that is offensive because of maybe a disability or such like.
Anoying is when they tell you how you should have played or just swears at you.
Abusive i report!
Anoying well they just are anoying i ignore them.