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Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Think im gonna take a break after this one
Hand History #519546871 (22:36 14/05/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHITMAN_RVSmall blind 200.00200.004850.00rusty762Big blind 400.00600.003820.00 Your hole cardsAA jjjachFold gbo1981Call 400.001000.003883.50drumahai05All-in 8107.509107.500.00lee100Fold HITMAN_RVFold rusty762Fold gbo1981All-in 3883.5012991.000.00drumahai05Unmatched bet 3824.009167.003824.00gbo1981ShowAA drumahai05Show33 Flop 635 Turn 9 River 3 drumahai05WinFour 3s9167.00 12991.00
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