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Naming and shaming and i don't even care.

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
This is the most disgraceful thing i've come across yet on this site which is largely a really great community of people.

I had 72s in the big blind and was allowed to check in with one other caller. Me and him go head up for the pot and the flop comes 2K2. I am raised, i reraise, he reraises, at which point i push all in. The guy thinks about it until one other user named ______ pops in chat saying 'i have the other 2' at which point the other guy folds.

This is an absolute disgrace and this person should be perma banned from the entire site.


  • edited May 2012
    be prepared to have your post modified :)
  • edited May 2012
    That's alright. I probably shouldn't have written this but although i've told customer care about it people should know about vile little creeps like this. It has made me steam harder than any bad beat ever and if i get warned for posting this then so be it.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Naming and shaming and i don't even care.:
    In Response to Naming and shaming and i don't even care. : Surely him admitting to having a 2 is a good thing for you?
    Posted by Wilhelm
    Well it could and couldn't be...but somehow i feel you're missing the point. It's open collusion and could have cost me a huge pot. Collusion is NOT ok just because it might work in your favour.
  • edited May 2012
    I would have thought if anything player A would be MORE encouraged to call you with a ragged K or whatever after being informed someone else (player B) had the other deuce... 

    If this is THE MOST disgraceful thing you've EVER seen in poker then you have led a very sheltered life!!!

    Who do you want to GET AN ENTIRE SITE BAN? The player who folded to your 4 bet?? Or some other joker that was in the hand? Also, what makes you think posting it here will help?

    Not really sure what your point is tbh? 


  • edited May 2012
    Once again you're missing the point or do certain people on here think collusion is ok? I've been avoiding tables that my Dad is sat on because i don't want to be accused of it, even though i live in Norwich and he in Clacton, but i might just play on the same table now and tell him all my cards seeing as though your attitude seems to be 'there's worse things out there'.

    As for the comment on who i want banning you're just being facetious and it was pointless. It's obvious who i mean. Also try reading what i wrote - worst thing i've seen ON HERE.

    And FWIW by posting here at least people who want a fair crack at a hand without bystanders telling everyone their hole cards can now choose to avoid this player. That and i wanted to rant.
  • edited May 2012
  • edited May 2012

    You see it all the time, "dam I would have flopped a full house" etc...

    I believe lucy7777 contacted sky a while back, and whilst it is 'against the spirit of the game',  there is nothing in their terms and conditions that says announcing your hand in chat, during a hand, is cheating.

    Collusion is obviously a different issue altogether, but it's unlikely to be collusion, and even if it is, it's really hard to prove. 
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Naming and shaming and i don't even care.:
    Once again you're missing the point or do certain people on here think collusion is ok? I've been avoiding tables that my Dad is sat on because i don't want to be accused of it, even though i live in Norwich and he in Clacton, but i might just play on the same table now and tell him all my cards seeing as though your attitude seems to be 'there's worse things out there'. As for the comment on who i want banning you're just being facetious and it was a pointless comment. It's obvious who i mean. And FWIW by posting here at least people who want a fair crack at a hand without bystanders telling everyone their hole cards can now choose to avoid this player. That and i wanted to rant.
    Posted by Pipunch

    It wasnt a bystander.. it was someone in the hand right? Someone who was probably gutted at folding what he thought was the best hand? (which it probably was if your kicker was 7)..

    This is obviously NOT collusion and you are trying to get players into trouble for no good reason.. Bet it gave CC a good chuckle tho!!

    Please get your dad to post here.. we might be able to get him to make you see sense..

    Chill out pal.. tis only a game!!


  • edited May 2012
    Frankly I don't understand how naming and shaming could ever be a good idea. If they're a player who you think you have a skill edge on, use that old poker expression "don't tap the glass". Also, imagine if you were the guy on the other end of this - new to the game, putting their own money in and playing the game the way they want. They then come on the forum to see they're being 'outed'. That wouldn't feel good for you, would it?

    What I do know is that it goes against what the Community here tried to encourage, which is a friendly, respectful way of playing the game. This and other threads along these lines will be closed or deleted in future so please refrain from posting them. 

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Naming and shaming and i don't even care.:
    That's alright. I probably shouldn't have written this but although i've told customer care about it people should know about vile little creeps like this. It has made me steam harder than any bad beat ever and if i get warned for posting this then so be it.
    Posted by Pipunch

    Then consider this your warning - steaming is part of the game and something we should all try to control. Please don't take it out on other players.

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