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Thursday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
The next five-hour sequence of live programming on channel 865 will feature everyone's favourite Ryan...
No, not that one.

Not even close.

Who he?

That's a bingo!!!

Bizarrely, this will actually be the first time Mr Spittles and I have worked together. So, I'm sure we can incorporate a little "getting to know you" chat...which may just lead to an on-air COMPETITION, with a couple of lucky viewers winning free entry to next Tuesday's £5k Open.

What else is on the agenda?

We'll kick off at 7pm with coverage of a £750 Gtd 30' Timed Tournament. The tournament starts at 7.10pm and costs £5.50 to enter. You can register HERE.

We've got the Poker Clinic at 8pm, so please send us your Hand IDs. In Sky Poker School at 9pm, we'll be discussing crying calls and hero calls in MTTs and cash games, so please contribute your thoughts.

And we'll conclude the evening with Top of the Pots and highlights from the £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.

Finally, we're really interested in hearing what you think about the latest improvements to the Sky Poker software (please read THIS).

Remember, there are three ways to get in touch:

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Twitter (use #SkyPokerTV)
Forum (post in this thread)



  • edited May 2012
    ahhhhhh Ri Ri actually looks depressed in that picture, maybe because we call him Ri Ri :)
  • edited May 2012
    LOL @ pic as usual.  My chip stack looks tiny thats why :(

    yeah looking forward to this...first time in the studio together since the rehersals!

    sigh Ryan Gosling *swoon*
  • edited May 2012
    LOL-- Nice picture, but would you take poker advice from this man?
  • edited May 2012
    As a player known to like the odd hero call in mtts and cash, mostly in mtts i think this subject willl be sesantional to do.

    One thing ill say about hero calling however is when you get it wrong be prepared to look like an idiot, and how much showing it will change you image on the table. Lots of positives and negitives to that of coarse.

    I wont go into my hero calls however as that would just be bragging. lol :)
  • edited May 2012
    riri looks like hes listening to 1 of tikays songs and fallen asleep lol
  • edited May 2012
    Off said topics, hope that's okay.

    1:  Ryan what do you think about running it twice at the appropriate cash levels, live and separately online (obv not micros or low level ect as farcical)?  Moreover, live if two players run it twice but you have been folded out of the hand on any street yet the pot has a decent percentage of your chips in it, let us say 20% (or a scenario of your choosing) do you have any right to speak out against them running it more than once?  This has not happened to me just found the possibility personally thought provoking as it potentially alters the dynamic pre ect.

    2:  James before poker hit the fan last year due to (shall we say) incompetence, what was your opinion about the direction of televised poker?  What did you think about the gimmicks of face the ace (canceled before black Friday) and the big game?  Should the purist's relax as they are concepts designed to grab the attention of new players?  We also have seen poker with voting off systems (damn Simon Cowell) and even the poker world cup? Can we watch entertaining poker without these additions thanks to a mix of characters and top players or does poker need to glamour future villains?
     Have a grand show gents.
  • edited May 2012
    Hi guys.

    Looking forward to the show once again.

    As for the recent changes to the site sync breaks are a massive + but even something as small as saving the lobby filters is a big help to all i am sure. Well done sky.

    Into my 7th week of online poker now and loving every minute of it and finding that i seem to be learning something knew everytime i play or watch the show.

    I know you asked for posts on crying calls but the hand i have posted is more of a crying bet :)

    I posted it a few weeks ago and it never got shown and i am still struggling to know what to do when in situations like this so thought i would post it again :)

    In the hand itself the guy who is the orig raiser was opening alot of pots from alot of different positions and i thought that my reraise would take down the pot pre but the part i am struggling with and struggle with in general is when i get called in 2 spots.

    I know by not reraising pre i wouldnt be even putting myself in these spots but i am trying not to just play ABC poker 24/7 and become see through to anyone who knows the game well so the question is:

    Do i always have to lead out here into 2 players knowing my hand is so weak or would there be no shame in checking in this situation ?

    I know i luckboxed it and got there on this occasion but this isnt a brag post because on a number of times in different hands things havnt worked out so well or i have had to be firing again on river with king high etc just to try and take the pots down.

    Any advice would be much appreaciated.

    Hand ID:  513630732  action table 24 1/5/2012.


  • edited May 2012
    Tonight's competition will involve a quiz...

    'Calling My Bluff'*

    Details will be revealed at 7pm!

    * This is in no way related to, or in any way infringing the copyright of the popular TV show 'Call My Bluff'

  • edited May 2012

    have a good show tonight james and ryan.

  • edited May 2012

    was planing a check/raise till .......

    JUST wondering if it good to call/shove to that bet on the flop. or did i play it rigth not looking at the result of course but i was just confused what to do he play it super strong.

    i actually put on a set/2pair/str8

    520526224 again for master cash

    on crying calls on the river
  • edited May 2012

    Please can you wish a very happy birthday to Dollie please for today!

    A true gent.....21 (ish) today.

    Best wishes from everyone on the forum. Cheers.
  • edited May 2012
    Your right ryan mate i was discoed with that AJ on the button :)

    Thank the lord lol
  • edited May 2012

    james, calling my bluff, it can't be story 1 as it requires you to have the ability to dance

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Your right ryan mate i was discoed with that AJ on the button :) Thank the lord lol
    Posted by _ARAZI_
    Happens to us all pal
  • edited May 2012
    I think the most important thing to point out is:
    to not get in the mind set at higher cash levels that alot of people will be making 'plays', therefore resulting in trying to 'hero call' alot more. (i.e. moving up from NL4 to NL10)
    I think its vital to know your opponent before you consider this, otherwise i believe its just setting fire to money.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Thursday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Sky Poker School at 9pm, we'll be discussing crying calls and hero calls in MTTs and cash games , so please contribute your thoughts. 
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    Hero call against me if you have Queen High or better, it's probably the best hand. :)
  • edited May 2012
    Hi James and Scotty

    Did I do anything wrong or was it just unlucky.  Hand number 0520681988.  tonights BH (£33).

    Great show


  • edited May 2012
    manic start for me in BH main event 16 mins in have 14000 chips and 6 heads crazy stuff.
  • edited May 2012
    Oh, I almost forgot to ask...

    Re: why i cant beat nl4. Sigh. some BBY but want advice. sick of losing at this level.

    posted at 22/4/2012 2:07 AM BST on
    Posts: 4197
    First: 2/7/2009
    Last: 16/5/2012
    When I have some free time I'm gonna just grind nl4 for 20k hands to show what nonsense people are saying when they come out with 'the players are too bad to beat'

    It is the most beatable level on the site.

    But it's far easier to blame other people than look at ourselves....

    Crushed 4NL yet? ;)
  • edited May 2012
    Hi James and Ryan.

    Great show so far, Ryan's analysis is excellent as ever.

    I won free entry into the 12k BH via Orfords timed tourney challenge and lasted........9 MINS!

    Hand History #520684930

    Early doors, no info on opponent, should i be folding here or just unlucky?
  • edited May 2012
    1sthand of tourney 520682015
    3 hands later 52068286

    few more heads in these 520687826 and this followed 520688340
  • edited May 2012

    on a kids show with toys in 1986?? surely at 30years old you would have been too old??

  • edited May 2012
    I played this in last Thursdays Main Event the 12K Bounty Hunter. Really aggro player and I couldn't understand what story he was trying to tell. I took my time, thought it through, then called. Is this a hero call as I thought it was? Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
    Hand ID:- 517680931
  • edited May 2012
    Hi again guys. This is from tonight's Main Event. The player who was shortstacked jammed for his last 685 and the player next to him re-jammed. I thought he was just doing this to isolate so I called. I seem to do this a lot in Bounty Hunters as I never believe a re-jam. It always looks like an isolation bet and my mind always tells me that they have nothing and just want the Bounty. Any help from my friend Ryan would be great as this is a major leak in my game( which I don't mind admitting). Best wishes. Shaun the Villa fan in Bham
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show with James & Ryan (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    on a kids show with toys in 1986?? surely at 30years old you would have been too old??
    Posted by bigflop1
  • edited May 2012
    Here are James Hartigan's first 2 statements for the comp tonight:

    In 1979, I was taken by my mother to see 'Grease' at the cinema.  I knew all the words to 'Summer Nights' and danced in the aisle. 

    In 1986, I appeared on 'The Wide Awake Club' with my collection of toy cars.  I still have a WAC Pac!

    3 more to go......remember you have to tell us which one is false! Calling Jame's bluff :)

    Enter via 

  • edited May 2012
    Suggestion for you...

    Carlo has his catchphrases that we all know... 'Poker is a never ending game, 'Hose me down' etc... I think Ryan's should be 'Your never getting called by worse' ;)

    Seems to say it a lot!
  • edited May 2012
    Next two.........

    In 1993, I directed a pretentious 16mm student film based on a passage from James Joyce's impenetrable novel 'Finnegan's Wake'.

    4.In 1997, I was verbally and physically threatened by a New York taxi driver, who, after learning I was an English journalist, decided I was personally responsible for the death of Princess Diana.

    1 more to go......remember you have to tell us which one is false! Calling Jame's bluff :)

    Enter via 
  • edited May 2012

    And the last one........

    5.In 2000, I persuaded film-maker Christopher Nolan to put a re-edited version of his movie 'Memento' (with the story in chronological order) as a bonus feature on the DVD.

    remember you have to tell us which one is false! Calling Jame's bluff :)

    Enter via Now!

  • edited May 2012
    the 1st 1 is false as grease was out in 1978 not 1979
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