In Response to Re: PC spec for multitabling : I am on ADSL, the meg they say you get is totoaly dependant upon the speed of your phone line the further away you live from the telephone exchange the worse your download/uploads speeds, depends what kind of telephone wire you have and how old the exhanges hubs are etc....... where I used to live I could download a film in 10 minutes, now 7 hours. same proposed 10 meg service blah blah to get your actual download/upload speeds you can check that online using speed tests Posted by rancid
yes i know all that, lol. i was meaning how much do you get at present.
At the moment im meant to get UPTO 8meg but max i can hit is 6.9meg, dropping to as low as 0.5meg during prime time.
Hi TINTIN, In theory, running poker tables shouldn't use much power, or much bandwidth (ie internet link) Regretably, the Sky tables do seem to have problems. My best guess is that The Don is right, and CPU power is not the constraint, and the internet link is. In which case you don't need i7 or gaming configurations (ie i5 should be way good enough) but do choose something with a lot of RAM. Amazon prices are pretty competitive, and if something goes wrong they are good with their repair or replace service. I run a super-douper i7 gaming laptop, with a superspeed internet connection, and still I get lags playing 3/4 tables! So don't waste money on getting top-end equipment thinking it will help - it won't. Posted by GELDY
cheers for the input,
im not planning on spending a lot of money on a super set up when i dont need it. as im badly needing an upgrade on current pc but i do want a little extra from it.
where i stay i currently receive a steady 5-6 meg internet, nothing super and can run 6 tables quite comfortably with minor issues from time to time.
my current pc setup is a heap of junk tbh. i bought t for £300 5 year ago. 15inch monitor 1gb of ram at best, not sure of processor but can gaurantee its pretty poor for the price i paid at the time so anything new will be quite a step up.
this was the reason i started this thread. i didnt have much clue as to what would be best for me, im not one for wasting money on something thats really gonna be out of my needs. i would be spending money on a new system anyway but if i can bolt on a few little extras that mean my pc wouldnt be the issue when it comes to multitabling more then im more than happy paying a little extra
In Response to Re: PC spec for multitabling : yes i know all that, lol. i was meaning how much do you get at present. At the moment im meant to get UPTO 8meg but max i can hit is 6.9meg, dropping to as low as 0.5meg during prime time. Posted by The_Don90
ok sorry didn't mean to sound patronsiing !
I'll check it later as I am not at home, think it was 2mbps maybe lower
Comments on here about issues with lag where you have a semi-decent machine I'd say those are almost always caused by latency issues rather than download / upload speeds.
I would guess that a 1Mb/s connection would easily handle many many tables as I did some analysis and the amount of data sent is minimal.
However the ping speed, i.e. how long it takes for a message to be sent from your computer to a destination and back again is the problem.
I just ran a test at and my ping speed is 16ms. As you add more applications using network bandwidth, bittorrent, emule, youtube etc then that is going to make the ping speed deteriorate.
Also running wireless will always give you worse ping times.
I generally see issues when people have ping in the 90ms+ range.
So my advice to anyone with issues is run a ping test and see what you are getting.
You can see it getting worse by opening youtube videos and rerunning the ping test.
I opened 3 videos and the ping dropped to 23ms, 8 videos it dropped to 33ms.
I tried the download client on my new PC (see Page#1) and it runs 20 tables with ease. CPU util is around 8% and physical memory usage is about 50%, so clearly plenty of scope to run even more tables. My old P4 2.8Ghz/2Gb RAM couldn't do too many.
I have set my broadband to run at 10Mbps (for the best speed/reliability) but I can increase it to about 13Mbps. It never drops below 10Mbps. My LAN is wired 100Mbps (essential IMO, wireless too flakey).
So a cheap fairly high-spec PC like mine, with a good broadband connection (and importantly) fast reliable LAN, will allow you to multi-table easily.
Aaron the issue i have is weird i can run 20 tables no worries but if i sit on the tables i can only run 8 tops. Weird issue i know. The type of lag usually defines Auto blinds not posting, UTG open folding i cant see cards, UTG+1 i get half my time bar.
Aaron the issue i have is weird i can run 20 tables no worries but if i sit on the tables i can only run 8 tops. Weird issue i know. The type of lag usually defines Auto blinds not posting, UTG open folding i cant see cards, UTG+1 i get half my time bar. Posted by The_Don90
I'm speculating here but...
The reason for that is probably when you open 20 tables (to see if you can) they seem to be working just fine but you're not watching them or interacting with them. As they are in the background and not displayed the application is keeping all the table actions in sync but not actually updating the graphics on the table until you decide to bring it to the front. So when you are running 8 windows I expect you manage to get them all visible, even if they overlap. Because they are visible they are being updated graphically.
When you have lots of tables in the background, when you start trying to bring them into view a lot of extra graphics work takes place to get the table where it should be. This would be causing the lag.
it might have something to do with it free when i upgraded my mobile phone as well ! scores on the doors processor 2.8 ram 4.9 graphics 4.2 gaming graphics 5.5 hard disc 5.9 should be enough for 2 tables surley, although a score of 2.8 outta 7 might be slowing it down a bit im sure. Posted by pod1
With that windows processor index it looks likely the CPU is the bottleneck.
Get task manager running and minimise it so you can see the CPU usage when you are playing.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and select Start Task Manager, then minimise it and start running tables. You should be able to see how much CPU is in use with Task Manager.
In Response to Re: PC spec for multitabling : I'm speculating here but... The reason for that is probably when you open 20 tables (to see if you can) they seem to be working just fine but you're not watching them or interacting with them. As they are in the background and not displayed the application is keeping all the table actions in sync but not actually updating the graphics on the table until you decide to bring it to the front. So when you are running 8 windows I expect you manage to get them all visible, even if they overlap. Because they are visible they are being updated graphically. When you have lots of tables in the background, when you start trying to bring them into view a lot of extra graphics work takes place to get the table where it should be. This would be causing the lag. Probably. :-) Posted by Machka
lol i may pm you the specs i have and hopefully youll be able to advise further.
Whats weirder is that stars works fine on my pc with that many tables.
Comments on here about issues with lag where you have a semi-decent machine I'd say those are almost always caused by latency issues rather than download / upload speeds. I would guess that a 1Mb/s connection would easily handle many many tables as I did some analysis and the amount of data sent is minimal. However the ping speed, i.e. how long it takes for a message to be sent from your computer to a destination and back again is the problem. I just ran a test at and my ping speed is 16ms. As you add more applications using network bandwidth, bittorrent, emule, youtube etc then that is going to make the ping speed deteriorate. Also running wireless will always give you worse ping times. I generally see issues when people have ping in the 90ms+ range. So my advice to anyone with issues is run a ping test and see what you are getting. You can see it getting worse by opening youtube videos and rerunning the ping test. I opened 3 videos and the ping dropped to 23ms, 8 videos it dropped to 33ms. Posted by Machka[/QUOTE
So basically what your saying is if your ping is high i would be wasting money buying a new pc. The default test that chooses is Lancaster from Aberdeen.Ping 61 download 13.30 upload 0.79. But if i choose the server London or Maidenhead alot further away the ping drops to 52 the rest is the same. Windows experience rates my processor at 6.2 ram 5.9 graphics both 7.3 hard drive 5.9.
In Response to Re: PC spec for multitabling : So basically what your saying is if your ping is high i would be wasting money buying a new pc. The default test that chooses is Lancaster from Aberdeen.Ping 61 download 13.30 upload 0.79. But if i choose the server London or Maidenhead alot further away the ping drops to 52 the rest is the same. Windows experience rates my processor at 6.2 ram 5.9 graphics both 7.3 hard drive 5.9. Posted by belsibub
Yes. Those Windows experience ratings are pretty decent and should be more than capable of running (estimating) 8 tables at least.
The ping times will vary even if you ran the same test 5 times as the message may be travelling a different route every time. But it is a good indication of your general internet connection quality.
The ping is give or take 1 the same every time to the same server. I take it from googling there is not much to be done to improve the ping.I get only 1 table smoothish 2 is big lag.Using 43 ping no packets lost jitter1 A rated?
The ping is give or take 1 the same every time to the same server. I take it from googling there is not much to be done to improve the ping.I get only 1 table smoothish 2 is big lag.Using 43 ping no packets lost jitter1 A rated? Posted by belsibub
Curious problem, and judging by your Windows Experience rating and ping speeds, the problem is somewhere else!
Do you have anti-virus / firewall software running?
I did a total clean install a month or so back of windows 7 because this was doing my head in with no change. So all i have on my pc is windows 7 and kaspersky 2012 internet security I.E.9 and Chrome and of course Sky Poker DL. I have tried a couple of other security software AVG, Bulldog, McAfee no diff.I normally turn the update function on kaspersky to daily at 4am when playing. My ping is not that great considering i live 100 mtrs from my exchange(Aberdeen north).But telephone/internet does come via 19th century tech, poles which can't help. Sorry about hogging thread.
I did a total clean install a month or so back of windows 7 because this was doing my head in with no change. So all i have on my pc is windows 7 and kaspersky 2012 internet security I.E.9 and Chrome and of course Sky Poker DL. I have tried a couple of other security software AVG, Bulldog, McAfee no diff.I normally turn the update function on kaspersky to daily at 4am when playing. My ping is not that great considering i live 100 mtrs from my exchange(Aberdeen north).But telephone/internet does come via 19th century tech, poles which can't help. Sorry about hogging thread. Posted by belsibub
Same troubles here crazy lag playing more than 2 tables on the D/L client.
I have a fast laptop, 8gb ram, very few apps running, anti virus and firewall and pretty much everything else turned off apart from skypoker. Have newest versions of flash, java, and skypoker, and turn off harware acceleration.
Speedtest: 8.5mps D/L, ping: 25ms, connected via ethernet.
Scanned fully for viruses and malware-all clean.
I've now spent £100's trying to sort this problem, changing ISP's to sky, new components etc. I'm sure there are others that are like me and are pretty fed up. I only want to play 6 tables without getting timed out every other hand!
In Response to Re: PC spec for multitabling : Bump. Same troubles here crazy lag playing more than 2 tables on the D/L client. I have a fast laptop, 8gb ram, very few apps running, anti virus and firewall and pretty much everything else turned off apart from skypoker. Have newest versions of flash, java, and skypoker, and turn off harware acceleration. Speedtest: 8.5mps D/L, ping: 25ms, connected via ethernet. Scanned fully for viruses and malware-all clean. I've now spent £100's trying to sort this problem, changing ISP's to sky, new components etc. I'm sure there are others that are like me and are pretty fed up. I only want to play 6 tables without getting timed out every other hand! Can someone at sky please look into this. Posted by Teevers
Also with 9 tables open CPU is only at 25% maximum, 20% ram maximum, so i have no idea what's slowing me down
Using the browser client in google chrome I can play 12 tables with no lag. With the download client I can't play more than 2 tables with being folded out often. Does this give any clues as to what's wrong with the D/L client? Does it use internet explorer in some way?
Hopefully Machka see's this and is intrigued as I'd much rather be able to use the download client as it's more user friendly.
I'm not about too much lately but when I see these questions I'll try and reply.
belsibub / Teevers, are you both running wireless or wired? I can't recall if I already asked?
Teevers, since you seem to be ok in the browser but are having problems with the DL client that may indicate a problem with the Adobe Air installation as I can't really see anything else that would obvisouly cause the problem. I'm pretty sure the webclient uses normal Flash only but the DL client uses Air (possibly with Flash also).
You probably have, but try uninstalling the DL client, uninstalling Adobe AIR. Reboot. Then redownload and reinstall the DL client.
Wired using main BT socket. Have not played much lately for a few reasons.The main being i seem to have picked up the bug others have reported after the last big up date but just little after them where the DL just sits in the loading phase.So have uninstalled air & DL very recently as well as the past for lag. Basically i am calling it quits till the new DL comes out and hope it does for me what was promsed from the last.GL Teevers.
I'm not about too much lately but when I see these questions I'll try and reply. belsibub / Teevers, are you both running wireless or wired? I can't recall if I already asked? Teevers, since you seem to be ok in the browser but are having problems with the DL client that may indicate a problem with the Adobe Air installation as I can't really see anything else that would obvisouly cause the problem. I'm pretty sure the webclient uses normal Flash only but the DL client uses Air (possibly with Flash also). You probably have, but try uninstalling the DL client, uninstalling Adobe AIR. Reboot . Then redownload and reinstall the DL client. Posted by Machka
I'm on a wired connection, ping 25ms. Tried many reinstalls of skypoker and Air to no avail. Guess i'll just have to play in chrome until the D/L software doesn't suck so much as it's cost me too much the past few weeks being timed out in big pots. It'd be funny if it wasn't so infuriating.
I have to say in 8 years playing online poker the skypoker D/L client is hands down the worst i've ever used by a very wide margin. At any other site it wouldn't be accepted, but if you want to play with fellow brits we just have to bend over and let sky abuse us with the lack of real updates - when will they realise that they have polished this (T U R D) as much as they can, and guess what, it's still a (T U R D)!
Thanks for your help though machka.
Skypoker, I hate you, unfortunately not as much as I hate playing with a bunch of colluding eastern europeans on other non UK sites though, so you have me in a catch 22, I better go buy some lube if you're going to keep abusing your customers.
Apologies for the dramatic tone of my post, but i'm quite annoyed to say the least!
Well..... that's what I did anyway
At the moment im meant to get UPTO 8meg but max i can hit is 6.9meg, dropping to as low as 0.5meg during prime time.
im not planning on spending a lot of money on a super set up when i dont need it. as im badly needing an upgrade on current pc but i do want a little extra from it.
where i stay i currently receive a steady 5-6 meg internet, nothing super and can run 6 tables quite comfortably with minor issues from time to time.
my current pc setup is a heap of junk tbh. i bought t for £300 5 year ago. 15inch monitor 1gb of ram at best, not sure of processor but can gaurantee its pretty poor for the price i paid at the time so anything new will be quite a step up.
this was the reason i started this thread. i didnt have much clue as to what would be best for me, im not one for wasting money on something thats really gonna be out of my needs. i would be spending money on a new system anyway but if i can bolt on a few little extras that mean my pc wouldnt be the issue when it comes to multitabling more then im more than happy paying a little extra
I'll check it later as I am not at home, think it was 2mbps maybe lower
I would guess that a 1Mb/s connection would easily handle many many tables as I did some analysis and the amount of data sent is minimal.
However the ping speed, i.e. how long it takes for a message to be sent from your computer to a destination and back again is the problem.
I just ran a test at and my ping speed is 16ms. As you add more applications using network bandwidth, bittorrent, emule, youtube etc then that is going to make the ping speed deteriorate.
Also running wireless will always give you worse ping times.
I generally see issues when people have ping in the 90ms+ range.
So my advice to anyone with issues is run a ping test and see what you are getting.
You can see it getting worse by opening youtube videos and rerunning the ping test.
I opened 3 videos and the ping dropped to 23ms, 8 videos it dropped to 33ms.
I have set my broadband to run at 10Mbps (for the best speed/reliability) but I can increase it to about 13Mbps. It never drops below 10Mbps.
My LAN is wired 100Mbps (essential IMO, wireless too flakey).
So a cheap fairly high-spec PC like mine, with a good broadband connection (and importantly) fast reliable LAN, will allow you to multi-table easily.
Probably the CPU and lack of dedicated graphics chip is causing the slow laptop.
The reason for that is probably when you open 20 tables (to see if you can) they seem to be working just fine but you're not watching them or interacting with them. As they are in the background and not displayed the application is keeping all the table actions in sync but not actually updating the graphics on the table until you decide to bring it to the front. So when you are running 8 windows I expect you manage to get them all visible, even if they overlap. Because they are visible they are being updated graphically.
When you have lots of tables in the background, when you start trying to bring them into view a lot of extra graphics work takes place to get the table where it should be. This would be causing the lag.
Probably. :-)
Get task manager running and minimise it so you can see the CPU usage when you are playing.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete and select Start Task Manager, then minimise it and start running tables. You should be able to see how much CPU is in use with Task Manager.
Whats weirder is that stars works fine on my pc with that many tables.
I suspect my pc just doesnt like flash/adobe.
also what level you playing at now if you dont mind me asking?
The ping times will vary even if you ran the same test 5 times as the message may be travelling a different route every time. But it is a good indication of your general internet connection quality.
The ping is give or take 1 the same every time to the same server.
I take it from googling there is not much to be done to improve the ping.I get only 1 table smoothish 2 is big lag.Using 43 ping no packets lost jitter1 A rated?
Do you have anti-virus / firewall software running?
So all i have on my pc is windows 7 and kaspersky 2012 internet security I.E.9 and Chrome and of course Sky Poker DL.
I have tried a couple of other security software AVG, Bulldog, McAfee no diff.I normally turn the update function on kaspersky to daily at 4am when playing.
My ping is not that great considering i live 100 mtrs from my exchange(Aberdeen north).But telephone/internet does come via 19th century tech, poles which can't help.
Sorry about hogging thread.
Same troubles here crazy lag playing more than 2 tables on the D/L client.
I have a fast laptop, 8gb ram, very few apps running, anti virus and firewall and pretty much everything else turned off apart from skypoker. Have newest versions of flash, java, and skypoker, and turn off harware acceleration.
Speedtest: 8.5mps D/L, ping: 25ms, connected via ethernet.
Scanned fully for viruses and malware-all clean.
I've now spent £100's trying to sort this problem, changing ISP's to sky, new components etc. I'm sure there are others that are like me and are pretty fed up. I only want to play 6 tables without getting timed out every other hand!
Can someone at sky please look into this.
belsibub / Teevers, are you both running wireless or wired? I can't recall if I already asked?
Teevers, since you seem to be ok in the browser but are having problems with the DL client that may indicate a problem with the Adobe Air installation as I can't really see anything else that would obvisouly cause the problem. I'm pretty sure the webclient uses normal Flash only but the DL client uses Air (possibly with Flash also).
You probably have, but try uninstalling the DL client, uninstalling Adobe AIR. Reboot. Then redownload and reinstall the DL client.
Have not played much lately for a few reasons.The main being i seem to have picked up the bug others have reported after the last big up date but just little after them where the DL just sits in the loading phase.So have uninstalled air & DL very recently as well as the past for lag.
Basically i am calling it quits till the new DL comes out and hope it does for me what was promsed from the last.GL Teevers.