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Watching the live show last night, and railing some of the bigger cash tables, has gotten me thinking about the pro and semi pro regs on here.
Now most of the time you see them playing each other for huge sums of money and yet they all seem to be playing most of the time and turning a profit (i presume). I fail to see how this works though. Are they passing money to each other or are they all doing this whilst topping up with money from fish that may play at the table?
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I would say that the good regs make the cash from a mixture of lesser regs and rec players while the lesser regs rely more on the rec players and cash4points and somewhere in the middle of all of that the rec players make a bit of cash now and again which keeps them interested.
In all honesty some of the regs might aswell be playing with their cards face up ( never betting without a big hand etc ) so if someone with as little experiance as me can see this the good regs must be having a field day with them
Tx for the complement mate your the 2nd player to say that to me now after Scotty said the same, wont get my head through the door soon
But yes i have only played for 7 weeks although ive watched poker for years before that.
I think the fact he's always pointing out how long he's been playing comes across a bit fishy.
But how do you beat the tight nit regs !
we want these questions answered - can't get a penny out of them !
they either have it or do not play a hand !
jesus help me
Steal his blinds constantly, and can also make profitable bluffs. Knowing he folds a big part of range. With the comfort of knowing he has it when he bets/raises.
2p 4p - 25p 50p, 7 -15 bbs per 100 required.
50 1 5 -12 bbs per 100 required.
1-2 4-9
The requirement will vary depending on the site.
Although less bbs per 100 in required at lower stakes, this can be deceptive because the standard of the regular players will increase as you move from one set of stakes to the next.
Therefore be very careful moving up stakes. Make sure you are winning after playing at least 200 hours at one set of stakes before moving up to the next. Make sure you have the bankroll to play at the stakes you play, and manage your bankroll very carefully.Always making sure their is value for in playing the tables you are playing on.
Also the bb per 100 requirements can appear to be easier to achieve then they are in reality. At 50NL for example a roughly 80-100 buy in edge will be required over 100.000 hands.
For starters mate i have gained some knowledge but i am not really good
In my first 7 weeks i am just below break even but i am happy with that because i know alot lose when first starting out.
Secondly the reason i havnt played before now is that even though i have watched poker since the days of late night poker i have only really thought about playing online since i started watching sky poker ( about 15 months or so ) and in that time i have never missed a show either watching live or recording it to watch later.
I wanted to get some knowledge of the game before jumping in and then when i finally got my @ss into gear in late march this year i opened my account to play.
The words of the guys on the show are now implanted into my head and i always try to use position, hardly ever limp into a pot and generally target the weaker players at the table while avoiding the better ones so i am guessing this is the reason i seem to have experiance when really all i do is try to make the game easier for myself.
The most important thing i find when playing is the note taking facility and playing the player alot of the time and not the cards although if you watched me on 25/50 earlier this morning you wouldnt think this worked very well when i went 5 buyins down within 20mins lol
A friend of mine gave me a great tip on a certain note to take on players and it is something all players do but something very few players would spot and up to now this seems like it could be very profitable to me over the coming months on sky. (sorry but i wont share this tip with the forum
My only plan as far as poker goes is to try and improve over time and eventually get to the stage where i am a consistent winning player and not just relying on cash4points etc although i am not saying that is a bad thing for the players that do this because at the end of the day a profit is a profit.
Hope this clears everything up and you now know i am not Phil Ivey slumming it on low stakes
Good luck at the tables
I'm a bit 'in the same boat' as you. I'd watched poker on tv for years but not really knowing much theory, well any really! I did enjoy it but saw myself as giving money away by playing. By chance, i came across SKY POKER and loved the easy, logical explanations as well as the more intricate stuff. Compliments to the team there. It is such an easy going experience watching. Anyway, i watched the lessons, invested in Harrington's vol1 and reread a 'how to play online' book i'd been bought years before but had been to reluctant to get involved with.
It was a matter of not wanting to get stuffed !! I like to research and get a bit of knowledge before investing time and money.(No i'm not from offence).
I must admit though Arazi that i was playing online within a week. I don't know how you could watch for so long and not get involved in playing. It was such a buzz that first time and i was really nervous!
The following week i went to my local casino in Liverpool and actually won the tournament more through playing ABC poker and a lot of luck. I got to the Survivor final in the first week from the monday (never since!) and my love of the game was set in stone. In the past 11 months, i can see improvement in my game and i'm still getting a lot of enjoyment from it. I don't play cash as it has different mindsets , i feel though maybe in time.
I think people are just surprised that they see you on, for me, big cash tables, getting complimented, quite rightly, by Tikay and the like, as well as having forthright opinions on the forum. Poker players are naturally suspicious as that's the nature of the game.
Anyway, all the best in your game. I'm taking the slow road, finance-wise, by playing low levels in order to get more experience first. Good luck to you and hope to see you at a table sometime....cheers.
Since your are unsure about my figures, I shall provide you with the source (poker tools, then site rake analysis)
I was slightly reticent about providing the source at it advertises other sites, and doesn't include sky poker. But since you want to know. My figures try to make some allowance for rakeback.)
The reason i post on sky is because i like the community aspect of the site, and their seems to be a lot of good people on here, who i would like to help with my knowledge and experience. As far as my poker background. I have played hundreds of thousands of hands. I currently play heads up 50 NL, and am looking to build a bankroll so that I will be in better position to hopefully make a living from the game
In response to the question "Who the hell asked" No one in particular. However if I can dispense information that I think will be valuable to people, then I am at liberty to do so. The truth can hurt, however it is almost always good to be aware of the truth, and to present the truth. The main reason I post is to help people. Ego driven or attention seeking reasons, are'nt really factors. (then go to poker tools and site rake analysis)
In response to your classilly put "wtf does this mean".The quote means exactly what it says. Go the site and do the maths for yourself. I was referring to 6 max cash by the way. I tried to allow for rakeback.
Thanks for the gratitude in your post. Do you want me to filter you out the next time i try to provide information that will be beneficial to people.
A certain amount of bbs per 100 are required to win at all forms of cash poker including 6 max cash.Anything above this is your win rate.
If at 20nl you pay £2 per 100 hands in rake. This means you must win 10 bbs per 100 to break even(not accounting for rakeback) bb s per 100 above this is your win rate.
Most of the knowledge I have, has come from experience in poker. I'm not a great proponent of poker books, as i think their are more effective and efficient ways of learning, eg training videos and analysing sessions, speaking with very good players. I am not trying to depress people, I am trying to promote realism in poker. If I come across to you as saying "YOU MUST DO THIS" their is good reason for me speaking with an heir of conviction. When you are trying to convey important messages, it is important to do so with conviction.
Their is no maybe about it, the information i give is valid and will help you.At least 90% of players will lose money at poker in the long term. That's just the way the game works. Their is no point being in denial about this. Just do what you can to be in the minority who make money.
Don't worry about me being put off posting. As I have received attacks to my posts. It doesn't really bother me. To some extent it is human nature. But should not be tolerated. But just be careful about being overly critical of and unjustifiably critical of peoples posts. As this can discourage people from posting. Sky wants its players to feel welcome on the forum. Every persons post deserves respect. So these people who try and elevate themselves in their own minds by slating other peoples posts. Take heed and take a good look in the mirror.