More than happy to add you to the free-roll, sadly the competition for the BH is now closed and the date you have picked has been previously selected, albeit after the closing date
In Response to Re: Win a £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter Seat & free entry to a free-roll. (Challenge update) : lol, we're gonna need to bink the Primo and the £5K Bounty Hunterfor you to have any chance. Posted by GaryQQQ
And they'd need to finish before midnight! I'm kinda hoping we slow-down a bit! ;-))
In Response to Re: Win a £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter Seat & free entry to a free-roll. (Challenge update) : And they'd need to finish before midnight! I'm kinda hoping we slow-down a bit! ;-)) Posted by Glenelg
It's the day that the tourney starts we reg, Pad, it aint cash for points
In Response to Re: Win a £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter Seat & free entry to a free-roll. (Challenge update) : I was sooooooooo close, why can't you guys run better! Posted by Slykllist
£1/4 mill in 12 months, and you want us to run
In Response to Re: Win a £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter Seat & free entry to a free-roll. (Challenge update) : I reckon it'll have gone by Tuesday, if not sooner Posted by kaymac
Hang on till thursday please, i gotta hope you got loads gonig to the spt
good luck today team51.... go for it.
lol, we're gonna need to bink the Primo and the £5K Bounty Hunter for you to have any chance.
what's happening? hasn't anyone in team51 played anything today yet? come on... step it up. come on.