As title says just a majorly tilty week. 3 hands in particular have been bugging me which I'll put up, all feedback gratefully received,
7 handed live table 50/1. Mix of tag n loose. All tag on my right, spewalicious on my left. Been super card dead live for a while now and it hasnt gone un noticed. I have 100bbs, everyone else active in the hand is deeper. So i am the effective stack.
Straddle is on, pretty taggy guy on my immediate left raises the straddle to £9. I find
AKo. I have stopped 4betting AK at this table - most of the time - for a couple of reasons. Can go into if you like but is a concious decision. Mainly too high variance a table combined with most of the players always stacking off with worse A's on A high boards.
So I opt to flat AK OTB, feeling Apaint is in tag players range most of the time & can just crush him post IP when he fires all streets on A high flops, prob taking it on wide range of missed boards also - but def getting it in if action from later seat pre.
Laggy sb flats pre also, go 3 to a flop
£30 in pot Ac3c8h flop. SB checks. BB (pfraiser) leads out for £22.
I dont love the two clubs on flop but its a perfect board in alot of ways. Having played oppo alot I can only really put him on AQ/J with this line. So I flat, hoping a club doesnt peel (also I dont hold the Ac). If he does hold AJ /> he will stack off. But my range is so polarised I think he will fold if I give him resistance. Laggy SB calls also.
£96 in pot Ac3c8h 9c. SB checks, BB studies then checks. Have to feel am hugely ahead or drawing dead at this point. No point pounding the weaker A for value only to have SB value town me. Of the hands that he continues with & c/c's flop oop vs two tags, two clubs is going to be a solid part of his range. Feel like am in very iffy territory here, as letting river potentially peel club is gross. Prob should be b/f in hindsight....
£96 Ac3c8h9c Kh. K doesnt change too much given reads. Can feel better vs A9/8 tho obv. SB leads £52 (sigh). Taggy pfraiser doesnt look happy but calls. Really have a strong read on tag. Laggy wouldnt do it as a bluff but would badly VB river with inferior A or worse two pr especially as turn is checked. So sigh call getting
4/1 (52/200).
Lag has
QcJc obv

- tag AJ
Despite the result really like the hand, danger of not 3betting pre I guess. But tbh I know laggy oppo wouldnt fold a hand as big as QJsuited (:P) to any 3bet, which would bring in 3way action anyway.
Sorry this is the longest one. Typing it out, it feels pretty standard tbh. Thoughts?
FWIW remember saying "I deserve to lose this pot how I've played it" as I called, likely true.
As for the rest of it. Well if the SB was laggy enough you thought he would call a 3bet then I guess not much would change about the hand other than maybe the AJ lays down preflop, which is possible if you've been noticed not to have played a hand in a while and AJ plays so poorly to a 3bet range. Yes, you could also have 3bet flop, or B/F the turn, but honestly I'm not sure this hand would have ended up much differently if SB is laggy, as he comes along regardless I'd expect on the flop.
Call on the river was right even if you were fairly sure you were beat, as like you say 4:1 with 2 pair its difficult to lay it down and likely wrong to do so at the odds.. SO yeah, sigh call I guess is about right, and looks like you had the reads right. can't ask for to much more.
Lolraise: Yeah 50bigs effective with the straddle prob should be in pre. Just so sick of getting it in pre in this game multiway vs live cards and baby pairs & bricking. Just isnt the right table for it math or no math.