FT of £50 FO 43 runners + £1k added, prize pool £3k after tipping floor staff.
top 6 paid, 1st £1450, 2nd £850, 3rd £525.
Blinds 300/600 with 50 ante. I have 38000. 8 seats remain.
I make it 1400 in the CO with 88. SB Raises to 3200. He has been pretty tag, but feel like AK/Q is in his range as much as Op's. I flat and off we go to flop. He is sat slightly deeper than myself. I am a bit ridic in LP with a stack, recommend it

- so can perhaps widen his range.
6900 in pot. Ah 8s 2c. Oppo checks, (basically saying he has an A I felt). Nothing really to protect from. Feel like am only going to get two streets of value for some reason (dont know why as its probably a bet now that i type it out) so check back, mainly for deception rather than slowplay (lol is exactly the same, am a semantic tool

6900 Ah 8s 2c As. He checks again. Really feel like he has an A, but now that A is paired I can go for value vs the rest of his premium pf 3bet range aswell as Apic. But working on the assumption that he has Apic I bet pot. Bit mergy as I would with any 2 here prob, perhaps slightly less. He flats.
21000 in pot 28000ish back. Ah 8s 2c As 10c. Oppo checks in a very measured way. I tank shove. He tanks and tanks and tanks..............then folds AK face up without saying a word.
If I limp & call a raise pre then maybe. Sigh. Need to film myself playing as must have a ridic tell. Sighhhhhh
but if i was you I personally bet flop and turn to build the pot so its big enough to get your stack in on the river.
This was all I could think of also. Wasnt a taaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkkk ship, more a taannkk ship