any idea sky poker can tell me why the thread discussing old presenters and players was closed? there was no apparent breaking of any rules as far as i could see very strange Posted by bugaloo
Good morning bugaloo.
Let me start by saying that....
1) This thread will also be closed shortly, as will any further "rinse repeat" threads. I will try, below, to explain why.
2) Contrary to what you say, there were several rules broken in the thread. Data Protection, & Client Privacy, are very serious matters, & Sky Poker respect these matters 100%. Our Clients - that is YOU, & everyone else on the thread - would demand nothing less if it were THEY who were being speculated about. It means, of course, that we have to turn the other cheek whilst people idly speculate on matters of which they know little, & appear not to have tried very hard to understand. EVERYTHING in life happens for a reason.
Dealing first with the 865 "Talent".
Channel 865 has existed for 5 years & 3 months as a Live TV Channel, add 6 months for when the Team first began to assemble, & we are nearer 6 years than 5. People come, people go, it is the absolute normal way of things in Television.
In my office, there is a "real" Poker Table which we had constructed back in early 2007. There are images of the faces of 14 (FOURTEEN) different Ch 865 Presenters & Analysts upon it. Of those 14, exactly TWO have remained in unbroken service, three if you include one who left, & returned.
Where did they all go, & why?
The answer is different in almost every case.
Some found better jobs, some were not happy here, some had other fish to fry, one met with great personal tragedy, some did not adequately meet all the required criteria, or the Channel standards, some were just not up to the job, some just wanted to leave because that is their perfect right. In some cases their decision, in some cases Ch 865's decision.
NONE of the 865 Talent have ever had a Contract which guaranteed them Shows. We ALL have, or had, a "Service Agreement", which states, in short, that IF Ch 865 choose to give us a Show, & IF we choose to accept that Show, it will be done so at an agreed rate, & in accordance with the Service Agreement. It's that simple. No security or committment beyond the next Show. That cuts both ways, too - the Talent are NOT bound to accept any Shows which are offered. It is perfectly standard in this business. There is nothing improper about it from the aspect of either party. Sky Poker cannot MAKE the Talent do anything.The Talent do not have a permanent job here. There are no exceptions to that. We are engaged on a show-by-show basis.
However, those are private matters between them, & Ch 865. IF someone leaves because they dislike Ch 865, that is their perfect right. They do not have to explain that. IF Ch 865 decide not to give further Shows to someone, they do not have to explain that, either. Ch 865 are part of an Online Poker Site, not a Jeremy Kyle style Show.
Viewers have no more right to demand to know the reasons, than Sky Poker have the right to speculate openly, on this Forum, or on 865, why YOU, or any other player here, may have changed jobs. If we speculated on why you had left your job, you might just take the view that it was none of our business, unethical, & plain rude. And you'd be right. Everything happens for a reason, always remember that.
No thread rules broken? Yes there were. Speculation - almost all of it inaccurate - about players who are no longer here was wholly & completely improper, daft stuff was being said which was WRONG, but Data Protection & Client Privacy (+ good sense & manners) mean Sky Poker cannot respond. We are NOT going to allow this, not now, not ever, & any such threads will continue to be closed. If you have such a question, which you believe to be legitimate, Customer Care is your route.
Some sense of perspective is needed here, too. I saw Sky Poker & it's Management of the "Community" they provide for their players likened to "Nazis" yesterday, & on this very thread, suggestions comparing Sky Poker to a German dictator. I would suggest those people might just need to re-visit the history books & see exactly what "Nazi" meant. They might also, just for a moment, consider how deeply offensive comments the comparision between the absolute horrors of the Nazis, & a TV Entertainment Channel, might just be to those whose family suffered at the hands of Nazis in WWII. "Perspective".
You might also speculate - as speculation seems to be something so many enjoy - why almost every other Online Poker Site (not all, but most) have long since closed down their Player Forums. It's not hard to fathom, if you give it a little thought.
I hope that explains & answers some of the questions & reasons why such threads will always be closed. Customer Care if you have a problem, or you can always write to me via PM, privately. I get 10 or 20 PM's a day, & though I get behind with the replies sometimes, I answer every one.
Take care now Mr Bugaloo, & I hope you & everyone else continues to enjoy your poker.
imo closing that particular thread was a mistake. perhaps someone who is too controlling has become too powerful and influential. perhaps not. Posted by aussie09
i can understand sky closing the thread. i would bet ed signed a confidential contract when he joined sky. and his cryptic comments may have come close to breaking that contract. its the same in any business you don't want ex staff coming back discussing the business or the way it is run in an open forum with clients.
Let me start by saying that....
1) This thread will also be closed shortly, as will any further "rinse repeat" threads. I will try, below, to explain why.
2) Contrary to what you say, there were several rules broken in the thread. Data Protection, & Client Privacy, are very serious matters, & Sky Poker respect these matters 100%. Our Clients - that is YOU, & everyone else on the thread - would demand nothing less if it were THEY who were being speculated about. It means, of course, that we have to turn the other cheek whilst people idly speculate on matters of which they know little, & appear not to have tried very hard to understand. EVERYTHING in life happens for a reason.
Dealing first with the 865 "Talent".
Channel 865 has existed for 5 years & 3 months as a Live TV Channel, add 6 months for when the Team first began to assemble, & we are nearer 6 years than 5. People come, people go, it is the absolute normal way of things in Television.
In my office, there is a "real" Poker Table which we had constructed back in early 2007. There are images of the faces of 14 (FOURTEEN) different Ch 865 Presenters & Analysts upon it. Of those 14, exactly TWO have remained in unbroken service, three if you include one who left, & returned.
Where did they all go, & why?
The answer is different in almost every case.
Some found better jobs, some were not happy here, some had other fish to fry, one met with great personal tragedy, some did not adequately meet all the required criteria, or the Channel standards, some were just not up to the job, some just wanted to leave because that is their perfect right. In some cases their decision, in some cases Ch 865's decision.
NONE of the 865 Talent have ever had a Contract which guaranteed them Shows. We ALL have, or had, a "Service Agreement", which states, in short, that IF Ch 865 choose to give us a Show, & IF we choose to accept that Show, it will be done so at an agreed rate, & in accordance with the Service Agreement. It's that simple. No security or committment beyond the next Show. That cuts both ways, too - the Talent are NOT bound to accept any Shows which are offered. It is perfectly standard in this business. There is nothing improper about it from the aspect of either party. Sky Poker cannot MAKE the Talent do anything.The Talent do not have a permanent job here. There are no exceptions to that. We are engaged on a show-by-show basis.
However, those are private matters between them, & Ch 865. IF someone leaves because they dislike Ch 865, that is their perfect right. They do not have to explain that. IF Ch 865 decide not to give further Shows to someone, they do not have to explain that, either. Ch 865 are part of an Online Poker Site, not a Jeremy Kyle style Show.
Viewers have no more right to demand to know the reasons, than Sky Poker have the right to speculate openly, on this Forum, or on 865, why YOU, or any other player here, may have changed jobs. If we speculated on why you had left your job, you might just take the view that it was none of our business, unethical, & plain rude. And you'd be right. Everything happens for a reason, always remember that.
No thread rules broken? Yes there were. Speculation - almost all of it inaccurate - about players who are no longer here was wholly & completely improper, daft stuff was being said which was WRONG, but Data Protection & Client Privacy (+ good sense & manners) mean Sky Poker cannot respond. We are NOT going to allow this, not now, not ever, & any such threads will continue to be closed. If you have such a question, which you believe to be legitimate, Customer Care is your route.
Some sense of perspective is needed here, too. I saw Sky Poker & it's Management of the "Community" they provide for their players likened to "Nazis" yesterday, & on this very thread, suggestions comparing Sky Poker to a German dictator. I would suggest those people might just need to re-visit the history books & see exactly what "Nazi" meant. They might also, just for a moment, consider how deeply offensive comments the comparision between the absolute horrors of the Nazis, & a TV Entertainment Channel, might just be to those whose family suffered at the hands of Nazis in WWII. "Perspective".
You might also speculate - as speculation seems to be something so many enjoy - why almost every other Online Poker Site (not all, but most) have long since closed down their Player Forums. It's not hard to fathom, if you give it a little thought.
I hope that explains & answers some of the questions & reasons why such threads will always be closed. Customer Care if you have a problem, or you can always write to me via PM, privately. I get 10 or 20 PM's a day, & though I get behind with the replies sometimes, I answer every one.
Take care now Mr Bugaloo, & I hope you & everyone else continues to enjoy your poker.