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Tonight! 7pm on 865- Live with Rich, Carlo and Jon Young ***show thread with two competitions!***



  • edited May 2012
    If i was the president of poker , i would be Barack Ohama   (anagram of omaha ) ,   and introduce more .... you got it ..... 'hold em.  
    Personally i think Hold em is 'the place to be', and am not a fan of the other games.

    Have a good show.
  • edited May 2012
    Hi rich n carlo have a great show i been watching your repeats of the uk cash game was good to see alot of banter and carlo needling marveloussssssss channing was fun and sam razavi what a funny guy and  agreat player on a serious not i have spoke to carlo on the tables i believe but he was to busy playing but there was 1 hand carlo vs julian thew dont know if he remembers the hand anyway carlo had 10 j and called a 25 gliterbabe was in hand aswell had nothing was 75 in pot i think flop was 10 4 2 i think julian bet 60 and u thought about it and called and the turn was a brick 5 i think julian bet 100 and u folded just curious to know why u have folded must be alot of history between u and julian i know it was highlights show so must of played alot of hands previous sorry for long post hope richard reads it out as my postns never get read out lol have a great show guys 
  • edited May 2012
    must be a northern thing rich lol excuse for a tan today carlo nice n sunny out :)
  • edited May 2012
    If I was the El Presidente of Poker I would demand that Phil Hellmuth be on every poker TV show, as he is just hilarious to watch when he blows up. I would also demand that he'd be seated with the most provocative personalites in poker to guarantee a loco Hellmuth.

    On a more serious note, If I was Mr Poker President I would sort out the issue of when (in bounty hunters) you almost stack off an opponent and someone else gets their bounty even though you've done all the hard work! ... Can be a tad tilting.

    Great show BTW

  • zzrzzr
    edited May 2012
    if i was president i think the same as carlo but with add ons, no sunglasses, no hoodies, no phones, no computers, i think you should just sit there and play cards, online i would ban people that are abusive, i'm not talking about banter, like being called a fish or you was lucky, i mean some of the really nasty stuff that some people say and i'm not just on about banning from chat but from the site.
  • edited May 2012
    If I was president, then anyone caught slow rolling would be thrown out of the event and lose their right to qualify for future tournaments! Cleaning up the game! Nothing more frustrating than to be slow-rolled and then be on tilt. Fair play first.

  • edited May 2012
    Rich, regards to my poker president thing

    In my local casino and i know many others. If im in a hand with say seat 1 and its HU. Seat 1 bets river and i call. He shows his cards and shows the nuts (example) and i say nh and go to muck. Seat 2 then says "i want to see your cards" the dealer or myself has to show my cards. The only way around this is to try and flck your cards into the muck between the dealers cards causing an arguement on the table. This obviously requires great accuracy in card throwing.

    I just see it as terrible ettiquite. If the guy i called said can you show, i have no quarrels with that. But for the guy not in the hand to ask i just dislike it.
  • edited May 2012
    If I were president of poker

    I'd be too busy counting out the back handers from well publicised American sites to worry about changes.

    apart fom commissioning a competition to compose less suicidal background music for Sky Poker of course!
  • edited May 2012
    Hi Rich and Carlo i have a couple of the lads in tonight and we are enjoying the show and having a bit of fun arguing over the hands being shown.

    We are recreational players and one of the earlier hands has got us all disagreeing with Carlo,it is the hand where Stribbs had the ACE JACK oop and before it came to him there had been a raise and a call.

    Stribbs folded which one of the guys thought was correct,Two of us thought it should be a call but Carlo said it should be a reraise.What we thought was that if Stribbs reraised he was then leaving himself open to one of the other Two players who were still to act making a further reraise and then where was he with his ACE JACK oop.

    Maybe though that is why Carlo is a poker pro and we are just recreational players.
  • edited May 2012
    If i was President of poker in contrast to El Mogul i would demand that Phil Hellmuth wore a muzzle every time he was on tv.
  • edited May 2012
    Evening Richard, nice to see you looking so well on the show. Last week I thought we were going to lose you. Is Redmond tucked up in bed with that man-flu you gave him?

    I believe that Carlo is heading off to Vegas pretty soon and this may be his last show before he leaves. I would like to wish him the best of luck over there. I'm a big fan of Carlo's analysis and hope he does very well. Come back with something sparkly around your wrist, Carlo.

    Now, if I were President of Poker I would require that 40% of all online poker rake be paid directly to me as remuneration for my services as the aforementioned President of Poker. I'm not greedy - 40% will be enough.

    My second act would be to ban Chris Ferguson, Howard Lederer and Ray Bitar from any further poker activities. They ran off with my money! I'll never see that ten cents again...

    Have a great show guys.
  • edited May 2012

    Hand History #522642989

    £5k open

    what would carlo do?

    would it be possible to hide my opponents cards?

  • edited May 2012
    New Rules from New President of Poker

    1) No Hoodies, No Hats, No Shades

    2) If you say "One Time" more than one time = instant disqualification

    3) All Hands at Showdown must be turned face up

    4) No headphones, no phones to be used at table

    5) If players have to ask what the raise is or anything that shows they weren't paying attention has their hand mucked

    6) Over 40s events in UK
    7) Use of the following phrases means disqualification - "sorry" "good catch" "terrible call" "how can I beat these fish" "hose me down"

    8) Naked female dealers?

    9) All players must shower on day of playing. Personal hygeine test.

    10) Players whose waistline is greater than their height will be banned.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight! 7pm on 865- Live with Rich, Carlo and Jon Young ***show thread with two competitions!***:
    Hi Rich and Carlo i have a couple of the lads in tonight and we are enjoying the show and having a bit of fun arguing over the hands being shown. We are recreational players and one of the earlier hands has got us all disagreeing with Carlo,it is the hand where Stribbs had the ACE JACK oop and before it came to him there had been a raise and a call. Stribbs folded which one of the guys thought was correct,Two of us thought it should be a call but Carlo said it should be a reraise.What we thought was that if Stribbs reraised he was then leaving himself open to one of the other Two players who were still to act making a further reraise and then where was he with his ACE JACK oop. Maybe though that is why Carlo is a poker pro and we are just recreational players.
    Posted by Spikelad
    I'm with Carlo on this one. 3bet FTW
  • edited May 2012

           Hi Rich & Carlo,

           Earlier you showed a hand i was involved with on Master Cash 2, i had Qd Jd & was up against 77, can i just say  i have played 1000's of hands against stribs & was just unlucky it paired on river that's just the way it goes, at least it didn't cost me my stack tho according to Carlo i should have got me cash in post flop or the turn when i hit the flush where i probally should have re-raised.  Pre Flop Carlo says i shouldn't have been in the hand at all very confusing. Maybe i should of raised pre, sometimes i do. On the whole i'm happy with my play over last 3 Months (mainly thanks to my Mentors) as the Cash Tables have paid for Blackpool SPT Weekend Away, can't wait

    we all have our own way of playing & are learning all the time it's what makes poker enjoyable , as for my play i mix it up all the time depending on who is on my table as i pretty much know who the regs. are on nl10 & nl20 & have a lot of history with the majority of them.


  • edited May 2012
    Since you're begging for hands, how about this one from last Wednesday's mini-doublestack:

    Hand History #520284929 (20:23 16/05/2012)

    I checked my option with the Ace-Ten after multiple limpers. I didn't want to bloat the pot out of position with a marginal hand and I'd expect to be called by multiple opponents if I raised anyway.

    After the flop, I didn't want to build a big pot, so took a check-call line all the way to the river. I felt that if I raised at any time I would only be able to build a big pot if I was beat and I would make people with worse hands fold. There was alot of discussion on the Poker Clinic, but nothing to convince me that I was wrong.

    If you don't get around to showing this, I'll post it on the thread for the Clinic show on Thursday. Cheers.
  • edited May 2012
    If I was president of Poker, I would dedicate a Poker channel to Rich Orford & Carlo Citrone. 'The RICH....... & Carlo Show'. A certain ratings hit!!!!

    Great show guys as always!!
  • edited May 2012
    Hi rich and carlo.

    Sorry to once again bring up a previous hand. Im wanting to discuss the KThh hand v the JJ and Q9. Prsonally watching this and listening to Carlo i felt i disagreed with Carlo on a number of points, now imight be wrong so id like to discuss.

    Preflop with 1 UTG limper and a min raise from the next guy in level 2. We have KThh, in my opinion the min raise means very little, i see min raises all the time in tournaments in the early stages. I actually normally 3bet them when im interested in playing a hand, normally meets a fold. However i think peeling with KTs in posision isnt too bad. Obviously we're now pricing the BB and the UTG limper in (UTG is never folding to a min raise anyways) therefore surley increasing our odds for being in the hand, and possibly increasing our implied odds. Ok i will say im not a fan of multiway pots hense why i usually 3bet. KTs from the CO is definetly a possible 3bet imo. Whats Carlos opinion on that.

    On flop as played. We've seen a donk overbet shove on a flop thats pretty good for our hand, we have 2 overs to the board with a King high flush draw. BB donk shoves UTG folds and raiser flats. Why is it bad calling hear. BB can easily have a 9 or a worse flush draw, maybe even one of the lower pairs. The other guy flatting can be similar hes only min raised preflop and only TT+/Ah/Xh/board paired that have a T or K kicker have us crushed. Surley we cant kill their ranges to that. On the flop unless we turn our flush we have the most equity in the hand, so why is it incorrect to shove here. Ok i think we';re lacking some FE but calling risks too much of our stack if we miss the turn.

    Maybe im missing something but would like to discuss.
  • edited May 2012
    u say rich get ya money in and quadruple up 10k buy in and go out 1st hand against 1 player i go all in 1st hand of wsop main event but against 3 nooooooooo way i mean aa is even a underdog surely vs 3 random hands well wouldnt be random but is aa against say kk  qq and jj all in preflop is it a favourite to scoop the 4 way pot ? 
  • edited May 2012
    regards to AA first hand WSOP

    Ive just done maths

    If the 3 players have JJ v QQ v KK against our aces we're 55%

    Against 3 random hands we're 54% (i made sure at least 2 of these where suited)

    So if we call over 50% of the time we have 120K after one hand. The other 45-46% we're going home with the joy of having played a mian event.

    Easy call for me.

    I didnt do maths i used software.
  • edited May 2012
    Quick one for Carlo on subject of bet sizing

    Very early hand in wsop and Carlo on big blind with AA

    UTG limps 100 and there are 8 other limpers, Carlo now makes it 1125 which is 225 + 900 extra for the limpers with everyone at table still almost on their starting stacks.

    UTG now pushes all in and there are 4 callers.  Does he now call all in ? :)

    Had to ask lol

  • edited May 2012

    I think Carlo is right about the Aces!
    but if I ever make an SPT and find myself on his table I'll be shoving on the first hand now I know he'll be folding!

  • edited May 2012
    re the world series

    i consider myself a learning new player and would estimate i would be in the bottom third of ability in the world series field..

    so if the scenario met me i would take the gamble as i do not feel i would have the skill edge. However if i was carlo i would snap fold as he has a skill edge over the field by quite a bit

    good show
  • edited May 2012
    Re: The old Aces in the first hand of the WSOP debate:

    For the average person entering the main event, it's a call IMO. You're flipping for a quadruple up, effectively. Is a weaker player going to get a better spot than this?

    If Daniel Negreanu is in the same spot, it's a fold, because his edge over the field would be much bigger, so he'll be more able to find better spots to pick up them chips without as much risk.
  • edited May 2012

    In reply to Carlo wanting to know why i think its an easy call.

    Firstly i dont really care about money, i play poker for enjoyment. Enjoyment for me is winning. Now if i win 120k on the first hand, i can control the table almost straight from the off. If i go out i can still say i played the main event. Plus everyone knows i love a bad beat story.

    In questions to it, ill ask Carlo, If he could sit on a cash table with 400BB when everyone is sitting with 100BB hes at a massive advantage isnt it? Thats the same for the times when you win this.

    Now of coarse if i win which i will slightly over 50% of the time so yes its a coin flip i maybe dont have to take, but it changed the full pospect of the tournament for you.

    How would you feel if you folded and the flop came AAx thats going to play on your mind for the rest of the night isnt it?

    Playing for the win means playing from the win from the first hand to the last. Even in an extremely deep structure we have to play for the win from hand number one. And even if it means taking aces 4 way preflop im happy to do that.

    Same question slightly changed to carlo. You have 9T and the flop comes 678 but theres 2 diamonds you dnt have any diamonds and 3 people shove does he fold? In the exact same situation 1 hand of WSOP.

    Edit: re to above (evil pingu) surley 10k is nothing to Negranu so surley hed call. guess only hed know.

  • edited May 2012
    For clarification WSOP Main Event 1st hand
    family pot up to big blind which is Carlo with Aces what proportion of his stack would he bet?
    or would he wimp and call?
  • edited May 2012
    Hi folks

    Enjoying the show as ever. Must give a mention to Carlos prog  where he was analysing Anna's hands(no not nail polish!!). It still brings a smile to my face and the rewind button got some serious stick. Even TommyD was flummoxed playing hands against her.
    Here's a groan though...get ready...

    Will Carlo be getting a 'Citroen E' car?....cue corny music!!!

    I agree with Carlo's sentiment....when i played my first live tournament in Liverpool less than a year soon after joing sky, i was surprised at thecurt behaviour. I'm not sure if i did wrong but i stood up and shook hands with them if i'd knocked them out.....Actually, by luck, i went on to win it but some people were just so surly. What happened to enjoying the moment?
    Steve aka profman15
  • edited May 2012
    This Aces calling all in situation in first hand of wsop is intriguing to say the least so i am just trying to find a scenario where Carlo would make the call and i think i have came up with it.

    Carlo is on the big blind with aces and there are 3 all ins infront of him but the only difference is now that he is on the TV table and knows the entire poker world including alot of very fit women will see him fold Aces pre flop, does he now call ?

    Same scenario again but this time Carlo is wearing a little bo peep outfit courtesy of Sam Razavi and still with the entire poker world watching including all of those very fit women and also knowing if he loses he can now get away from those cameras does he now call ?

    Great show tonight guys.

  • edited May 2012
    aspers closing in swansea!! is there a separate thread for this please??
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight! 7pm on 865- Live with Rich, Carlo and Jon Young ***show thread with two competitions!***:
    aspers closing in swansea!! is there a separate thread for this please??
    Posted by bigflop1
    is there?? u mentioned what i said but no answer!! i know its closing as its my local club.  i am a bit gutted, but there are other casinos in swansea i can play poker in.. im concerned about friends who will be losing their jobs..

    was just wandering what others are saying about this.. link to thread if there is one would be great!!
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