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after thread closure....

edited May 2012 in Poker Chat
i recently posted a link about a certain programme that looks to have been created to allow for tracking on SKY. The link was removed and was told about SKY's policy when it comes to tracking software --- THREAD CLOSED. So as long as this is clear here and no links are issued, id like to create a discussion about this:

If there is a software out there, how do we know players in the know are not exploiting others? What kind of protection have we against this?
If this is a user created software, are we therefore allowed to use this software as its different to other tracking software out there, if not how would SKY prevent people using this?

These are just hypothetical situations, which i would like answers.



  • edited May 2012
    In Response to after thread closure....:
    i recently posted a link about a certain programme that looks to have been created to allow for tracking on SKY. The link was removed and was told about SKY's policy when it comes to tracking software --- THREAD CLOSED. So as long as this is clear here and no links are issued, id like to create a discussion about this: If there is a software out there, how do we know players in the know are not exploiting others? What kind of protection have we against this? If this is a user created software, are we therefore allowed to use this software as its different to other tracking software out there, if not how would SKY prevent people using this? These are just hypothetical situations, which i would like answers. Arron.
    Posted by Swog

    A discussion about the use of Poker tracking software is fine, Just be aware that Sky do not support the use of any software of this nature.

    I think the issue would be access to the data to make it a useful tool.  You would only have access to your own personal hand history against a specific player.  Unless you had played a lot of hands against this individual the data wouldn't be worth much.

    All of the above may be wrong but that's my understanding of it 

  • edited May 2012
    Forum ban coming in 5 4 3 ...... lol
  • edited May 2012
    it is my understanding that after Sky became aware that this piece of software was available, they took meassures to stop it working.

    the way that the software worked was that they 'grabbed' the hand histories in real time, so multiple times a second....the code that was written did this automatically on the hand history page of Sky poker

    now the hand history page has something that detects multiple 'clicks' on that page in a short space of time, and then it denies access.

    if you want to test this for yourself then click thru hands on this page very quickly.  after around 10 hands they stop loading.

    don't worry no one on the site has a working HUD anymore.  the guy who made it decided to go public which meant that Sky acted very quickly to make sure that everyone has a level playing field.

    EDIT:  some may think that the above is due to me having inside info.  it is not.  just something that I worked out while going thru my HHs mid session where I was clicking thru them very quickly
  • edited May 2012

    Try searching wheres it gone!! In genral poker chat 

  • edited May 2012
    That is an interesting question Swog with reasuraces needed too from Sky. I started in the last year and wanted to knowmy VPIP, Agg Factor etcto guage /classify the kind of player i was as i had no idea. Sky told me no HUDs etc were allowed on site and after a period playing, i thoroughly love the idea that they aren't allowed. It suits me and if it doesn't there are plenty of sites that do allow them. Choice makes the world go around. Sky offer a service and, IMO, its an excellent one. They do seem to listen and don't wash things away.
    Sky , i feel that you do need to make a statement please...just to let members know what the score is....
  • edited May 2012
    okay, if what Scotty77 is saying is true, then i respect what SKY have done in protecting its customers. I'd be reassured if SKY was to confirm somethign along those lines.
    Mentions of a forum ban seems to be said, when all i was looking for was protection from such software, since we all should be of a level playing field, right?

    As a side note: if you was geeky and good with numbers, you could probabaly work out things like VPIP, 3bet%, pre flop raise%, steal% etc for certain players manually by using microsoft Excel for example.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    That is an interesting question Swog with reasuraces needed too from Sky. I started in the last year and wanted to knowmy VPIP, Agg Factor etcto guage /classify the kind of player i was as i had no idea. Sky told me no HUDs etc were allowed on site and after a period playing, i thoroughly love the idea that they aren't allowed. It suits me and if it doesn't there are plenty of sites that do allow them. Choice makes the world go around. Sky offer a service and, IMO, its an excellent one. They do seem to listen and don't wash things away. Sky , i feel that you do need to make a statement please...just to let members know what the score is....
    Posted by profman15
    Hi Prof

    I think i posted something like I'm about to in the old thread from way back the first time this was discussed.  Going to reiterate it as I think there is a lot of misunderstanding here.  May I begin by confirming I have no inside info or privileged information.

    Sky do not allow HUDs.  As such they are not compatible with the known HUD systems out there.  However there is not a 'No HUDs Allowed' button you can push or any script or code you can write to make any unknown/underground HUD software, present or future, guaranteed incompatible.  I am confident they have done everything possible, but you should not underestimate how good a very select few coders are.  SkyPoker do everything humanly possible to prevent HUDs, but no one, not even Stars should they choose to ban HUDs, could give a 100% guarantee no one is using a self made HUD.  We had this before and SkyPoker moved very swiftly to plug that hole by all accounts.

    People have referenced GLIfulose.  I remember him.  He advertised the HUD which was probably in that link (I missed it, but if it was easy to find via Google then I'd bet a few blinds on it being his).  As far as I recall he didn't get many takers from something he said on his blog.

    Also to people who think HUDs are a cure all ad would be printing money, GLIfulose was a self confessed (again, on his blog IIRC) losing player.  Why do you think he was trying to sell that self made HUD?  He was, again going by his blog, bankroll bust.  Do some research and have a look on other forums with HUD using players on other sites who have terrible lines and awful returns.

    Finally, apart from a 5 minute free trial on another site about two years ago, I have never used a HUD in play.  I have used similar software for post session analysis, but never on SkyPoker.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
                  OH my basically the site can be frauded,no wonder its always the same ppl at the top of leagues on this site.i mite leave if this is the case...
    Posted by gills
    The Home Office website got hacked recently.  You better leave the country as well.  Bye bye and take care.
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
                  OH my basically the site can be frauded,no wonder its always the same ppl at the top of leagues on this site.i mite leave if this is the case...
    Posted by gills
    Another constructive post just like your ones on the TV channel

    If you don't like it don't play here or watch the TV channel, or better still, make some suggestions for improvement
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    In Response to Re: after thread closure.... : The Home Office website got hacked recently.  You better leave the country as well.  Bye bye and take care.
    Posted by TommyD
    Nh, wp.
  • edited May 2012
    Much as I love a good conspiracy, I am unfortunately of the opinion that the same players are at the top of these leagues for the same reason as the Premiership football, over a period of time the cream rises to the top, albeit often bought in the case of football. My poker is of a similar quality to my football team, Carlisle, better than Conference but floudering around in League One, Championship a possibility one day, with the Premiership a pipe dream, but we all need a dream and without doubt the humility of some of the more successful players, (not been here long enough to namecheck many), such as your TommyD or Scotty77 is heartening to see/read..
  • edited May 2012
    this is a post taken form another thread by Sky Poker

    Posts: 825
    First: 8/4/2011
    Last: 22/5/2012

    Sky Poker does not support or allow third party tracking software.

  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    it is my understanding that after Sky became aware that this piece of software was available, they took meassures to stop it working.
    Posted by scotty77
    This is great, but why wudn't then announce this? on the show/forum/email or whatever?

    I'm positive that clients would really appreciate this kind of action.....

    Just seems daft? Why not tell everyone? Such a good thing................
  • edited May 2012
    I remember this and spoke to the guy who created the hand grabber, which allowed this self created HUD

    this SKYHUD has no commercial value

    plz don't spend £50 on software with no proven record, first time around it was £100

    it would be great if SKU would confirm that no program can grab multiple HH's

  • edited May 2012

    Good evening.

    Sky Poker have made their position clear on numerous occasions as to Third Party Tracking Software, HUD's, etc, though we understand why some players need reassurance.

    Let me state once again.

    Sky Poker have never, do not, & will never, support these.

    Sky Poker do not discuss the what, when, how & why they combat it, for reasons which must be obvious to everyone, it makes no sense to tell everyone how it is combatted by the software.
    It is a never-ending matter to keep ahead of those who try to gain unfair advantage, & people will continue to try to find ways to circumvent the barriers that Sky Poker have embedded to prevent them. It will always be like that, so "how" it is combatted will not be discussed.  Now & then, someone concocts a Heath-Robinson attempt to get round the system, & I guess they alays will, but Sky Poker are confident they can stay ahead of the game, & prevent such things.  
    Sky Poker strongly believe that all players should compete on a level playing field, that is the essence of poker. Those who cannot play without third-party software assistance will need to go elsewhere.

    Some sites - fewer by the month - do still support Third Party Tracking Software, which is perhaps why their traffic is declining, & Sky Poker traffic, relative to them, & to the market as a whole, continues to grow vigorously, week on week, month on month, year on year.
    Your support is, as always, much appreciated.   
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    Good evening. Sky Poker have made their position clear on numerous occasions as to Third Party Tracking Software, HUD's, etc, though we understand why some players need reassurance. Let me state once again. Sky Poker have never, do not, & will never, support these. Sky Poker do not discuss the what, when, how & why they combat it, for reasons which must be obvious to everyone, it makes no sense to tell everyone how it is combatted by the software.   It is a never-ending matter to keep ahead of those who try to gain unfair advantage, & people will continue to try to find ways to circumvent the barriers that Sky Poker have embedded to prevent them. It will always be like that, so "how" it is combatted will not be discussed.  Now & then, someone concocts a Heath-Robinson attempt to get round the system, & I guess they alays will, but Sky Poker are confident they can stay ahead of the game, & prevent such things.     Sky Poker strongly believe that all players should compete on a level playing field, that is the essence of poker. Those who cannot play without third-party software assistance will need to go elsewhere. Some sites - fewer by the month - do still support Third Party Tracking Software, which is perhaps why their traffic is declining, & Sky Poker traffic, relative to them, & to the market as a whole, continues to grow vigorously, week on week, month on month, year on year.   Your support is, as always, much appreciated.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    I never understood HUD's anyways. You say fewer and fewer sites use them, is this to protect the less experianced players or to benifit the stronger players. Im confused. Although i rekon anyone who doesnt use a HUD is more likley to be astronger live player. 

    Such a weird debate ive got myself into on a subject i know nothing about.  
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    In Response to Re: after thread closure.... : I never understood HUD's anyways. You say fewer and fewer sites use them, is this to protect the less experianced players or to benifit the stronger players. Im confused. Although i rekon anyone who doesnt use a HUD is more likley to be astronger live player.  Such a weird debate ive got myself into on a subject i know nothing about.  
    Posted by The_Don90
    n1 - has to be the best post on the thread - although TommyD's home office reference is a close second
  • edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: after thread closure....:
    In Response to Re: after thread closure.... : Hi Prof I think i posted something like I'm about to in the old thread from way back the first time this was discussed.  Going to reiterate it as I think there is a lot of misunderstanding here.  May I begin by confirming I have no inside info or privileged information. Sky do not allow HUDs.  As such they are not compatible with the known HUD systems out there.  However there is not a 'No HUDs Allowed' button you can push or any script or code you can write to make any unknown/underground HUD software, present or future, guaranteed incompatible.  I am confident they have done everything possible, but you should not underestimate how good a very select few coders are.  SkyPoker do everything humanly possible to prevent HUDs, but no one, not even Stars should they choose to ban HUDs, could give a 100% guarantee no one is using a self made HUD.  We had this before and SkyPoker moved very swiftly to plug that hole by all accounts. People have referenced GLIfulose.  I remember him.  He advertised the HUD which was probably in that link (I missed it, but if it was easy to find via Google then I'd bet a few blinds on it being his).  As far as I recall he didn't get many takers from something he said on his blog. Also to people who think HUDs are a cure all ad would be printing money, GLIfulose was a self confessed (again, on his blog IIRC) losing player.  Why do you think he was trying to sell that self made HUD?  He was, again going by his blog, bankroll bust.  Do some research and have a look on other forums with HUD using players on other sites who have terrible lines and awful returns. Finally, apart from a 5 minute free trial on another site about two years ago, I have never used a HUD in play.  I have used similar software for post session analysis, but never on SkyPoker.
    Posted by TommyD
    Hi Tommy

    Let me say first that i'm a relative novice and originally just wanted to have an idea of whether i was a mythical LAG TAP or whatever. As a maths teacher too(ex i'm pleased to say), i love statistics but as Pitt said..................
    "There are lies, damned lies and statistics!"
    Its true that you can 'prove' most things with it.

    If you're happy not to use then that's as good a tip as any. Success needn't be based on it. Fine. To be honest, I find the DTD forum when three tables are going very stressful and, at times and have to remind myself that this is fun!!!!
    Good knows how a HUD would encroach on my sanity...

    I'm glad its a level playing field. I asked for advice from you a while back and you suggested the forum and hand analysis. As you can see i've jumped in with both feet and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've even created a .....wait for it...players notes sheet(with the welcome advice of the forum)  and analyse my hands for bad plays or problems. My poker has come on a lot but i won't grind as i want to continue to enjoy. A 'hot' streak comment on Sharkscope has given me a nice boost and a good reckoning in the DTDforum on monday even more. Cheers Tommy. I appreciate the advice and your forthright, honest approach. It's good to see...............
     and is a bonus for the forum
               All the best
    PS "Don't let the ******* get you down " shcool motto!            
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