In Response to Re: Pot odd & EV : Pot odds matter to every decision. Basically what you're asking is 'what are the odds of me hitting cards that are going to win the hand for me' , then thinking, 'right if the odds of me hitting the cards I need are 1 in 5, if I call this bet, in this situation 5 times, and only win once, have I lost money or made money' . If when you win 1 in 5 times, you're still making a profit on that call, it's +EV, if you lose, it's -EV, although as I said in an earlier post, one +EV move is not always the most +EV. So in my example, if you're calling on the turn to hit a flush, assuming you're only interested in the turn... Once you flop a flush draw, you're about 1in5 to hit it on the turn, so imagine you have to call 500 and the pot is 1000, so the 4 times you lose, you throw away 2000 in total, and the one time you hit, you win 1500 (the 1000 plus the 500 you put in), so calling here is -EV. However if you had to pay 200 into a pot of 1000, the 4 times you lose you throw away 800 chips, and the one time you win, you win 1200, so it's +EV. Again you gotta bear in mind that this is a very basic example and assumes another chip doesn't go in the pot when you hit the flush but you get the idea (I hope). It's about knowing what's the correct decision long term. Like if someone open shoves 100BB, you call with 72off and he has AA and you happen to win that time, it's still a -EV move (obviously) because you will lose that race abuot 82% of the time. Posted by Lambert180