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I hate these situations in poker any advice would be great
Ok some info well it was a 10 euro mtt 217 players paid top 20 2000 starting chips i sneaked in the cash i had 28k roughly blinds are 800/1.6k and i was big blind with 10 hearts 8 clubs obv i never play this hand out of blinds anyways its 10 seater utg folds next 4 fold then this guy limps suprised to see a limp late stages on this blind level and no info as 20 players left so table change folds round to me i check the flop is 10 clubs 6 spades 6 diamonds im not loving it with my 10 weak kicker vs a random hand but i wanted to donk lead out as i didnt want to see a over card so i bet 2.4k out of my 26.4k stack the guy who limped just flatted here now im thinking has he got flush draw maybe 10 higher kicker could have aything even a float and get me of later street on the turn it comes a brick 3 of spades theres 8.8k in middle and have 24k left i didnt want to check and give up my betting lead as this is still a ok board for me so i bet kinda small for pot control and bet half pot 4.4k so leaves me back with just under 20k the guy who limps just calls again river is a 3 of diamond so 10 6 6 3 3 i have just under 20k and there is 17.6 in middle i put out a lil blocker bet as i didnt want to check and get shoved on so bet small 5k and get snap called with jj i played so well during the tourney and this left me crippled is there anything i could of done different big blinds hey pfffff

im glad i bet small on river tho because i would of called a shove so still had 12k to fight on but busted few hands later any advice would be great thanks from sry about my gramma but those who can put up with my block of words please have a read as i would like some advice thanks from steve
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Firstly use some paragraphs if you can mate. Walls of text are harder to read.
Unless I've seen this person limping other hands I'm normally very dubious about what they are up to. Its not uncommon for someone with a big hand to limp it in if they have short stacks to act after them hoping they shove over their limp where they may not shove against a raise.
Flush draw is possible that he is calling for, but often people less likely to chase a flush draw on a paired board cus you could be drawing dead already. Don't think you played it badly, but as likely that flush draw is only hand you beat other than a smaller PP maybe you could have got off it when your donk lead was called.
Little on the simple side that and I'm no expert, but that is some of the reasons you may use them. Words that can often fit with commas in sentances can tend to be, and, as and which. Few more than that, but might help break up your writing a little if nothing else.
Tried to read but gave up.
With tpnk I would check fold as random man could have a 6 or any other combo to beat you -oop.
Not risking much with stack size. wait for a better time!
He was only offering advice and good advice at that. He did actually read it and gave his view too. It's very true that if you expect people to read it and help you to learn then you should try to lay it out in reader-friendly way...a wall of words hurts the brain at times......but i'm sure he took it in good heart...all the best...
Only trying to help, and nothing more was meant from it.