Lol at the accidental rubdowns - 2 or 3 people have posted about being able to buy into more semis with the money, presumably without realising this was the last chance to win a package
VWP, and although it probably feels horrible to miss out at the moment, when you wake up tomorrow and see that you ended up with £1,400 profit, I guess it's not so bad after all
Geldy i know it wont feel like much by £1400 profit id imagine is a massive BR boost. Im sure you said somewhere you dont play to make money but play for fun. £1400 is alot of games for some fun.
Superb performance Geldy and obv you will be gutted at getting so close but what you could consider doing is use the 2.5k to go to Vegas anyway, bink a sat to ME and jobs a goodun.
Superb performance Geldy and obv you will be gutted at getting so close but what you could consider doing is use the 2.5k to go to Vegas anyway, bink a sat to ME and jobs a goodun. Once again, very well played that man. Posted by pomfrittes
Pomfrittes does make a very good point here. Take your 2.5k and go have a whale of a time, I know Sky definitely look after all their players in Vegas even if they aint VLV qualifiers.
There are £500 sats at Dusk till dawn Nottingham this weekend if you fancy using some of your profit to get a package. Would be good to have as many as possible from sky over in vegas and in the main event.
Nice idea but I won't be going to Vegas independently. For reasons too numerous to mention (including family & job) I cannot "choose" to go to Vegas this year, but would have been able to swing it for an all inclusive package that "required" me to do so.
So still a bit deflated although I know I shouldn't be. But then I just need to remind myself how I would be feeling today if I had lost my buy-in instead of cashing to snap me out of it.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments Nice idea but I won't be going to Vegas independently. For reasons too numerous to mention (including family & job) I cannot "choose" to go to Vegas this year, but would have been able to swing it for an all inclusive package that "required" me to do so. So still a bit deflated although I know I shouldn't be. But then I just need to remind myself how I would be feeling today if I had lost my buy-in instead of cashing to snap me out of it. Posted by GELDY
dam st8 geldy you binked a nice amount of money dont you dare be deflated, you took the risk you played your best and your in profit big time. Most of us would dream of getting a cash like that. You might of got to go to the wsop but you may not of cashed in it and all you would of got is a nice tan and listen to tk talking about trains for the whole trip. So think of the positives dude your a star m8 and its not never never its just a bit delayed until next year when i come with ya! although i would suggest if i came that might be a negative lol
Thanks everyone for your kind comments Nice idea but I won't be going to Vegas independently. For reasons too numerous to mention (including family & job) I cannot "choose" to go to Vegas this year, but would have been able to swing it for an all inclusive package that "required" me to do so. So still a bit deflated although I know I shouldn't be. But then I just need to remind myself how I would be feeling today if I had lost my buy-in instead of cashing to snap me out of it. Posted by GELDY
Exactly - You should never think "what if" - For instance what if your wifi was working when you had the AQ early on. You may have hit it and still lost chips , which may have altered the whole game and resulted in no cash at all.
Personally i would spend some money on a decent internet conection. Its so frustrating when your seeing your hands and getting timed out.
Was good game tho and you should be proud of the way you played from what i saw
I think one of my leaks is a lack of concentration when I am playing. But by buying-in I guess I was more focussed than ever before - which seems to have helped on all three tournies I was playing.
Tonight not as good as last night from a cashing perspective, but still positive. The three MTTs (and one frenzy) I played tonight were a wash while I won a couple of buyins at NL30 Cash. But very happy with my 4/466 in the mini-main tonight. Four final tables out of 6 tournies in two days.
Don't worry - this isn't going to become another diary thread. But if my rash decision yesterday has helped me stay focussed more, with a commensurate pick-up in profitability, I will forever look back to it with fondness. And yes, MP33, even if my play hasn't improved, I will still be grateful for the moment when I almost made it.
Of course it could all just be a lucky bout of positive variance......
Nothing really interesting tonight, but a losing session.
MTTs a wash again - didn't believe the guy who claimed to have a Q on a QQxx board post-turn with my 99 second pair in the 9pm BH. But he had QQ! Cashed again in the mini-event, 19/367 - wish I could be running as well in the main.
Cash I lost the 2 BI I won at NL30 last night - and then did another 2BI. Kept on runnning JJ into KK on a low flop board.
Did notice the quality of my play was not so good tonight. Most likely due to physical and emotional tiredness after the last two days. Best I have a light session only tomorrow.
Tonight's show gave some good feedback on the VLV final table play. Clearly I have still much to learn, although HU after 3 hours play I was never going to play great poker, but still pleased to have got so close.
Didn't play cash - learning my lesson that when I am tired, but I really want to play, to stay on MTTs. So I played a velocity and a timed tournie to keep it quick. Went out of the first with a straitforward A10 < AJ aipf, but span up the £11 60mins timed to £48. Haven't been too sure of the timed tournies - but with Rich Orford's ringing endorsement of them the other night I thought I would give it a go. Not sure yet on what a good strategy is, but some players were playing pretty loose with their aipf shoves.
Had some funny graphics problems during the last level, couldn't see avatars or even names in some cases. Fortunately didn't affect the game play. Rich is writing a memo to the suits.
Forum seems to have brought out the best and the worst in people tonight. The Pryce thread dispute re EG is looking like it needs the UN peacekeepers. Not disagreeing much with the points made by both sides of the debate, but tempers are running high and no quarter is being given - and with the poor old mods stuck in the middle, and even getting in each others way (enjoying your coffee TommyD ?).
Meanwhile we have a number of new diary threads starting up, which will be a lot more rivetting than mine so I will be closing this one down in a day or two.
And finally we have a debate about spiritually / religion / Science blah/blah/blah which is being conducted with a lot of decorum given a topic that often brings out the worst in people.
Meanwhile we have a number of new diary threads starting up, which will be a lot more rivetting than mine so I will be closing this one down in a day or two.
Posted by GELDY
Hi Geldy,
I for one hope that you continue with the writing m8, how can you say that they will be more riveting? Coming from the man who 5 mins before one of the biggest events on Sky poker decided to buy straight in for £1100 only to find he had a dodgy internet connection.
Hit my highest ever C4P tonight - but then 1000 C4P for entering the VLV final does help.
Kept away from cash - trying to stop the leak of playing cash when I am very tired - I seem to be ok on MTTs when zonked - maybe it's that you get penalised more viciously at cash when you make a mistake. Or maybe it is because at MTTs a mistake might mean your tournie life so one stays a little more focussed.
Entered 4 tournies from 8pm - 8:30pm. The main & mini BH, the 8:30pm BH & the 8:25pm PLO8 tournie. I love PLO8, but there is no way I can play it while concentrating on several other NLH tables. I must stop playing it, or not play so much NLH at the same time. Still finished 7/20+ which was egotisticslly rewarding, if not financially. As usual for this week I was doing well in the mini, and spirally downwards in the main. But then in the space of a few minutes I crashed into the 400s in the mini, while improving by 6x in the main to become chip leader - where's the TV when you want it.
Ended up cashing in the main 23/434 (sorry Dazler 44>JJ), out in the mini 200/600+, and 10/60 in the other BH (paying 8 - but only got this far by surviving shoving 1010 vs AA only to runner runner quads). Also played a velocity (4/45) and a couple of timed (out in one & money back in the other).
Still wanted some C4P, so took up Lambert's suggestion of playing Russian Roulette. Must be the only game where never having played it before is not a disadvantage - 7 games of £11 later I was break-even in cash but I'd got my point's target so v. happy. And no doubt Sky was very happy with the outrageous rake charged on the RR - but then it's my choice to play.
So poker wise tonight was OK. Positive return taking me back to the highs for the week.
Sky software however is still a POS. If I try to look at my tables it just hangs doing nothing - both using the download client and the browser. And the account search doesn't work for me. I do an advanced search and 50% of the tables that meet the criteria don't appear. The first problem I hope is solved with the next software release, but the search has been like that forever - so I expect no change.
On the forum we appear to be being over-run by diary posters. But why not - as someone remarked it has provided the forum with a lot of interesting material. Better that than the unseemly riot over the blog post - closing it down has to be in the best interests of the majority of us.
Spiritology & Religion. Well after I posted on the thread it seemd to have died a death - so best not invite me to your next barmitzvah or whatever.
Tomorrow night is my last night before I take a well-earned rest. Don't know what my plans will be. Would like to play live - but you can play so much more on Sky in the same time.......
Anyway, thank you for reading - not that I will believe that anyone read all the way through this. Mayby Woogie will - thanks for your kind comments by the way - loving your "don't know what's coming next but it's all good" experiences.
Am gad you are enjoying the "experiences" on my thread m8, it isn't a barmitzvah, its only a whatever, but probably best you don't post anything on there.
Whats the thinking behind the "well earned rest" m8 ? But good luck with your plans, whatever they turn out to be.
Absolutely fantastic effort Geldy. You should be proud of yourself...well done!
Very Well Played Geldy was a great HU to watch, was just ul
or as Carlo wuld say,
it's a never ending game
played 3 tournies tonight, all started at 9pm, and I lost at least 30 mins of play in each due to wifi probs
but even with that it must have been my best ever combo result
VLV 2/15 return 2500
5k BH 5/65 325
500 BH 3/81 58
any other day of the week this would have been a result to die for.
instead I get to reflect on the "but what if"
thanks TommyD for teaching me the power of aggression - almost made it work for me
PS thanks pingu - and you spotted it - there are no more VLV sats - it is now "GAME OVER"
So near yet so far, a superb effort.
Fortune favours the brave, though you didn't win the package (this time), I'm very pleased to see you bink the runner-up money.
Very good effort
Well played yesterday.
There are £500 sats at Dusk till dawn Nottingham this weekend if you fancy using some of your profit to get a package. Would be good to have as many as possible from sky over in vegas and in the main event.
Vul not to bink a package
As Matt says, DTD have some live sats over the long weekend.
2.5k is enough for a week in Vegas hobnobbing with the Sky team and playing the Venetian, Caesars or Binions events
VLV 2/15 return 2500
5k BH 5/65 325
500 BH 3/81 58
What a night!
Delighted for you. You had a bit of adversity to overcome, & you just buckled down & got on with it.
Personally i would spend some money on a decent internet conection. Its so frustrating when your seeing your hands and getting timed out.
Was good game tho and you should be proud of the way you played from what i saw