Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
horrible if i went all in was going to get called anyway
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancethemessSmall blind 75.0075.005135.00steelrodBig blind 150.00225.005310.00 Your hole cards6Q CVHCall 150.00375.0013182.50Giant811Fold shirley02Fold CLKFold themessCall 75.00450.005060.00steelrodCheck Flop Q6Q themessCheck steelrodCheck CVHBet 225.00675.0012957.50themessFold steelrodCall 225.00900.005085.00Turn 9 steelrodCheck CVHBet 300.001200.0012657.50steelrodCall 300.001500.004785.00River 8 steelrodCheck CVHBet 750.002250.0011907.50steelrodRaise 1950.004200.002835.00CVHAll-in 11907.5016107.500.00steelrodAll-in 2835.0018942.500.00CVHUnmatched bet 7872.5011070.007872.50steelrodShow6Q CVHShow9Q CVHWinFull House, Queens and 9s11070.00 18942.50
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