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Overshove on turn with top two pair....Can i fold?
Hand History #524986212 (18:12 29/05/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerab12Small blind £0.15£0.15£17.175starginalBig blind £0.30£0.45£31.50 Your hole cardsA8 codseyesFold elbows7Fold IMikeyBoyICall £0.30£0.75£34.33BigHawk89Raise £1.20£1.95£36.93xxCall £1.05£3.00£16.125starginalFold IMikeyBoyICall £0.90£3.90£33.43Flop 8A7 xxCheck IMikeyBoyICheck BigHawk89Bet £2.70£6.60£34.23xxCall £2.70£9.30£13.42IMikeyBoyIFold Turn 2 xxAll-in £13.42£22.72£0.00BigHawk89Call £13.42£36.14£20.81xxShow5J BigHawk89ShowA8 River J xxWinFlush to the Ace£34.34 £34.34
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Sigh..... just going to be dynamic dependant. As hand plays is going to be flush more often than not I suspect though.
1 He check call s your bet on flop out of position 3 way. He almost always has something here. He is extremely unlikely to be floating you looking to make a move later, by repping a flush or whatever. Players generally don't do this play very often. And even more unlikely out of position in a 3 way pot.
2 He puts in a massive overbet. This generally represents value to me. As the risk reward for using this as a bluff or semi bluff doenn't is not great.
3 You have only committed a small amount to the pot.The odds you are being offered are not great.
4 When a player want to get their entire stack into the middle all of a sudden they usually have a big hand, or a hand they think is a big hand.
5 The way he played the hand signifies very strongly, that them having a flush is very likely. Two pair or a set is very likely to raise flop, and even more unlikely to shove their stack in on the turn when a flush comes.Their is no good reason for an ace plus a heart to just shove their entire stack into the middle, especially when their is hardly anything in the middle.
If the opponent was a wild weak player I think a call could be ok.
Pretty much any hand he called the flop with has showdown value.Surely he knows he has showdown value with an ace plus a flush draw. That is common sense that, pretty much every human has. By shoving he is,just about only getting called when he is crushed. Most weak players know this.
Granted showing with the flush is illogical. I have seen players limp shoving aces. I remember hearing about a poker author who wrote, that when a player sticks a massive bet in,and their is only a small amount in the middle they mostly have the goods. And this is compatible with my own experience
Wasn't actually as as much of an overbet as I tought at first.Tought he bet 13 into a pot of 2. Their is a chance he is semi bluffing, to force off better hands, and you won't lose a full buyin. Its marginal in my opinion, we could be crushed. Whether they are a passive weak player or a wild weak player, I think is an important factor to consider.
Don't think oppo is thinking at all
Stack sizes are important here but if you are calling be looking for the flush as you'll probably be behind,.....don't chase too much.