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Hi All,
Please post your hands to be analysed on this thread if you would like us to view them on Thursday nights Poker Clinic at 8pm. All comments/feedback are welcome on all the hands that are posted.
We can only show hands from tables or tournaments with a TV icon next to them.
We also need you to tell us straight off which tournament or table the hand is from, as the hand i.d. on its own takes too long for our team to find.
We also welcome comments on the hands from the Poker Community.
All the best
TV Team
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Looking for some overview of what i should be looking for around the stack sizes, aggression etc.
In this hand would you comment on the bet sizing an any other considerations. I can see bb has 10 bb's or so but i don't want him running away so thought 3xBB was ok as consistent and may get him to reraise all-in. Your thoughts appreciated.
After all Doyle Brunson saysthat "Aces will either win you a small pot or lose you a big one" probably due to the FILWH syndrome.....
Nver heard of of it.........Its Falling In Love With Hand syndrome........there you go a 'Tikayism'
date 11/5 comp is mini open
hand id 518196278
If anyone would like their hand analysed on tomorrow night's Poker Clinic, do send your hands over to us via this thread. Please remember that it must be from a table with a TV icon or we can't show it.
The Sky Poker TV Team
Hi i have 2 hands for you from past 7 days on cash
Hand 1 from MC4 ID NO. 524352468
Q. I know it was a loose or maybe marginal call Pre, so when i hit the flop & Bet, then got re-raised should i have raised again,also should i have bet on turn
Hand 2 From MC 3 ID NO. 524310609
Q. pre flop should i have re-raised, Post flop could i have got off this hand or played it Differently
Actually your call preflop is ok as you are playing a deepstack table and so you do have more play and more implied odds. After that it wasn't so good. Either 4bet the flop, or if you want to call to see if a heart misses on the turn a call is ok, as it doesn't polarise your range to badly, but when the heart doesn't come on the turn you can't be giving another free card to 2 players and shold bet out here. I would make it about £10-£11 on the turn so that one or even two callers will give you the chance to shove on the river if board doesn't drop in a bad card.
So, call flop 3bet is fine, but lead the turn or you lose value and risk giving free cards to draws, and jam the river on a good card like you got. Bet for value when you hit your big hands, don't check because you worry they may fold. Free cards = bad.
I love calling with the 3s here pre flop, 200bbs deep Even if you all have 100bbs I think a call is good here, as it is a multiway pot.I think this likely to be a very good call long term. For the following reasons.
1 Opponents have deep stacked. Their if we hit our set we have great implied odds
2 Its a multi way 3 bet pot, therefore we have even greater implied odd, if we hit our set.
3 Set over set is so unlikely.
4 We are likely to be getting our money in very good post flop with a set.
5 Many people struggle to fold overpairs in a 3 bet pot, even for 200ish bbs.
If we don't hit our set its an instant fold. Easy life with this hand in this situation.
On the flop
I like lead. No guarantee button is going to bet bluffs 3 way,and may use their position to pot control, particularly this deep. Just try and bet flush draws aswell in this situation, so players can't get a read that you always bet sets here.
They may raise you with air,(depending on the player)a flush draw(Most likely nut flush draw, or high flush draw anyway given stack depth),or AQ overpair.
When they raise your bet, I am sure the best play here is to re raise again. A flush card on turn may stop action, or you may go behind to flush.Don't raise too small though, as this indicate massive strength. I like a fairly big raise, as you want to rep a flush draw that is looking for a fold, but not too big, that they are not tempted to raise over your bet or call. It you are confident they know you wouldn't re raise again with a flush draw, or anything less then a set, Then in this situation I think a flat call is best.
On the turn
I think a lead is ok.Given stack depth(opponent may check behind hands for pot control). Could look like a semi bluff with a flush draw that missed on the turn. He prob wouldn't be expecting to flat his flop raise with a set.
On the river
I like either a bigger bet to represent a missed flush draw(close to pot) or a small bet to represent a blocker type bet with a queen, hoping they will go over the top of you for value with an overpair or AQ.
should i be raising turn or okay to flat?
Thanks so much for the hands and the comments. We really appreciate all your contributions.
BorinLoner - thanks for flagging up that we summarise the comments.
Although we appreciate that the comments are first and foremost aimed at the player for their development (which is as it should be), we DO use some the comments for the show and have to condense them to be TV friendly. Best efforts are always used to try not to lose the essence of the message, but inevitably, sometimes we miss the mark (for which we apologise).
Many thanks,
The SKy Poker TV Team
In answer to your question. Yes I'm reraising the turn, as you've hit your straight and do have the redraw to the straight flush, or even just a flush. As played its difficult on the river as his bet is SOOO value town to the pot that I can't see him very often having anything other than an A or K of hearts at worst to make the bet so inticing to be called. So much as I'd love to say my head would definately make the wise fold I think some of the time I'd make a crying call...