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beginners at poker ok as fun just so much harder nowadays my advice play freerolls to begin with
I see theres been few posts lately from beginners my advice is just deposit £5 a week just have fun its so much harder nowadays to make money with people using the internet watching channel 865 etc i started playing years ago when game was easier but for me personally if i didnt know how to play the game and started now i would just play for bit of fun i mean u spend money on a ps3 game but if u get more excitement playing poker then go for it bet small win big

i mean u cant expect to win but aslong as u enjoy it all that matters any 1 else agree
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For some that will be £5.00 for others it might be £5,000.00
The important thing is make sure you enjoy it, don't expect to win every time and keep working on improving your game or alternatively donk all your chips off to me
It's still very possible for new players entering the game to progress quickly and become profitable IMO
The game should definitely always be fun, but I'd say it's perfectly acceptable to believe someone could start the game and not take long to be a break even player, and what's better than having a free hobby?