Good afternoon all
Some of you will recall my post last week. The jist being that I'm going to try sky poker for a period of time and see how I get on. I consider myself your average good player with a decent understanding of the game. (Live anyway I may have to reconsider my online abilities!)
Since depositing my £25 last week, the only proper amount of time I had available for poker was yesterday. However I'm sure some of you will sympathise, that when I had a few spare hours on friday, purely out of boredom I decided to play a £5.50 Bounty hunter - £500 guarantee. Now I really shouldn't enter these tournaments because if I see there are over a hundred entrants and the first prize is only about £100 I immediately lose enthusiasm and don't play as I should. I can't even remember how I exited, think it was a standard flip about halfway through.
More importantly to me was yesterday, my first serious day on sky poker. And I had the hearty sum of £19.50 available. So I decided to play a satelite for the £22 BH starting at 9. I bubbled the money on this which was frustrating, but decided to try two more satelites for that same tournament and the 8pm £22 double stack. I succesfully satelited in both and was chuffed with the opportunity to sample two new tournes.
I'll start with the 9pm BH. At this stage I was multitabling the double stack. I can't say I was a huge fan of this tourne, I really don't think 2000 starting chips gives you much play at all. It seems you need to double up early. I was lucky to get a lot of value with trips early on when getting a low pair and open ended staright draw to call me on three streets including a sizeable value bet on the river. However I completely dwindled chips, until eventually shovving with kq and being called by an ace 7 to be eliminated about halfway through. I must say at this stage I was running well on the double stack so wasn't concentrating fully on this tournament, but I didn't enjoy the structure that much at all. I can imagine though that these bounty hunter's are great fun if you run well and start collecting a few bounties and hit some cards!
Now on to the double stack, this really is my type of tournament! Great structure which allows a lot of play, especially at the early levels. With a juicy prizepool if you final table. I got off to a steady start bluffing quite a few pots with standard ABC poker and maintaining a stack of 4000 - 5000 for the first 30 - 45 mins. I looked down at aces after playing the previuous hand aggressively, so ideal timing. I bet the same pre flop as the hand before and was delighted when I was re raised, I considered slowplaying but thought I'd shove all in, his stack was about 2800 and he'd already invested 800 so thought I would get called by a fairly wide range of hands. However he did have kings so it was a cooler and I doubled up. A few hands later it was my turn to have kings, there was an under the gun raiser and a caller so I bumped it up and the big blind jammed all in with ace king suited fortunately I avoided the ace and chipped up.
I was 13/100 and feeling confident of making the money at least. As the blinds went up, and probably as a result of some of the weaker players being eliminated, I became unstuck. A couple of three bet bluffs met resistance and I was forced to fold, within half an hour I was 60/90 with no momentum. I was in the big blind in a limped pot with JK, just myself, the little blind and an under the gun limper. The flop came 33 5 , I decied to rep the 5 and bet under the gun folded I was surpised to be called by the little blind. The turn was a jack, I bet again and though if he has a big hand I will be re raised, he again called, I'm now putting him on a pair of 5s and think I can bluff him off this. The river is an ace I again bet and he calls and turns over Ace 4 - which I was pretty fuming about, as he seemed to be calling for the gut shot and not because he felt his hand was good!

After staeling a few pots I had 8bbs and shoved buttong with 10 j suited and got called by the BB with jq. I thought this was a really bad call considering this was for about 40% of his stack. I finised 73rd. I was disapoointed with this finish considering the position I found myself in with a 100 runners left.
I have identified where it went wrong this time and would be interested to see if fellow forumeres feel the same, or have any advice. 3 Points this week...
1. MOMENTUM - When I get off to these good starts I am obviously delighted. However I often find it's a bit of a double edged sword. As Tikay has eluded too poker is a difficult game when you have 20 - 30 big blinds.
2. Raise folding - This is linked to how momentum changes. When you have these big stacks I often find I lose momentum raising the cut off with premium hands like jk and then folding to a shove from the blinds.
And as my momentum turns my 3 bet bluff radar soon goes down the pan, and I again get shovved on or meet resistance on the flop and am forced to fold. I lose a lot of chips like this.
3. Eliminated shovving on button - When I had 8 bb's and found myself with J10 suited on the button I thought it was a no brainer to shove all in and try to pick up the blinds knowing it's a decent hand if I do get called. However would it have been better if I had min raised and bet the flop, may have looked stronger rather than a pure shove which looks very bluffy from the button?
I'd be interested on your thoughts on any of the above ladies and gents and if you share these same problems...