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What would you add to sky poker?

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat
Good morning Hope everyone well 

This post is for all of us, if you could, what would you change or add to the site to help or make it better?
I am sure that any constructive ideas would be listened to, as long as there no aggressive language and so on. 
I wouldn’t change much, but I work on an afternoon shift get home for 10pm, by time had dinner and so fourth it’s about 10 -30 by the time I start playing, any tourneys I would like to play in have already started, I would like to have a go in the survivor series, I don’t know how many players are in the same position as me, so my suggestion would be to run one later and combine the two and have a bigger final. 
Another have a champions of champions once a year, UKOPS, primo, any jackpot winners that sort of thing. 
Hope to hear from you good luck on tables. 


  • edited June 2012
    As you mentioned about being able to have late reg like other sites I think should be introduced.
  • edited June 2012
    Great Thread idea 

    Also I believe Late Regs is something that is being worked on 
  • edited June 2012
    Antes, Antes and Antes.
  • edited June 2012
    late registration and timebank oh and antes 
  • edited June 2012
    Re-sizeable tables
    Disconnect protection
    Late registration
    More full ring games
    More players (preferably terrible ones)

    Most if not all of these already being worked on I believe
  • edited June 2012
    Personally being mainly an STT player I would like the option of which seat I can play at, I know we can move positions but its the position relative to the other players ( as per cash tables) I dont really want to sit on the R.H.S of certain players ( No names) 

     The other would be the option to show 1 or both cards if you make a fold in a heads up situation. Sometimes giving this information can be used for your own advantage later.
  • edited June 2012
    I don't get why people would want antes? Although i only play cash so that could be why.

    I think the most pressing concern at the minute is the poor software. It feels big and slow and clunky compared to others and you need a monster of a computer to handle multitabling (i'm playing on a laptop at the moment but even my new iMac can only handle about 12 tables before it starts to die.) Other sites you can 24 table easily with no problems.

    I also think the software needs completely overhauling visually. Options to change baize colour and deck style etc is only going to help attract new players.

    On the cash game side of things i don't really see what else can be done to improve except maybe the option of opening up your own tables/hosting private games (my Dad plays on here too and if i want to play him heads up i have to sit and wait for a table to become free and then we both have to jump on it before anyone else, a few times i've jumped on and someone else has been on before he's had the chance to sit.)

    I'd personally also like a profit/loss totaliser where you could select the time period and it would show you 'CASH - +£49' or whatever. Also i think the ability to get better statistics up would be great. What already exists is ok but i think it could be improved.

    Also resizeable tables, TIMEBANK and the option of fast cash tables/

    Apart from that i think Sky are doing a great job and i'm uber excited to see the changes coming up.
  • edited June 2012

    i think being able to have pvt cash games would be a hugh plus the 1 holding it could give the players in the cash game a password to get in and have time limits on it say certain amount of hands or hours like the big game on channel 5

  • edited June 2012
    new download client
  • edited June 2012
    One thing that is a cash game improvement Pipunch which you left out is Auto-top-up, which is a massive help for multi-tabling, but I imagine this is also already being worked on.

    I'd like to see happy hours not just for cash games. Maybe a few hours of the day, same as cash, you would get 50% extra points on your STTs, would encourage people to multi-table more and earn Sky more rake, just as is the same intention of cash happy hours.
  • edited June 2012
    Oops yeah i forgot auto-topup and auto-rebuy! On this point i also don't think it's necessary to have 'your chips will be allocated' and all that popping up when you've re-bought. It's just annoying.
  • edited June 2012
    More £20 - £70 tournaments in gerneral, espeically after 9pm, when there is none ...
  • edited June 2012
    auto top up for cash games is a must  :)
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    auto top up for cash games is a must  :)
    Posted by JSAVO

    I don't play cash but I thought this was already in place. Amazed if it's not

  • edited June 2012
    Another addition I would like to see is the ability to change the "Quick bet buttons" to our own personal choice. Or as betting patterns have changed to at least incorporate a "2.5 x min" bet & a bet "pot" option. 

    Mind you I have always been confused that the "2 x min" bet is in fact to my way of thinking a 3x bet etc.
  • edited June 2012
    yeah the software is poor i agree i cant play more then 2 tables if i do my tables freeze up get connection problems so basically need a decent computer 
  • edited June 2012

    you cant pick your seat in a sit and go tournament. Because it is a tournament (albeit on one table)

    you can only chose your seat in cash games
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    Woogie, you cant pick your seat in a sit and go tournament. Because it is a tournament (albeit on one table) you can only chose your seat in cash games
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    I appreciate what you say with regard to it being a tourney Gregg,
    But sorry to disagree m8 on the other site I play you have that ability on a sng to sit where you like relative to other players. Having never played live I dont know how the seats are allocated there. But the question was "What would I add ".
     In fact if I could given the number of times I have folded pre flop what turns out to be the absolute nuts an "unfold button" would be a great addition to sky poker       :-)

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker? : I appreciate what you say with regard to it being a tourney Gregg, But sorry to disagree m8 on the other site I play you have that ability on a sng to sit where you like relative to other players. Having never played live I dont know how the seats are allocated there. But the question was "What would I add " In fact if I could given the number of times I have folded pre flop what turns out to be the absolute nuts an "unfold button" would be a great addition to sky poker :-) Mike
    Posted by Woogie8688

    Hi Mike

    You CAN choose your preferred seat in any game you play once it has started. There is a small icon at the top right of the screen where you can rotate your seat clockwise/anti clockwise to where you would like to see your seat on screen. This helps when you are multi tabling, and for example, you would like to be sitting top centre on all your tables.

    Hope this helps
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker? : Hi Mike You CAN choose your preferred seat in any game you play once it has started. There is a small icon at the top right of the screen where you can rotate your seat clockwise/anti clockwise to where you would like to see your seat on screen. This helps when you are multi tabling, and for example, you would like to be sitting top centre on all your tables. Hope this helps
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Hi Max, 
     I did say in the origional post about already have the ability to move seats, which I do use actually playing DTD on Monday's, it was the position relative to the other players I would like to change. 
     Sit & Go also come under their own heading on sky so I am not sure why this isnt an option as they are not classed under Tounaments.
    But Hell I dont want to fall out with anyone over this either lol
  • edited June 2012
    the ability to actually auto fold your hand when you click the auto fold button facing an allin.

    im fed up seeing someone shove, i select auto fold then its gets round to me and its asking if i call or fold. well no ive already pre selected my choice.
  • edited June 2012
    +1 to what TINTIN said:
    id also like;
    - Auto top-up
    - Preferred seating
    - Software improvements/connection improvements
    - Antes
    - Timebank!!!!!!
    - a statistic that can tell you hands played and profit over a certain period of time
    - 7.5% rake at Micros is rediculous.
    - rake on bounty hunters is even worse (no people don't like them as much as you think, its because we have no choice but to play them!)

    If you want more players on SKY, you need to sort some of these things out.
  • edited June 2012
    i would like to add a 30p dym sit n go on sky poker
  • edited June 2012
    oh yeah another thing i would love to see is RABBIT CAM :) so if your in a pot and u fold on the flop u can see what card would of come on the turn would be good to see if u had made the right fold or not 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    oh yeah another thing i would love to see is RABBIT CAM :) so if your in a pot and u fold on the flop u can see what card would of come on the turn would be good to see if u had made the right fold or not 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Whether you made the right fold or not was decided on the flop, not after the next card comes out.

    Results orientated FTW there.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker? : Hi Max,   I did say in the origional post about already have the ability to move seats, which I do use actually playing DTD on Monday's, it was the position relative to the other players I would like to change.   Sit & Go also come under their own heading on sky so I am not sure why this isnt an option as they are not classed under Tounaments. But Hell I dont want to fall out with anyone over this either lol
    Posted by Woogie8688
    I'm really confused, it sounds like what you're saying is 'can I have it so when i sit down in my SnG, I will always be to the left of Yoyo (for example)?'

    Well of course you can't do that. Wouldn't we all like to be to the right of bad players and to the left of good players, but that's just mad being able to choose lol.
  • edited June 2012
    choose preferred seat
    auto top up
    holdem manager
    resizable tables
    better software
  • _G__G_
    edited June 2012
    How about a button to press, that automatically send abusive behaviour to customer care
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker? : I'm really confused, it sounds like what you're saying is 'can I have it so when i sit down in my SnG, I will always be to the left of Yoyo (for example)?' Well of course you can't do that. Wouldn't we all like to be to the right of bad players and to the left of good players, but that's just mad being able to choose lol.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Sorry if I dont understand your sense of humour Paul .
    Let me try & explain it very simply.
    1) In the lobby there is shown an empty table
    2) Players can then choose which seat they wish to sit in ( The 1st player can choose any one of 6 seats)
    3) The subsequent players can then choose any of the remaining seats available
    4) If another player sits in a seat, you have the option to move position until the table is full
    5) When the table is full the game starts ( Thats why it is called a SIT & GO)

    So to use your example if Yoyo is seated at the table a) I wouldnt sit at that table.
      b) should I take leave of my senses  & wish to play on the same table as him I wouldnt sit in the seat directly to his right as I would rather act after him.

    I appreciate that you play HU Sng's where seat position has no relevance whatsover, but in a 6 Max SIT & GO then it becomes not mad but actually an important factor. 

    I hope that you are no longer confused by my definition of "preferred seating" in a SNG

    As I said in another reply I have never had the pleasure of playing a SNG in a live enviroment, but maybe someone can enlighten me as to wether the players choose a seat to sit at, or are they allocated a seat position for a SNG by the tournament director in the Casino or do they draw lots for the seat at which they sit??

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you add to sky poker?:
    How about a button to press, that automatically send abusive behaviour to customer care
    Posted by _G_
    Brilliant idea. It happens far too often and I either forget to get round to reporting it or am annoyed at how long it takes.
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