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Showing hands in a live tourney.
Was watching Pokerstars Game on TV last night and in one hand Daniel Negreanu showed his cards (77) to the player next to him AFTER he had folded to a raise by Seiver. Now I DON'T play live but thought it strange/unusual/bad form to just show his cards to ONE person at the table. I'm not saying it was against the rules just thought it was a bit unfair? It probably happens a lot but I thought it was unusual.
Any live players have any experience/views?
Negreanu also made a BIG song&dance about a bluff he made with 107o which resulted in Seiver folding. I'm guessing it was for the cameras but I thought it was "unsporting"?
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I saw the programme where he went on about T7o and it was designed to tilt Scott which it did, thoroughly, didn't it? Mind, it was a bit distastefuli agree. Mind, thats poker...alwayslooking for some edge.
Scott does the same, i'm when he was 'throwing buns' to his fans after winning big pots in one tournament. it involved putting his elbow in the air!!!
Thanks for the support last night by the ay . i came 4th in the birthday bash and was well chuffed though missed out on the three free entry prizes but did cash. Unfortunately, i was beaten by three 51'ers(No, there wasn't collusion so SKY will not be contacted!) Will HITMAN_RV throw me in the Brig now, do you think?
4th was an excellent result, some seriously good players in the tourney.
Have to remember that a lot of these guys have alot of money tied up in public appearences and endorsments and like to promote a certain image.
I think negranue making song and dance was just a result of getting run down so often. Truly is good for the game imo.
At live tables where I dont know anyone I often look to make a single serving ally. Negranue is one of the best at this. So many advantages
Showing dead hand to one player is tad off but pretty much always serves an agenda. But it usually universally balances. Negranue is the wealthy man & spokesperson for the game that he is simply as a result of how he has always conducted himnself at table (other than in HSP S2 - lol love it).
But you are going to get nuances at any live table vs known regs. Your not looking to robotically play. Even friendly psychology is still psychology and just far more interesting than sat staring at a screen.
Thanks for the replies guys. Some good points. I suppose in retrospect the interaction between the players at this particular table made good TV. It has certainly made me want to see more!
Of course this is a subjective thing. While poker is fairly standard a lot of casinos can have a lot of different rulings on what is allowed and what isn't. For example showing one card etc while a hand is live etc, or many other little things that one place may allow and one may not. On these TV events most of the pros are aware of any special rulings in place, and all of them are pros and have seen it all before remember.
As for rubbing down a player after a bluff.. Gee really? Thats so common its not even worth a mention. Sometimes it verbal, and sometimes it some other way like Lex Veldhuis pulling 5 buffs in a row on the same player in the 2009 WSOP and showing him each time. Scott certain can do his fair share of table talk, so doubt he don't expect it back, and daniel is well known for for his talk, like it or not. And on TV its often a little more overdone because of the fact poker might get boring if they were all sat stone faced playing poker.