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New player on sky. Introduction and a few questions.
Hi All. My names Dave AKA Cowhead.
I'm pretty new to the site and the community seems a friendly one so thought I'd drop in.
Bit about me:
I've played poker since 2002 and although I'm generally profitable I do have my moments and crazy BR spin ups.
I played one or two games here on Sky a while back afetr making a little deposit and hated everything about it so carried on grinding elsewhere.
Few weeks ago I received an email for a "mystery bonus" so I deposited a fiver and got 3 quid bonus "weeeeeeeeeeeeee" anyway, I've played a few mtts and a few sngs and found it's a nice place to play with the players being generally friendly and plan to continue playing here for the forseeable future.
My questions:
1. I hate the table sizes as this restricts multi tabling which I like because it stops me getting bored. I've been told that this is being looked at or coming soon (which I hope will happen sooner rather than later) Anyone know when this will happen?
2. When I register for a mtt or sng 9 times out of 10 the game starts before my table is fired up and I miss at least a couple of hands.. Is this just me or is it a clitch?
3. When I try to click the tab to move to a different seat sometimes this wont let me. Again is this just me or is it something everyone encounters.
4. Clicking the lobby tab to get up info when Iwant/need to is a pain because this sometimes doesnt let me do this either. Common problem?
Anyway thanks for reading, I really don't want to sound like I'm whinging, it's just if anyone has any idea how to get over these little annoyances I'd be very grateful.
PS: If I'm n the wrong section I do apologise as I couldnt find an introduction section for new members of the community.
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1. re-sizeable tables are due next month, or the month after.
P.s The download is usually alot faster and will open tables faster than playing on the browser, so if your not playing on the download, it would be a good idea to do so.
Good luck
2. Probably a problem with your connection/computer.
3. I get this sometimes, problem with the software that I assume will be fixed with the new site/software. Keep trying and it'll work eventually.
4. Also common problem, hopefully fixed soon, keep trying.
2. Sometimes happens to me, maybe 25% of the time - I always fold anyway so "meh"
3. Always been ok for me - top right FTW
4. Sometimes - I just click again and it normally works!
Have you tried the download version?
I have tried the mini view but it's awful tbh and if table resizing is coming next month that'll be great.
I didnt even know you could download the software and will try it.
Thanks again.
Keep using it and after a few days you'll love it.
you may have to "" the computer....sorry couldn't resist....
I think most people hated mini view when they started using it, then got used to it after a while and don't have any problems
Understand that if u like to chat while playing then mini not for you ofc.