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Playing low pocket pairs?
I've been wondering lately how best to play low pocket pairs. (22----->TT/JJ maybe)
I used to limp, see a flop and fold if the texture wasn't favourable.
In a multiway pot how do you play? I've tended to raise now to try and build some money just incase i do hit and everyone else folds to the Cbet. do you play yours?
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Hope this helps
If a reg who i know will 3/4 pot Cbet has already 4x raised then i'll usually bin really small pairs out of position. I suppose against the players who don't really take any notice at my level i want to keep as many in the pot as possible in case i do hit.
As for how I play them. If I play them I open raise always if first to act. Unless you limp other hands you might as well turn your cards face up to anyone paying attention to what you are doing and they will sooo get off their hand if you start playing back at them post flop. Really don't want to give betting tells at a poker table, as they are blindingly obvious to anyone paying attention. However, as someone else has said its different if you have had limpers already if you want to limp in then, as set mining in a multiway pot can be profitable and you're not turning your hand face up as often.
Limping behind is a bit less straightforward. If I'm on the button, for example, and have one or two limpers in front of me, I'll almost always raise with these hands. If I have between 10-20BB with limpers in front, I'll just shove. If I have 30BB+ I'll raise a normal amount. If I have between 20-30BB, it's a tough decision and pretty much dependent on my perception of the players in the blinds and the players who have limped. You can definitely fold.
Calling raises in position with low pocket-pairs is fine if we're deep. 100BB deep, on the button with 55 and facing a 3x raise, you can definitely set-mine. You don't want to do this if a player in the blinds has been 3-betting alot. In the blinds, facing a single raise, you can usually set-mine when you're deep. Your odds will automatically be better since you're in the blinds, and you will be closing the action (from the BB). Your odds for doing so are improved if other players have called the open raise, of course.
I could go on and say when I would 3-bet, when I would shove, when I would fold... Basically it's all dependent on reads, stack sizes, position, etc... It's far too broad a topic for me to get into at half past midnight. The bottom line would be:
Never open limp with small pocket pairs.
Generally I would make a raise with a pocket pair just because there is a chance of winning the pot there and then. If I get 3-bet then it depends on the size of the stacks, the price to call the 3-bet, and my opponent's tendancies in 3-bet pots.
Against an unknown I would be looking for implied odds of around 20:1 to set mine. So I raise 3x and get 3-bet to 10x it costs me 7 BBs to call, the effective stack would need to be 140BBs. 100BBs and it's a fold. However if I had a read on an opponent that they only 3-bet premium hands (QQ+ and AK) and they generally overplay them post flop I will take worse odds. With this read I would call the same 3-bet if we were 100BBs deep. It should go without saying by I'm folding most small pairs if there is a raise and a 3-bet infront of me. There's too great a chance of the orrigional raiser 4-betting.
Incidently. This is one of the reasons for the traditional bet sizing of three big blinds and a 3-bet to 9/10BBs. A 10xBB 3-bet is just big enough to give 15:1 implied odds for a set-mine. Any bigger and you risk too much with 3-bet bluffs, any smaller and the implied odds are too good to produce any fold equity. If you open to 5x then it's very difficult to profitably call a 15xBB 3-bet for 15% of your stack, you usually have to 4-bet or fold.
if you playing any hand for implied value then just ensure you have the correct price to call