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Tips for playing Bounty Hunters
Evenin' all,
Lately I've been playing of DYM's with reasonable success but these games can become boring/repetitive after a while so I've been playing some Bounty Hunter tournemants.
I've played standard guaranteed tournemants as well and have cashed a few times but I just can't seem to get the hand of Bounty Hunters. I've tried playing super tight which has got me near the bubble but rarely do I collect only bounties in doing this. I've just tried two games, one at a 2.25 stake and one at 11 and I thought I'd loosen up (start playing suited connectors etc.). But preflop everytime I raised I was getting 3 or 4 callers, regardless of my position.
In the last game I raised 4xBB with KJ, 3 people called. The flop comes K74, rainbow. A guy bets half my stack, so I reraise all-in to which he calls and he's got 74.
Now looking back I know I should have been more wary of his bet but I'd been playing for over an hour and it was the first hand I had hit. It was so frustrating.
In conclusion, what's the best way of going about playing Bounty Hunters?
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further in you can widen your ranges, as most will be calling/shoving lighter just because of the bounties
some people just go mad for a bounty ! You do actually come across some mental people early on shoving with QJs and what not !
you starting stacks not that high so its fold or shove asap as soon as your getting short stacked your getting called with anything.
forget your in a mtt and just go for bounties the payouts for cashing dont make playing tight profitable in the long run.
You will find different strategies in BH's. Some are maniacs and will call/shove with just about anything once they've had their initial double up. You can play for a long time and cash thinly without the bounties.
I did read a way of including the bounties in terms of chip equity a while ago which made good sense but that assumes players are playing optimally which just isn't the case in BH's.
If i were you. i'd play tight early and then start to play once the 'maddies' have had their fun. Cheers....