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this short programe showed how bad some of the players are on dym games just a shame they never showed more hands then they would see how bad it really is no offence intended but it would of been nice to have a dym grinder on the team to give there views on the hands shown
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Hi Chillie,
We have battled many a time at the tables, but i cant agree that the play in dyms is always bad. there are some very good players around, especially at the higher levels...
Dyms are profitable and fun at all levels, but i think we need to respect all our opponents... If people want to limp and bluff level 1, that's fine, it's their money.
i don't agree with highlighting how bad players are, i think that ryan and james gave good constructive advice, and i think thats what the channel try to do, and they succeed imo. I would have liked more hands from latter stages, as im usually asleep level 1 and 2, but i understand this is coming soon!
The programme was set for a beginner level i feel and that is fine as you can't satisfy everyone but i'm sure scotty would agree there were too many similar hands for him to make learning points about.
Maybe £11 min games would have shown a better standard...after all there's only so many times you can say "don't limp, always raise first in". I still think scotty does a good job though. Cheers
Was there any of me playing badly lol (Probably)
Not sure if he,d be able to do it (don,t know him personally or where he lives) but if possible i think he,d be the perfect candidate for this
I wasn't disagreeing wih you Chillie in any way. I agree with you about the programme and some games i'v played in have had hands as shown which i recognise as poor plays. I've only been playing for a year but don't play cash atm only MTT and DYM. I just play £3.30 and £5.50 but thought the £11 dym's would be of a higher standard.
Would you mind looking at my thread in the poker clinic called "scotty77 told me....." as you seem to be a person with the necessary expertise in dym's to consider it. Thanks for the help and may i repeat that i wasn't be disparaging in any way. TBH i was a little disappointed in the programme but recognise that you can't cover all aspects in such a short time. Cheers....
It's fantastic if people can learn from other peoples mistakes )
Anyway I doubt anyone plays perfect poker 100% of the time, give em a break !
+1 does need a DYM grinder to give advice, but also you gotta remember these shows are aimed at beginners to the game so they never going to be too in depth unless SKY change there whole marketing ethos