Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Any news on an app for the ipad yet?
I would really like to be able to play on my spanking new ipad but don't want to clutter it up by trying apps that may not work. Also, I don't see much point in using "logmein" as you still have to have a pc running (although I'm sure that as an app, it is very good). I see ipads being used on Sky Poker TV and am interested to know which app is used.
Onwards and upwards...
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To be honest, i'd rather NOT have poker at my beck and call!!!
The i-pads we use on Ch 865 are NOT to play poker on the site, they serve 2 functions, namely.....
1) So we can read Forum Posts & threads whilst in the Studio.
2) We have a special app that serves as the "clicker" when analysing & commentating upon the hands. We can talk & click to suit the hand, or commentary, via that i-Pad "clicker". We used to have a little clicker rather like a modern car key clicker, but we've gone all posh now.
An app to facilitate playing on Sky Poker via an i-Pad is under development & is coming along nicely. As some have stated, there are variuous means by which it can be done now, but the real thing will be along soon enough.