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can some help with this situation. did i play it ok or should i have pushed earlier to stop the pers
yidette9Small blind 20.0020.005700.00CORNEXCBig blind 40.0060.006470.00 Your hole cardsJQ SharkB4itCall 40.00100.0012420.00NONUTSROZYCall 40.00140.001110.00THEBOMB88Raise 80.00220.005290.00carnelCall 80.00300.005520.00yidette9Fold CORNEXCCall 40.00340.006430.00SharkB4itCall 40.00380.0012380.00NONUTSROZYCall 40.00420.001070.00Flop 698 CORNEXCCheck SharkB4itBet 420.00840.0011960.00NONUTSROZYFold THEBOMB88Raise 1365.002205.003925.00carnelCall 1365.003570.004155.00CORNEXCFold SharkB4itFold Turn K THEBOMB88Bet 2677.506247.501247.50carnelCall 2677.508925.001477.50River 7 THEBOMB88All-in 1247.5010172.500.00carnelCall 1247.5011420.00230.00THEBOMB88ShowJQ carnelShow9A carnelWinFlush to the Ace11420.00 11650.00
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Don't agree with above that you need to raise more preflop at all at this blind levels. In fact I'm even on with limping with the others with a hand like this at early blind levels. You are mostly playing hand like this to high a straight or a flush anyway if in multiway pot and it can pay off big when you do it this way.
As played the flop was fine, but soon as he calls the flop that really narrows what hands he can have to call there. Either he has something like a set and is hoping to improve, a flush himself, or drawing to a flush. As drawing is highly likely I'd say you should definatey jam the turn. You give him just about odds to call on the turn with your bet as if he hits he is pretty sure he is getting the last of your chips anyway. So you got to protect your hand here and jam it in and if he calls well he calls, but at least he is doing so at bad odds. I suspect he is going to call though with top pair and nut draw, but at least its one you got it all in ahead.