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I was just wondering..........?

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat the grinders still fist pump when they win a hand or suck out?

After forgetting about the England game and only being reminded by the loud "get in there!" from next door when Lescott scored , it made me realise what I was doing during my poker.

"Get in!", "about time I won one" , "that's what I'm talking about!' and "ohhh, you're joking!" not to mention the inevitable   "nooooo!" are all utterances from my mouth during an evening of poker. I enjoy the buzz. So I was wondering if you grinders out there playing 5 tables and more still get that buzz or just wallow without reaction reaction to what occurs on your mini tables saying "it's just variance and will iron itself out in 100,000 hands or so!
I'm not sure if poker would have the same appeal without the fist pump. What do you do or say when playing and would it make a difference to you if you didn't?


  • edited June 2012
    In Response to I was just wondering..........?: the grinders still fist pump when they win a hand or suck out? After forgetting about the England game and only being reminded by the loud "get in there!" from next door when Lescott scored , it made me realise what I was doing during my poker. "Get in!", "about time I won one" , "that's what I'm talking about!' and "ohhh, you're joking!" not to mention the inevitable   "nooooo!" are all utterances from my mouth during an evening of poker. I enjoy the buzz. So I was wondering if you grinders out there playing 5 tables and more still get that buzz or just wallow without reaction reaction to what occurs on your mini tables saying "it's just variance and will iron itself out in 100,000 hands or so! I'm not sure if poker would have the same appeal without the fist pump. What do you do or say when playing and would it make a difference to you if you didn't?
    Posted by profman15
    i still use all those phrases plus a few more colourful ones no matter if the result is a good one or not. i cant shrug all results aside without a little outburst of emotion
  • edited June 2012
    It depends on the pot/tournament, normally I will be playing say 6 tables and don't always look when I am all in as there may be decisions on other tables and once all in there is nothing you can do to change the decision. When I am down to the last few tables of a tournament or if I am in a big buy in tournament (for my bankroll) I will be shouting at the screen/fist pumping etc while the hand is going on. In the early stages of a normal buy in tournament it doesn't mean that much as you know there is another tournament around the corner and it is variance. Late on in a tournament there is more of a immediate monetary effect so it is important to help the  dealer (random card generator) by shouting hold or for the card you need!!

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: I was just wondering..........?:
    It depends on the pot/tournament, normally I will be playing say 6 tables and don't always look when I am all in as there may be decisions on other tables and once all in there is nothing you can do to change the decision. When I am down to the last few tables of a tournament or if I am in a big buy in tournament (for my bankroll) I will be shouting at the screen/fist pumping etc while the hand is going on. In the early stages of a normal buy in tournament it doesn't mean that much as you know there is another tournament around the corner and it is variance. Late on in a tournament there is more of a immediate monetary effect so it is important to help the  dealer (random card generator) by shouting hold or for the card you need!! Matt
    Posted by MattBates
    What were you like in the vegas final then?.....PRESSURE!!!
  • edited June 2012
    I find The Occaisional.....

    " Fook My Old Boots!!"

    helps tremendously, lol!!
  • edited June 2012
    Early on wasn't too bad as I had a big chip lead.

    When I got low and shoved with AJ and was called by KK. There was lots of shouting at the laptop...ace!....followed by loud screams of yes when it hit!! When the other two were all in there was lots more shouting for certain cards to come.....followed by another big yell of yes! I guess I will have to lose some of the shouting for when I am playing in Vegas!
  • edited June 2012
    lol class matt, can totally imagine what you were  going thru in vegas final. looking forward to hearing you on programme tommorow. gl in vegas bud
  • edited June 2012
    hi profman,
    i still get the buzz of playing and i must confess i do let some emotions show.
    i know that u probably shouldn,t as it could effect your play ,but i find it better to let my emotions out
    rather than bottle them up.
    i try as much as possible to play like a robot even though i know i,m not one.
    i guess at least it shows that you care and that it all means something to you.
  • edited June 2012

    Regarding the earlier post, had A10 shoved from the SB into BB who had QQ....he flops a Q but I have a J for the straight and after shouting jack the dealer obliges and I hit the 4 outer! Fist pump etc followers!

  • edited June 2012
    i show emotions when i get lucky :) when i get unlucky i just kick the table so yeah show emotions by that aswell ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
  • edited June 2012
              I just lost
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: I was just wondering..........?:
    i show emotions when i get lucky :) when i get unlucky i just kick the table so yeah show emotions by that aswell ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Hi fella
    How bruised is your foot, mate?
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