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Thursday Night's Live Show with Rich, Tikay and Matt Bates- + we need your suggestions for Sky Poker
this is so easy just put logdon on the pitch,she will frighten the life out of any opposing team.
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Greetings gang,
Your next live show on Sky Poker Television is Thursday night 7pm to midnight.
Helming it are myself, Richard Orford and an early human prototype from the Neolithic era, Tony ‘Tikay’ Kendall.
Joining us in guest corner will be Sky Poker player and Viva Las Vegas winner Matt Bates.
Lots of input and hand requests from you guys please!
Highlights of the show include Poker School at 9, talking online tells. Have you any to share? Do let us know.
And we’re simulcasting on Sky Sports 4 from 10 with Top of the Pots and coverage of the night’s main event: The Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.
From 7-10pm I’ll be running a comp to give away 3 seats into this Sunday’s Lucky 7s tournament. How do you win? Easy…
In tribute to Euro 2012, simply suggest Sky Poker personnel for our very own Sky Poker First XI.
So it doesn’t get too wordy, maybe just stick to suggesting one or two positions rather than a whole team, and I’ll award prizes to the funniest/cleverest individual player suggestions.
To give you an idea here’s a full 4-5-1 formation that I came up with…
Dylan12- massive presence in goal. Fills it admirably.
Gliterbabe- dependable, unflappable, gets the job done.
Tikay- Slow, ageing warhorse but exactly what's needed to snuff out strikers with boring anecdotes. You won’t get much pass him. Tighter than Tightville.
Nutter5932- Consistent SNG specialist. Solid performer.
Jen Mason- intelligent left-winger who can man-mark any player at tournaments.
TommyD- midfield dynamo, and teacher, so would make a good captain. Useful bursts into the box as well.
LolRaise- feared by most teams. Spectacular player who can get forwards and create goals.
Julian Thew- flair player. Able to bink a last minute piece of magic when all the odds are stacked against him
Scotty77- attacking midfielder, aggressive, liable to occasionally get sent off though if tilted.
Sam1986- the Scott Parker role. Has risen through the ranks and will do a job for you. Consistent workhorse. Looks a bit like him too.
LolUFold- world class striker leading the front. Our equivalent of Wayne Rooney. Frightens any defence. ‘nuff said.
Carlo Citrone- legendary player, knocking on a bit, but able to play for at least 20 minutes and rescue the game for you.
Anna Fowler- can offer you something a little different. Luxury player, but maybe worth bringing on if you’re 4-0 up.
Right, you get the idea. See what you can do with that! Remember, try and stick to one or two really good positions rather than a whole team, as I won’t be able to read your whole teams out on air. So just go with your best suggestions.
Looking forward to them!
Profman as technical director as he would analyse everything!
Could Anna also double up as the sponge girl??? :-)
Launder to wash the kit?
Gadgerno1 - Goalkeeper of course.
Evilpingu - Team mascot
You can tell you're a Baggy!
All the best foulers are defenders!
and one of the best centre forwards I ever had the privilege to meet was Alan Sniffer Clarke from Leeds UTD.
The way Carlo sniffs round all the good looking presenters you can't afford to have him on the bench!
He's never without a good forward line! quite a few of them close to sexual harrasment
But to his credit he does look a natural born stalker oops striker
How about Pryce6 in the Mario Balotelli role. A post was put up a while ago that caused a lot of furore(though i had no idea what it was about myself).
He, just as Mario, has undoubted talented but can cause problems with team mates. Mind you, that mohican would look good at the tables no doubt?
I do watch Football and know the offside rule. I'm no Karen Brady but did predict England's 1.1 draw. I prefer watching the African League they've got bigger balls and its more exciting. English football is all back passing and goalless games. Oops! Hubby's just gone into one.? Anyway fwiw
Front row; all the player that won tickets to Vegas.
Mid field ; all the player that came second.
Defence. all the Mods Kiwini JockBMW , ect
Goal; Greghogg no ball will get passed him.
Well what did you expect.? Hugs xxxx
Inspired by Tomaziewski (the Clown) Polish Keeper who thwarted England
Great at Cleaning up
Oxlade-Thew Great on the turn
Up Front
Inspired by brother Robbie
Sharp Shooter
I am on the show tomorrow but don't event get on the bench in your side plus you are playing a left winger in defence! Shocking team selection....future West Brom manager I think not!!
Woogie8688 (a surprise choice, but has proven to be very adaptable and successful at everything else)
devonfish5 (impossible to pass him despite an occasional lapse)
Profman15 (always positive – no pressure too intense)
Lambert180 (full of energy – will organise the back 4 very efficiently)
GaryQQQ (ultra-reliable)
EvilPingu (has moved back to consolidate his role, but can race into the attack when needed)
Rancid (EvilPingu’s evil twin)
TommyD (the Iniesta of SkyPoker)
Tintin (can beat the unbeatable)
Dazler (Razzle dazzle)
GELDY (too inconsistent to be further back but shows the necessary occasional brilliance to justify inclusion and to confuse the opposition with his unexpected plays)
The rest of the SkyPoker Forum Community – it’s a really deep bench
[QUOTE]Hi Rich Tikay & Matt Hope TK is OK as he looked a bit thin on Tuesday nights show.! I do watch Football and know the offside rule. I'm no Karen Brady but did predict England's 1.1 draw. I prefer watching the African League they've got bigger balls and its more exciting. English football is all back passing and goalless games. Oops! Hubby's just gone into one.? Anyway fwiw Front row; all the player that won tickets to Vegas. Mid field ; all the player that came second. Defence. all the Mods Kiwini JockBMW , ect Goal; Greghogg no ball will get passed him. Well what did you expect.? Hugs xxxx
Posted by logdon
Morning Annie, & thank you for your concern. I'm absolutely tickity-boo, thank you, I'm on a diet, & have managed to lose 2st 7lbs in 12 weeks. The diet ends this weekend, so it's almost finished now.
Your concern, & that of many others who have written to me in the same vein, is really appreciated.
I have a natural weight "problem" - it just goes up & up if I do not control it, so I have to do this every year. I failed to do the annual diet in 2010, so last year (2011) I had to lose over 5 stone! But I did it, in 5 months flat. I find dieting very easy, but I find putting the weight back on is even easier. I have been doing this "annual diet" for over 30 years now.
] Morning Annie, & thank you for your concern. I'm absolutely tickity-boo, thank you, I'm on a diet, & have managed to lose 2st 7lbs in 12 weeks. The diet ends this weekend, so it's almost finished now. Your concern, & that of many others who have written to me in the same vein, is really appreciated. I have a natural weight "problem" - it just goes up & up if I do not control it, so I have to do this every year. I failed to do the annual diet in 2010, so last year (2011) I had to lose over 5 stone! But I did it, in 5 months flat. I find dieting very easy, but I find putting the weight back on is even easier. I have been doing this "annual diet" for over 30 years now. xx
Posted by Tikay10
So pleased you are OK with no problems related to sudden weight loss. We do worry about you, you know.
I was concerned that Sky were taking their pound of flesh, and as you were going away took two pounds. ?
Ok, we can stop worrying about you and leave you to enjoy your trip to Paradise. Just a reminder, cough, cough, you can't come back with less than last time so only way is up.! Hugs Annie xxxx
Struggling to think of anything witty today BUT surely Gerrard9 must be first on the team-sheet?
I won't be offering up my team selection. I'm the fool that put a fiver on Sweden to win the Euros, hours before they lost to Ukraine... 66/1 looked like such a good price to me. Shows what I know.
Mr. Orford, how are you going to cope without Mr. Kendall for a whole month? I understand that James Hartigan is going to be the analyst for some (possibly all) of the shows in the next few weeks. Try not to squabble over who gets to read out my posts. lol
Good luck at the tables in Vegas, Tikay. It's a shame that the show with Anna on Tuesday wasn't your big send off. I suspect a goodbye kiss from Richard doesn't have quite the same appeal for you.
Have a great show chaps.
I want one made for when i eventually get to an SPT...........
Your my hero Solarcarro....TY :-)
Gonna have some fun tonight reading these out.
Superb effort from Dave (SolarCarro) too!
Don't forget, probably best not to do whole teams as I won't be able to do them justice and read them out in their entirety.
Also I'm only running this till 10pm as we're on Sky Sports after that.
Best just to stick to one or two really funny suggestions for individual positions.
But you're definitely doing me proud on this one so far!