i opened up the you tube vid and couldnt help but pi ss myself laughing at Llamas face when it was paused in the first second and kept rewinding it along with that you have combine harvester in the background by the worzles pmsl quality guys Posted by Dazler
Not heard that song in ages - I watched the first draw and thought it was Lola from Eastenders at first
Got your PM Gregg and I,m about today so will try and find you and get our match played
In Response to Re: Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ 1st Round Draw Announced ------ 5 Games To Go!! : Not heard that song in ages - I watched the first draw and thought it was Lola from Eastenders at first Got your PM Gregg and I,m about today so will try and find you and get our match played MP Posted by MP33
LOLA?! I'm twice the size as her, even with the watermelon stuffed up her hoody.
In Response to Re: Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ 1st Round Draw Announced ------ 5 Games To Go!! : LOLA?! I'm twice the size as her, even with the watermelon stuffed up her hoody. Posted by Llamas
Yes but you do have a massive crush on the_don90/Jay right?
Who is getting it on with Kat btw???? I got a feeling it might be a woman.
In Response to Re: Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ 2nd Round Draw Announced (on page 5) ------ : What's the score so far then? You gonna be making an early exit from the last longer gregg? Posted by Lambert180
3-0 to MP33, he crushed... wp and gl and bye bye 11 dollar
In Response to Re: Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ 2nd Round Draw Announced (on page 5) ------ : 3-0 to MP33, he crushed... wp and gl and bye bye 11 dollar Posted by GREGHOGG
hi paul any chance you can find out who im meant to be playing in round 2? cheers m8 Posted by liamboi11
The draw is on page 5, you're playing the winner of Slykllist/Drumahai, sorry they've taken ages to play their game. Only game left in Round 1 I think.
In Response to Re: Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ 2nd Round Draw Announced (on page 5) ------ : hi m8 u ready to play the now if ur on Posted by liamboi11
Hi m8, just busted from DTD so am ready now if ur about?
Right, just a bit of an update on how we're doing. All Round 1 games have now been finished and here's where we stand with round 2... People Through To Round 3.... SolarCarro Sara36DD08 IDONKCALLU MP33 Largearce Lambert180 Brrrrrrr Dohhhhhhh LiamBoi11 Dazler Round 2 Matches Left...
SuperSnedd V Maxally FlashJonny V DJBlacke04 Shuv V MrBurns04 Goodylad21 V Thomas87 Wason06 V Bigrick TWRAMYEP V MKGunner
I can't remember what score it was between me and Engy, only that I won so I just put 3-2.
The round 3 draw is coming tomorrow night so please try and get as many Round 2 games played as possible.
Got your PM Gregg and I,m about today so will try and find you and get our match played
I presume ur on mini
i,ll be waiting on an empty cash table if you wanna find me
best of 5 innit soz
You gonna be making an early exit from the last longer gregg?
I will be on the site from 7.15pm this evening (Sunday) and also Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday if you want to arrange our game.
Come find me at a table or PM me best time/day to play.
We need to play our round one match, I'm available right now if you are?
Liamboi let me know when you're available to play.
sara36dd v pokertrev
great games
manged to sneak through the first one was a marathon game
second played itself
thanks trev
sara36dd08 3-0 pokertrev
Well played, good luck in the next round
Are you still playing this? just read your leaving thread, if your playing are you around tonight???
People Through To Round 3....
Round 2 Matches Left...
SuperSnedd V Maxally
FlashJonny V DJBlacke04
Shuv V MrBurns04
Goodylad21 V Thomas87
Wason06 V Bigrick
I can't remember what score it was between me and Engy, only that I won so I just put 3-2.
The round 3 draw is coming tomorrow night so please try and get as many Round 2 games played as possible.