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Men v Women - Competition or freak show

edited November 2009 in The Shed
2 b fair anastasia is fit


  • edited November 2009
    Was watching the darts live on itv4 tonight and seen the russian girl beat the male player (wont embarrass him). Reminded me of when, a couple of years ago Anneka Sorrenstam played golf in the mens tour to much hype. It wasnt a competition as such, it was a freak show for ratings, we all know women cant throw lol, and men are stronger - ye ha , but this keeps comming up. Once upon a time you ladies would be happy with your bingo lol, now you women are getting into all our domains lol. I believe its time for all us men to put a halt on these women undermining our prowess and stay away from the mens side of the game - what do you all think - im off to do the ironing now i'll read the replies later if she lets me lol.
  • edited November 2009
    She didnt have to play that weel tho, yeah she got a couple of ncie checkouts but her average was poor, it was just vincent was even worse
  • edited November 2009
    brave loony very very brave thread ,

    wish you luck with it ,

    mmmm your going to need it lol.

    oh and yes they can win but must be topless lol
  • edited November 2009
    i would be happy if they played against me cause they are rubbish at sports and should only be in the kitchen making me sandwiches.
  • edited November 2009
    I vote no....

    Yes, biology shows us that men are stronger, bones/muscle wise, hence needing more calories to keep them healthy so men and women shouldn't compete against eachother....

    However shush with your sexist comments lol! It doesn't mean there shouldn't be a womens league to every sport....
  • edited November 2009
    Some things should remain a male preserve, but because of the equality laws they are allowed out the kitchen for far too long lol.

    Women should keep to their own version of sports and mixed competition is a mis-match, apart from sports that use external help eg, Show jumping, then the horse does the work really.

    Equality blows, try joining the WRVS if your male, it's not allowed lol.
  • edited November 2009
    There was a guy called Bobby Riggs with the same attitude to sport and took on Billie Jean King at tennis, the rest is history.
  • edited November 2009
    I voted yes,
    If they are good enough in that desired sport why not, but the big issue is the physical sports like footy and rugby

    I wanted to vote for the bottom one aswell but it wouldnt let
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    There was a guy called Bobby Riggs with the same attitude to sport and took on Billie Jean King at tennis, the rest is history.
    Posted by Torryladd
    Yeh but he was at the end of his career and she was in her prime lol, no female would beat the likes of feddera or Nadal
  • edited November 2009
    Didn't she have an adams apple! lol
  • edited November 2009

    what  about  that  germans   woman  football  team  one   of  them  was  knocking ten  bells  out  of  another  one 

  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show : Yeh but he was at the end of his career and she was in her prime lol, no female would beat the likes of feddera or Nadal
    Posted by loonytoons
    Tell you what loony, I have seen many a woman whip a mans a rse lol
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    I have seen many a woman whip a mans a rse lol
    Posted by Torryladd
    Where abouts is that place and how much do they charge? ;-) lol
  • edited November 2009
      I am a true believer in equality which seems to put me in the minority. My only problem in any sport whatsoever is when there are 2 run parrellel one for women only and one that is open to men and women.

      In the case of anastasia in the darts since she has joined the pdc she no longer plays in women only tournaments.

      You see it in poker. There are no men only tournaments but you do have women only ones.In something like poker there is noreason why one gender should have any advantage over the other so it is time the women only tournaments should stop. They have very little value anyway due to the fact that most of the top women players in the world refuse to play in them.
  • edited November 2009
    what about this equal prizemoney for men and women in tennis then?

    The poor guys can be out there for 5 hours playing a best of 5 sets match, while the women pop out for 60 minutes and notch up a 6-1 6-0 victory without breaking sweat.  And then there's the grunting and the shrieking.

    What does everyone think? Is the equal prizemoney fair?
  • edited November 2009
    Make the women play best of 5 sets as well in the grand slams.The rest of the year the men and women often play only best of 3 sets.
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    Was watching the darts live on itv4 tonight and seen the russian girl beat the male player (wont embarrass him). Reminded me of when, a couple of years ago Anneka Sorrenstam played golf in the mens tour to much hype. It wasnt a competition as such, it was a freak show for ratings, we all know women cant throw lol, and men are stronger - ye ha , but this keeps comming up. Once upon a time you ladies would be happy with your bingo lol, now you women are getting into all our domains lol. I believe its time for all us men to put a halt on these women undermining our prowess and stay away from the mens side of the game - what do you all think - im off to do the ironing now i'll read the replies later if she lets me lol.
    Posted by loonytoons
  • edited November 2009
    I remember when the first woman linesman (linesperson?) was introduced in the football league. Needless to say she got a fair bit of stick anytime she made a mistake.

    It won't be long before there's a woman in charge at a football club either. In fact, I do believe there were rumours a while ago about the womens England team manager being approached for the Grimsby job a short while ago.
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    I remember when the first woman linesman (linesperson?) was introduced in the football league. Needless to say she got a fair bit of stick anytime she made a mistake. It won't be long before there's a woman in charge at a football club either. In fact, I do believe there were rumours a while ago about the womens England team manager being approached for the Grimsby job a short while ago.
    Posted by silentbob
    Say no more, a ladies football national coach cant even get a job at Grimsby lol, when the only candidate lol
  • edited November 2009
    i don't believe there's any reason that women should not be on an equal footing with men, whatever the sport

    as long as they've got all their housework done first
  • edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show:
    In Response to Re: Men v Women - Competition or freak show : Say no more, a ladies football national coach cant even get a job at Grimsby lol, when the only candidate lol
    Posted by loonytoons
  • edited November 2009

    Continuing on the tennis theme, didn't Serena or Venus challenge any male player outside the top 200 early this millennium?

    I don't remember the specifics, but I think the guy ranked 201 accepted and beat her comfortably. I think that's what happened, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also, it's outrageous that women get paid the same as men in tennis, they do 40% less work! This would not be allowed in any other form of employment, why is it in tennis? I would really like to know.
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