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My turbo dym challenge

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat
After a couple of nice cashes last nite i have a roll to play dyms i prefer the turbo 1s as they only take 10 mins to play on average and can get alot more games per hour and builds c4p quicker so gonna set myself a target of 2k in points as i have hardly any hope i do this i am writing this to keep me in check really so gives me a target a goal or i might donk it of all on cash lol i be playing 2 tables so should get 6-8 games in a hour i seem to do ok on the turbo 1s more then the standard dyms higher variance i must admit with the blinds up every 2 mins but i feel i have a edge as i pick my spots very well and always looking at the clock make sure the blinds are up after me :)  i also be playing the frenzys later as i have a edge on those seem to get a good roi in them  anyway wish me luck  from steve 


  • edited June 2012
    All the best Steve.

    However i've said this elsewhere so i'll say it again here.

    I believe the turbo dyms @ 10% rake are unbeatable over a decent sample of 2k+ games. 

    If you earn 10k+ c4p playing these then i guess thats the best way to make money from these.

    Having said all that i wish you well and hope you can prove me wrong.
  • edited June 2012
    gl in your challenge DONK, if you stick with just the dym's and frezy's you might be OK.
    but don't tilit on cash if down a little bit.

    hope you do well today, gl all at the tables.
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks tree thats why i posted this so i dont tilt gotta learn to be controlled with my money stay away from cash lol yeah i post up every long session i have how many i have won lost etc and splashies yeah rake is a bummer but i have a good record from turbo dyms then normal dyms my last long session i had on them played 22 cashed in 16 so done ok i agree its higher variance just dnt like 30 mins a game unless u multi table which my laptop can only allow 4 tables max 
  • edited June 2012
    I challenge you to learn how to use fullstops.

    Once you learn how to write English, you can try learning how to play poker.:)
  • edited June 2012
    haha. spades. lol. ....
  • edited June 2012

    Don't think you'll be able to beat turbo dyms Steve.

    You wont make any money @ them, and your cash for points wont be very big either if you're not hitting 10k+

    Frenzies I have my doubts about too. 

    Why not start playing HU turbos? They last 10 minutes too and at least people can make money at them. 
  • edited June 2012
    frenzys i have a edge doehhhh i cant tell u my secret i spun up £30 to over £200 before on them theres a certain way to play them cant say anymore then that  im ok at heads up need more experiance at it i feelmore comftable top 3 pay out of 6 then a 1 vs 1 hu when it all ends up in a flip usually for a cash so gambling ?
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: My turbo dym challenge:
    frenzys i have a edge doehhhh i cant tell u my secret i spun up £30 to over £200 before on them theres a certain way to play them cant say anymore then that  im ok at heads up need more experiance at it i feelmore comftable top 3 pay out of 6 then a 1 vs 1 hu when it all ends up in a flip usually for a cash so gambling ?
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    you do realise that most bubble situations in turbo dyms, everyone has 5bb or even less?
  • edited June 2012
    yeah i understand that blinds 200/400 with average stack 1.5k never usually gets that far tho alot of people play crazy early stages :)
  • edited June 2012
    You keep referring to your short term results to justify your plans Steve, but the problem is your samples are far too small.

    You said you cashed 16 out of 22 turbo dyms, and then turned £30 into £200 in frenzys....

    These samples are tiny and you shouldn't make conclusions about being able to beat the games until you've played a thousand of each. 

    It's your money and your choice, but I think combining turbo dyms and frenzies isn't going to work long term.

    There are turbo games out there that are beatable, people have proved they're beatable by smashing them over thousands of games. I don't think anyone has done that on skys dyms, and I doubt they ever will. Loads have tried too.

    I wish you well though, hope you can prove me wrong.
  • edited June 2012
    thanks dohhh i have played frenzys for over a year now and really should just stick to them because i do well but soon as i build a roll i donk of on cash my ego gets better of me :( im staying away from cash me and this other guy play frenzys all the time i pm  u hes alias have a look at hes stats very impressive :) my stats are ok all on frenzys tho nothing compared to hes 
  • edited June 2012
    i have pm you u be like woooooow when u see stats :) 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: My turbo dym challenge:
    i have pm you u be like woooooow when u see stats :) 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    The stats that dont include all the rebuys you make, u mean?
  • edited June 2012
    Good luck with this Donk, but as others have said, I imagine the turbo DYMs are virtually unbeatable. I'm not saying there isn't, I genuinely don't know if there is, but is there anyone on Sky that has beat these, so you could check their SS.

    With the relatively low ROIs that can be acheived at regular DYMs by even the best players, I can't imagine what kinda ROI anyone could hope to acheive from Turbos long term. For how much money and time you put in, you might aswell start playing HU Turbos. It aint just gambling by the way and won't always come down to a flip if you're good.
  • edited June 2012
    good luck idcu,
  • edited June 2012
    thanks dev  thanks paul i will try the heads up hypers just need more hu experience maybe give u  a game today paul if your free only small buy in mind 
  • edited June 2012
    splashies i think it includes that its all roi is it not ? so if u do 6 rebuys at £1.25 and sattelite in u get roi of £14.50 so i think it does include the rebuys
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: My turbo dym challenge:
    splashies i think it includes that its all roi is it not ? so if u do 6 rebuys at £1.25 and sattelite in u get roi of £14.50 so i think it does include the rebuys
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    No sharkscope doesnt include any rebuys on sky. so if the person your on about rebuys on average 6 times then their stats on scope are basically meaningless.

    It probably seems like I'm having a go at you and trying to put you down, but I'm just trying to make you realise you won't make money at these games.

    You're better than a lot of players on sky and you can easily make more money playing other games.

    Either way this thread is going to be popular.

    Good luck.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah SS doesn't count rebuys at all, so if you do a £2.20 Frenzy into the £33 BH, it will show as you making £30.80 profit when actually someone might have rebought 10 times and not made anywhere near that.

    Yeah I'll play some hypers with you later if ya want, £1s if ya like. Although I did mean you should try Turbos. Hypers are a very different beast but Turbos play alot more like a standard HU game.
  • edited June 2012
    ok cool paul im on most of the day so when ya free find me and we have a game its ok splashies i know your not having a go but i will stick to the frenzys as i do ok 
  • edited June 2012
    just a small session so far in a hours play played 6 cashed in for so profit of £7 i be playing them 2nite if not 2 drunk after the football be playing frenzys from half 4 onward till 8pm 
  • edited June 2012
    had a good nite on mtts 2 cashes started bankroll before todays play £120 IDONKCALLU960001£50 + 10 League Points IDONKCALLU430001£75 + 10 League Points                                                                                                                                       with todays dyms i played £235 of to play some turbo dyms now 
  • edited June 2012
    played another 8 in the last hour cashed in 3 :( kept getting small pairs to shove with up against higher pairs oh well  - £14    b/r was £235 now £221 still good with a £20 deposit had a few drinks now so might call it a nite or i might go on cash tables :/
  • edited June 2012
    just play 2 hours before bed on turbo dyms played 13 cashed in 9  so made £19.50 profit played some mtts bubbled in 2 :( - £13.20  bankroll start of day  £221  end of day £227.30 back on the turbo dyms 2moro after i see my dad in nursing home for fathers day then playing some tennis so be back on around 4pm 
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah I saw you bubble in one Donk, it was the one Emma went on to take down for £75 :p unlucky in that one.

    Doing well so far though, keep it up, and keep off the high stakes cash lol.
  • edited June 2012
    cheers paul emma made a mistake in that 3 left blinds 600 / 1.2k  this guy shoved 1.9k i called hoping emma would so 2 vs 1 then cashed but she folded 4 2 tbh its never a fold but her money do what she liked but crazy fold imo shoulda come 2nd in that game easy the guy doubled up 3 times in a row then i called with a 10 vs jj :( hey ho made a profit on the day cant moan keep making £6 a day soon adds up :) 
  • edited June 2012
    To be fair, I don't think it was as easy as a call as you say. The blinds were 400/800 for a start, so she had to call 1k to join in.

    1. She doesn't know you'll check it down.

    2. She's very likely to either help treble up the shorty OR he get's knocked out but she just donates another 2k to your stack.

    She had a pretty decent chip lead (but one that was easily catchable with a few lose calls) and I don't think she needed to call and A) help you cash AND B) make stacks closer for the HU.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: My turbo dym challenge:
    To be fair, I don't think it was as easy as a call as you say. The blinds were 400/800 for a start, so she had to call 1k to join in. 1. She doesn't know you'll check it down. 2. She's very likely to either help treble up the shorty OR he get's knocked out but she just donates another 2k to your stack. She had a pretty decent chip lead (but one that was easily catchable with a few lose calls) and I don't think she needed to call and A) help you cash AND B) make stacks closer for the HU.
    Posted by Lambert180
    What did the maths say??? I bet it didn't calculate fold..... :) just my two pennies worth , sorry....
  • edited June 2012
    No worries Wayne. I don't know to be honest lol.

    Stacks were something like:

    Emma    12k
    Donk      7k
    Shorty   1.9k

    400/800, situation as above. I mean it's not like it's a DYM where everyone get's the same, it's 3 left, nothing for 3rd, £25 for 2nd and £75 for 1st, so a decent jump and obviously Emma's going for the win. If Donk flops a monster, does he check it down? Of course not, he's going for the win too.

    Dunno, maybe it's wooly thinking, I wouldn't know how to work out the maths anyway lol.
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